The State of SCNRFP The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People
An International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Unaligned Nation and State (Country), a Theocracy Government
Government Email Address:
State of SCNRFP does not agree with, nor support, nor participate in with colonization, rather we believe in peaceful, fair and equal self-determination and sovereignty. We support preserving traditional institutions, customs, and values. We support individual freedom, limited government, rule of law, peace through moral strength, fiscal responsibility, equal free markets, and human dignity. We believe in hope, prosperity, safety, and peace no matter of race, color, religion, spirituality, or creed, we are one human race. We do not support neocolonialism, cultural imperialism, nor exploitation, we believe in moral leadership.
The State of SCNRFP as a neutral unaligned State poses no kind of threat to life, liberty, economic, and social. We believe in respecting both our culture and traditions and that of others. As a theocracy, we are a government by the Creator.
The State of SCNRFP is in keeping with Diplomatic Decorum, Protocol, and Etiquette.
Diplomacy is the art and practice of building and maintaining relationships and conducting negotiations with people using tact and mutual respect.
The United Nations is neither a State nor a Government, and therefore does not possess any authority to recognize either a State or a Government.
The State of SCNRFP and Its Citizens Observes Our Government's Separation of Governmental Powers, Designated Capitals, and Functions of both The Central Government and The Tribal Government: to include but not limited to the Defined Boundaries, Foreign and Domestic Jurisdictions, Diplomatic Offices, Extraterritorial Trade Mission Offices (ETMO), International Foreign Territories, under International Diplomacy Agreements and Treaties with the Foreign Hosting Countries and Governments. These Sovereign Jurisdictions respect International Law and are under the Laws and Rights of The State of SCNRFP Central Government and Tribal SCNRFP Government, and both being a Separation of Governmental Powers, with both being under the Ruling Power of The Supreme Authority of The Theocracy Government who is Divinely Guided by The Sovereign Authority of The Great Spirit Creator.
Historically, the collapse of tribes into one another with the population collapse due to the Colonial Contact Holocaust leaving a cultural shatter zone, and the subsequent agglomeration of peoples. We are descendants from those who remained and returned to the promised homeland. This cause and effect of imposed contact holocaust, subsequent agglomeration along with evolution still continues today whereby we have banned together in keeping our way of life. We were the holdouts within the defined boundaries and descendants from the survivors of what remained by all means possible to still exist today.
The State of SCNRFP Continues Growing and Transforming, thus Evolving while maintaining our ancient past and form of government a Theocracy. We continue to follow the traditional ways provided by the Creator and under the Theocracy Government as our government continues moving forward.
The following will further assist to explain the Separation of Governmental Powers of Our Central Government and Tribal Government Both Under the Theocracy Government:
The State of SCNRFP, International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State (Country), a Theocracy Government and a Peaceful Non-Aligned Country located within the State of SCNRFP Recognized Sovereign Foreign Jurisdictions and Boundaries, Global Foreign Diplomatic Offices and Foreign Territories Under International Diplomacy Agreements, International Accords, and a Foreign Capital. We are not a colonizer and poses no threat.
The tribal nation remains within the original defined boundaries while State of SCNRFP is a recognized country by a number of member states of the United Nations. The tribal nation SCNRFP only conducts Internal Tribal Affairs and has tribal members and adoptions as was traditional, while the recognized country handles all State and International Affairs only, thus the central government conducts state affairs and foreign affairs and has added an additional citizenship as with all other countries with the ability to have dual citizenship and citizens born within our country. The State of SCNRFP operates from within their international foreign jurisdictions under diplomacy agreements, and does not operate within the boundaries of America, while the Tribal Nation conducts Internal Tribal Affairs only from within the 1785 boundaries, but does No Commerce in America, rather cultural and traditional activities, and social and humanitarian activities only. Tribal members continue to live throughout the 1785 boundaries and elsewhere, and remain lineage or adopted by a clan family, while the State of SCNRFP has citizens and dual citizens just like any other recognized country. The Tribal Nation has an office within the 1785 Boundaries today where the Principal Chief office resides today known as Tanasi, while The State of SCNRFP has offices within the International Foreign jurisdictions under diplomacy agreements as many are listed on the Recognition Page on this government website, where the Prime Minister office resides today, and The State of SCNRFP holds no diplomatic office and conducts No Commerce in America. Some members of the SCNRFP living in the treaty boundaries are descendants of Trail of Tears survivors, some of whom made it to Oklahoma and then walked back home. Others are descended from Cherokee who managed to keep land they owned and did not march West. Under the 1819 treaty some Cherokee had taken land and were allowed to remain. Others hid in the mountains and refused to be relocated.
The State of SCNRFP is known as "The Real State of Peace" With Having Global Partnering Countries, However, We Are and Remain a "Non Aligned State". We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness" Our DNA is of Sky and Earth.
We are the State of SCNRFP, We we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Aniyvwiya (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, also spelled Anigiduwagi), translating as "Principal People". Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ) and with having citizens and dual general citizens globally. We are not what is considered a westerner that is rather associated with European Countries and the Americans of the United Colonies who changed their name and adopted their name as the United States by the Second Continental Congress on September 9, 1776.
We have chosen to remain a sovereign independent from the "United Colonies", however, we were recognized via treaties and otherwise by these colonial empires that came to Turtle Island. Today we still choose to remain a sovereign independent, we did not sign a Charter with the U.S. as not to become part of any of their branches and agencies, and have not received any money from their country so as to not become a domestic dependent. We would only accept foreign aid as a sovereign country like any other country globally, however will not accept any foreign aid that comes with strings attached.
Under the Theocracy Government there is a separation of governmental powers between The State of SCNRFP, the Central Government (Country) and the Traditional Tribal Government SCNRFP tribal nation, both powers are under the Theocracy.
The State of SCNRFP Central Government conducts all of the State Affairs offshore within the foreign jurisdictions, ETMOs and Foreign Territories under International Diplomacy Agreements between the Hosting Countries and Governments, and The State of SCNRFP Central Government. While the SCNRFP traditional tribal government conducts internal tribal affairs ONLY from Turtle Island treaty boundaries known today as North America by the non native warring occupiers.
The separation of governmental powers and the existence of more than one capital is not uncommon, in fact there is a long presence as such with a number of UN countries globally who have done the same for generations.
Therefore, after being recognized as an international independent sovereign neutral State (country) the State of SCNRFP enacted a separation of powers. All State affairs of the State of SCNRFP Central Government are conducted within the Foreign Jurisdictions , to include the Foreign Diplomatic Offices and Foreign Territories under International Diplomacy Agreements between the two countries and governments, while all tribal affairs of SCNRFP traditional tribal government are conducted under internal tribal affairs within its treaty boundaries located in Turtle Island, so as to have no conflict of government missions and purpose, and said rights of the government to perform their respective duties. The separation of governmental powers was chosen on the basis of State and Tribal recognitions, while keeping the integrity of both the recognized State and the tribal nation.
Thus, both have a respective capital whereby the State capital is responsible for the State Affairs and the traditional tribal government is responsible for the internal tribal affairs ONLY, with both having an independent leader of government, thus a State of SCNRFP Central Government leader is the (Prime Minister) and a Cabinet and the Traditional Tribal Government leader of the tribal government is the (Traditional Tribal Chief). Again, the Traditional Tribal Government ONLY handles Internal Tribal Affairs, not any State Central Government Affairs, such as any services provided by the State Central Government are provided via the International Diplomacy Agreements from the ETMO and International Foreign Territories.
The Central Government of the State of SCNRFP and the Traditional Tribal Government are both under the leadership and authority of the Theocracy Government as a Theocracy Government as a whole by the Chief High Priest, by which is common practice by known Theocracies globally, including a number of U.N. member States who have remained a Theocracy beyond the "Age of Enlightenment".
We are a Theocracy Government, and as such we do so in keeping with all the Prophecies and Visions of the Creator.
As a Neutral Peaceful State We Have Global Partners, However, We Are and Remain a Neutral Peaceful Non Aligned State.
Peace and Unity with All is Freedom, However, Freedom comes with Responsibility.
Our Theocracy today is in keeping with our Spiritual Way of Life. Practicing and Fulfilling Past, Present, and Future Visions and Prophecies of our peoples and that of other origins found to be of Truth and Wisdom. While recognizing our traditions practiced today were once new, therefore staying true to the visions and prophies of the past, and those that present themselves today, and those to come by which are supported by Truth and Wisdom. We honor and respect Truth and Wisdom from where it may come and our Holy Men Priesthood seeks to practice these Truths and Wisdom from whence it comes. Our Theocracy is an evolution of these fulfillments in practice of these Truths and Wisdom received.
Historical Traditions and Culture: The Ani-kutani (ᎠᏂᎫᏔᏂ) are the ancient priesthood of the Tsigamogi, Chickamauga, and Cherokee. The Ani-Kutani "fire priests" that existed in historic times. AniKutani of the Eshheeloarchie. According to Cherokee legend, the Ani-Kutani many were slain during a mass uprising by the Cherokee people approximately 300 years prior to European contact, however, the religion, practices, teachings, and priesthood continue. They are the hereditary clan. The Ani'Kuta'ni supervised religious ceremonies. They are mound builders who lived in the Appalachian lands later settled by the Cherokees.
Historically, the collapse of tribes into one another with the population collapse of the Contact Holocaust leaving a cultural shatter zone, and the subsequent agglomeration of peoples. We are descendants from those who remained and returned to the promise homeland. This cause and effect of imposed contact holocaust, subsequent agglomeration along with evolution still continues today whereby we have banned together in keeping our way of life.
Today, we are the descendants of what remained by all means possible, and those that made their way back to the promise homeland, and still exist today. We continue to follow the traditional ways provided by The Great Spirit Creator and under the Theocracy Government of the Ancient Axe of Authority as our government continues.
State of SCNRFP (Traditional Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Aniyvwiyaʔi (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, also spelled Anigiduwagi), translating as "Principal People". Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ) and with having citizens and dual citizens globally, and many other peoples now refer themselves to the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP, in the same tradition, spirit, and way as Dragging Canoe and Tecumseh did with those in times past. ) A coming together. For all who truly desire to be connected to the The Great Spirit Creator.
Thus, we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Aniyvwiyaʔi (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, also spelled Anigiduwagi), translating as "Principal People". Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ) and with having citizens and dual citizens globally, and historically other Indigenous Peoples via Lineage, Adoptions, Assimilations throughout our historic timeline, and historically those non Indigenous that become internal relationships, and today we now also have dual citizens globally as a recognized international independent country.
We are the first tribal nation to become recognized as an independent country today, under the laws of The Theocracy Government
We are Historical and Living People who are Led by Prophecies and Visions.
Ancient Axe of Authority of the Ani-Kutani
There are multiple Cherokees in the same way there are multiple Congo, Guinea, Sudan and other countries. There is upper/overhill, middle, outer, valley, mountain, and lower. Many confuse us with the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, we are not the Cherokee Nation. We are not a charter nation under the United State of America and under U.S. the control and not a charter nation, their recognition, portions of their sovereignty, controls their land under the U.S. BIA and U.S. Department of Interior they are not recognized as a international independent sovereign neutral country, however we are recognized as a sovereign country. The lower Cherokee was part of the upper/overhill Cherokee until they separated just like South Sudan and Sudan become two separate independents and become separate unsurrendered boundaries. Today, the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People Tribal Nation is made up of also Tsigamogi, Chicomongie, Chickamauga and Lower Cherokee and Chickamauga has always been separate and independent. Today the tribe remains tribal and only handles internal tribal affairs, not any international affairs, nor any outside affairs, rather the State of SCNRFP is the Central Government, a Recognized International Independent Sovereign Neutral Nation and State (Country), Under The Theocracy Government which is and operates like any other as a country within the countries that recognize the State of SCNRFP as a country globally under mutual recognition and international diplomacy agreements and does not handle the tribal affairs, rather the State of SCNRFP handles the global affairs from its foreign territories and foreign diplomatic offices, thus foreign jurisdictions. None of the benefits that The State of SCNRFP offers the foreign countries stem from America nor from the tribe but rather from the State of SCNRFP only and only from the State of SCNRFP foreign jurisdictions (foreign territories, foreign diplomatic offices, and foreign islands under completion). The Separation of Powers, The State of SCNRFP Central Government, the tribal government, both under the third separation of governmental power that of The Theocracy Government.
Our Traditions today were once new.
As our Ancestors before us stood on the mound and reached for the heavens, we shall stand on the mound and feel the power and allow the receipt of purified blessing and the directing of evil and danger away from us. This power shall also divert us from greed, gossip, murder, witchcraft, treason and injustice.
We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness" A Theocracy Government traditionally located within the Recognized Sovereign Jurisdictions and located within the offshore foreign diplomatic offices located globally, and foreign territorial boundary jurisdictions located globally via 8a. & 8.b. international agreements. Any affairs with regards to the State of SCNRFP are located geographically within a State of SCNRFP recognized foreign capital and foreign territories and foreign diplomatic offices. State government functions are currently carried out only within these foreign offshore locations. Ancient Axe of Authority of the AniKutani
We hold that signs, visions, dreams, and powers were all gifts of the spirits, and that their world was intertwined with and presided over by the spirit world.
We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness"
Historically A Theocracy Government traditionally located within the Recognized Sovereign Jurisdictions and Sovereign Treaty Boundaries located in the beautiful Mountains of the Blue Ridge, Appalachian, and Great Smoky Mountains via treaties. Any tribal government affairs have remained domestic capital and towns within our traditional treaty boundaries and homeland. Traditional government functions are currently carried out only within the treaty boundaries locations. Ancient Axe of Authority of the Ani-Kutani
We hold that signs, visions, dreams, and powers were all gifts of the spirits, and that their world was intertwined with and presided over by the spirit world.
Los Gentes en (or in) Dios , meaning “the people in God.”
We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness"
A Theocracy Government located within the traditional sovereign boundaries and within the recognized foreign sovereign boundaries and recognized sovereign offshore territories. Theocracy government functions are carried out within both the Traditional and State government jurisdictions.
Ancient Axe of Authority of the Ani-Kutani
The Cox Mound, or Woodpecker (S'akwa), gorget style is a particularly beautiful and enduring symbol of Tennessee's prehistoric inhabitants. A gorget was a pendant, or personal adornment, worn around the neck as a badge of rank or insignia of status. Just over thirty Cox Mound-style gorgets have been found since the late nineteenth century, primarily from prehistoric Mississippian stone box graves and villages along the lower Tennessee, Cumberland, Duck, Harpeth, and Buffalo Rivers of Middle Tennessee, and the middle Tennessee River valley of northern Alabama. Typically, Cox Mound gorgets were manufactured on exotic marine shell and were white in color, although slate versions have been found. A Cox Mound gorget has three important iconographic elements. In the center is the yati: a cross inside a rayed circle or sun motif. The cross is symbolic of the sacred, community fire. The sun represents the Yuchi deity. Surrounding the cross and sun is a scroll-like design element known as the rainbow path. It represents our path trough life & is part of several dances on the Rainbow Square Grounds of the Green Corn Rite. Typically the looped square is composed of four lines, but in some cases only three lines are used. Four crested bird heads, which represent pileated woodpeckers, are found on the outer edge. The woodpecker heads always are oriented in a counterclockwise direction, suggestive of the prehistoric Native American swastika. The S'akwaya gorget was worn by priest scribes, and not war chiefs as has been theorized. The proof that they were not war symbols is that both men and women wore them and were buried with them. A scribe was called S'akwaya as was the famous Sequoyah, the scribe who rendered Cherokee into the Mesoamerican Syllabary structure.
We hold that signs, visions, dreams, and powers were all gifts of the spirits, and that their world was intertwined with and presided over by the spirit world.
We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness"
We are a Spiritual Theocracy Government and Matriarchal Society. The Great Spirit Creator is the True Sovereign Over All Things Under The Great Spirit Creator's Control. State of SCNRFP Government is Under the Supreme Authority and Sovereignty of The Great Spirit Creator. The Great Spirit Creator is the "sovereign of all by an incontestable right as The Great Spirit Creator, owner, and possessor of heaven and earth." Sovereignty is an Attribute of The Great Spirit Creator based upon the premise that The Great Spirt Creator who created heaven and earth has absolute right and full authority to do or allow whatever The Great Spirt Creator desires.
We here are led by The Great Spirit Creator, Sacred Visions and Prophecies, the Ancient Order of the Priesthood, the Ancient Axe of Authority and the Sacred Teachings.
The State of SCNRFP is a Theocracy Government by which The Great Spirt Creator is Recognized as the Supreme Ruling Authority, Giving Divine Guidance to Human Intermediaries that Manage the Day to Day Affairs of our Government. Our Sacred Visions and Prophecies are Divine Guidance.
State of SCNRFP is an Uncodified Constitution Country: An "uncodified constitution" is a constitution made up of rules that are found from various documents in the absence of a single document or written constitution. The documents used as references may include commentaries by judiciary and legal experts. The uncodified constitution is sometimes referred to as “unwritten constitution” although this is not entirely accurate as its elements are written down in several official documents. Under the uncodified constitution, new conditions and situations of government are resolved by precedent or passing legislation. Other Countries having an Uncodified Constitution are Israel, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Canada, San Marino, and Sweden.
Our Divine Promise Land was divinely provided by The Great Spirt Creator of all, whereby it has been the land of our past generations and shall be the land of our offspring of the generations to come whereby we are the stewards of the land. This divine land is linked to identity, culture, and history and is both physical and spiritual to us. An example of stewardship: "The Great Spirit Creator took the man and put him into the garden to dress it and to keep it." Mother Earth is Sacred.
Any tribal government affairs have remained domestic capital and towns within our traditional treaty boundaries and homeland. Separately any affairs with regards to the State of SCNRFP is located geographically within a State of SCNRFP recognized foreign capital and foreign territories and foreign diplomatic offices.
Our Road to Freedom
We Shall Rise Out of the Ashes Like a Phoenix:
Timeline as a Government:
• A Known Evolution of People Since Time Immemorial
• An Ancient Spiritual Society and Mound Builders
• An Ancient Sovereign Nation and Organized Government
• A Recognized Regent Since 1730 by England
• A Recognized Sovereign Treaty Nation for Over 400 Years with having treaties with Spain, France, England, U.S.A.
•A Signer and Member of the NNIA Treaty - International Convention Since 2015 NNIA is a IGO with 3000+ tribal nation(governments) representing over 400 million people.
•A Recognized International Independent Sovereign State Since 2015 by a number of United Nations Countries Globally on every continent.
• State of SCNRFP Foreign Diplomatic Offices Since 2016, known as Extraterritorial (Diplomatic) Trade Mission Offices (ETMO)
• State of SCNRFP Foreign Off-Shore Territories Since 2020, these Foreign Jurisdictions are equal to that of Constituent States. A constituent state is a state entity that constitutes a part of a sovereign state. A constituent state is a state entity that constitutes a part of a sovereign state. A constituent state holds regional jurisdiction over a defined administrative territory, within a sovereign state. Government of a constituent state is a form of regional government.
State of SCNRFP: (we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Aniyvwiyaʔi (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, also spelled Anigiduwagi), translating as "Principal People". Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ) and with having citizens and dual citizens globally)
•As Tsigamogi has always been an independent sovereign and remains so today
•As Chicomogie, Chickamauga Cherokee has always been sovereign and became independent of that of the Overhill/Upper Cherokee in the 1700's and again confirmed by letters between the Overhill/Upper Cherokee and U.S. President Thomas Jefferson in 1809 sharing the sovereign boundary.
•As Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP has always been sovereign and became Internationally recognized as an International Independent Sovereign Nation and State by a number of Member Nations of the United Nations which began in 2015 and ongoing. ____________________________________________________________Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP
• Our Enclave in America is Under Our Treaty Boundary
• Our Foreign Off-Shore Sovereign Diplomatic Offices Globally Are Under International Agreements with the Foreign Hosting Nations
• Our Foreign Off-Shore Sovereign Territories Globally Are Under International Agreements with the Foreign Hosting Nations.
• Our Foreign Off-Shore Diplomatic Offices and Foreign Off-Shore Sovereign Territories Globally Are Separate from that of Our Treaties and Enclave in America. State of SCNRFP is a Theocracy that follows the visions and prophecies of the Creator of all. Be A Part of the Awakening
We hold that signs, visions, dreams, and powers were all gifts of the spirits, and that their world was intertwined with and presided over by the spirit world.
Divine Visions and Prophecy is our Guide:
Be A Part of the Awakening. Become Connected.
Los Gentes en (or in) Dios , meaning “the people in God.”
We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness"
The State of SCNRFP exists and operates solely by All of the Sacred Prophecies and Visions provided by the Creator the Great Spirit.
Sovereign Restoration was Revealed in Vision and Prophecy Confirmed Received by a Seer who Revealed and Being Fulfilled by the State of SCNRFP and who are Supporting Tribes Globally to Receive this Vision Revealed and Prophecy Confirmed for each tribe and all Indigenous Peoples in a Good Way. Seer's Vision and Prophecy was Confirmed by Traditional Elder Wenusko
In a the Same Way, The NNIA Treaty was Delivered to a Seer who is a member of the SCNRFP and the NNIA has been made available for all in a Good Way.
There has been many visions and prophecies since the beginning of time given to our people from The Great Spirt Creator. One was our facing the hardships we have faced which made the prophecy of the Phoenix that much more real. It was believed that as the Phoenix bird reached the end of its lifespan, the Phoenix built a huge nest and set itself and the nest on fire. Out of the ashes a new Phoenix was born. The idea behind a new, stronger Phoenix rising from the ashes is that it shall provide a real sign of hope that there are happier times ahead for our people. We remain tied to the prophecy, and we are rising out of the ashes like a Phoenix with becoming a recognized state.
Another age-old prophecy by The Great Spirt Creator was foretold centuries ago shared by our people while on trade referred to as "walking around the stone", followed by a vision by The Great Spirt Creator only a few years ago that confirmed the first vision, this vision is referred to as "walking around the wall", and prophecy fulfilled by our being recognized as an international independent sovereign state. In this modern world we have become a recognized state by a number of member nations of the United Nations and sovereign global territories as a state, however we have not lost nor forsaken our traditions. Removing not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. "Standing at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths", "ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
Long ago it was said, 'the white man would look on in disbelief as his sons and daughter began to adopt the Indian way. To learn what their fathers didn't understand. When a man realizes his oneness with all creation, when he realizes that at the center of the universe dwells a power greater than his self - this center is everywhere.
Our culture protects us from being controlled and assimilating into ways that are not our ways, to remain with the right path of life. We believe in one Creator, the Great Spirt and we believe in spirits in all, in that objects, places, and creatures are all a live and all possess a distinct spiritual essence. An example: "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.", "I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!", "when the evil spirt came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned."
Our divine promise land was divinely provided by The Great Spirt Creator of all, whereby it has been the land of our past generations and shall be the land of our offspring of the generations to come whereby we are the stewards of the land. This divine land is linked to identity, culture, and history and is both physical and spiritual to us. An example of stewardship: "The Great Spirt Creator took the man and put him into the garden to dress it and to keep it." The Great Spirit Creator calls us to be stewards or trustees of The Great Spirt Creator's creation, and The Great Spirit Creator's word reminds us that we are responsible to The Great Spirit Creator for the way we treat it. We’ve often forgotten this — but it’s still true, and when we ignore it, we not only hurt The Great Spirt Creator’s creation but we also hurt ourselves, for we are one with all of Creation, never treating any part of The Great Spirit Creator’s Creation with contempt. When we do, we are indirectly treating our Great Spirit Creator with contempt.
We are as a Primitive Traditional Nation and as a Evolution State in order to seek to restore balance.
We are traditionally civilized and proud of it. We are a reborn primitive who understand real power that cannot be controlled and mined by those who are the illusion instead of reality.
“The Pale One”, or “Keeper of the Mysteries” was a great teacher whose name is spoken only in ceremonies. When the people had forgotten their original instructions, neglected their spiritual duties, and become warlike, the Pale One came to rekindle the sacred wisdom fire. His body emitted great light, he appeared in many places at once and he spoke the languages of all creatures. The Teachings of the Pale One flourished throughout the Americas:
What walks, swims, flies, or creeps is in relationship; the mountains, streams, and valleys and all things are related to your thought and action.
What occurs around you and within you reflects your own mind and shows you the dream you are weaving.
Three principles of awakened mind guide enlightened action: will to see the Mystery as it is; intention to manifest one’s purpose for the benefit of all; courage to do what must be done.
Generosity of heart and action brings peace and abundance for all in the circle.
Respect for elders, clan, land, and nation inspires acts in harmony with the sacred law, good caretaking of the gifts received.
Action to benefit the land and the people unto seven generations shapes the consciousness of the Planetary Caretaker, dreaming those yet unborn, ever mindful of life’s unfolding.
To be in good relation, transforming patterns of separation, pacifying conflicting emotions, is to experience the wisdom within, still lake of Mystery.
Arising from these teachings are the precepts in the Code of Right Relationship:
As our Ancestors before us reached for the heavens, we shall stand and feel the power and receive the purified blessings and the directing of bad and danger away from us.
Open your heart, soul, and mind to The Great Spirit Creator and remain close to The Great Spirit Creator in giving first constant love and thanks to The Great Spirit Creator for each day, and follow the rhythms of nature, rise and retire with the Sun for every day is sacred
All life is sacred, honor, treat, and show total respect for all the Relations (Creation) with love
Care and Treat the Earth our Mother and all that dwell thereon with respect
Receive from the earth what is needed and nothing more
Do what needs to be done for the good of all, and work together for the benefit of all in a good way
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
Do what you know to be right and look after the well-being of mind, and body, and with dedicated spiritual respect and devotion
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good and be truthful and honest at all times, speak the truth and only the good in others
Seek real happiness everyday not just as a destination, with enjoying life’s journey, but leave no tracks
Take full responsibility for your actions….
True love and respect will accomplish all
The Pale Prophet who visited the Americas in the first century A.D. certainly knew how to make an entrance the people would never forget.
When the Spanish arrived they discovered through ancient rock art, cave paintings, indigenous legends, songs, thousands of books and artifacts found throughout the America’s that aside from Asian, Druid or Celtic, Egyptian or Phoenician’s, people of ancient Hebrew faith came to share knowledge, mine copper and trade with the indigenous nations as well.
In addition, the Spanish apparently discovered around two thousand years ago a white bearded healer and teacher, who wore long white robes and was called by various names according to tribe and location. He traveled throughout Polynesia and the America’s by ship accompanied by disciples he apparently left with some of the tribes when he moved on to other lands.
In 1963, L. Taylor Hansen; archaeologist, anthropologist and geologist wrote a book called “He Walked The America’s”. Hansen spent twenty-five years researching legends from different tribes all over the America’s, combing through museums, ruins, libraries and conversing with experts on folklore.
As quoted from the back of her book, “Almost two thousand years ago a mysterious white man walked from tribe to tribe among the American Nations. He came to Peru from the Pacific, he traveled through South and Central America, among the Mayans into Mexico and all of North America, then back to ancient Tula, from whence he departed across the Atlantic to the land of his origin. Who was this white Prophet who spoke a thousand languages, healed the sick, and raised the dead.”
According to plan, 2000 years ago it was crucial to seed and spread the teachings and knowledge across the planet for the sole intention of awakening humanity on a global level. Therefore, humanity has had the last two thousand years to integrate this knowledge and tools for spiritual development. Needless to say much of the original teachings of His Peace Religion in the Mid-East and eventually the majority of everywhere else were hidden, destroyed or twisted to serve a different plan for humanity; one of servitude to those in power.
He came to the America's to integrate the teachings after He completed His mission in the Mid-East ending with the crucifixion. However, He knew and foretold the Red Race that a new generation of the White Race would be coming to them and when they did, they needed to hide this sacred knowledge deep in the jungles, in caves and within their architecture until a time when humanity reached the end of the precession and this Great Shift. That at this time there would be enough who awakened to understand, honor and respect this knowledge, that it would be greatly needed by humanity to assist in their preparation for a new world.....a world of peace.
So here we are! Humanity is once again in between cycles 2000 yrs later, this time...... the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius...the time that has been foretold and talked about for the last 2000 years plus.
In Hansen’s introduction of “He Walked The America’s”, she begins by stating; “These are the legends of The Healer. This is the drama of Mahnt-Azoma or Tl-Acoma The Mighty, sometimes called Kate-Zahl, The Prophet. It is the story of a saintly white teacher, whose hands performed miracles of healing and who strange eyes, grey-green as the ocean, looked down the vistas of the future. His symbol woven into blankets, carved upon the walls of canyons, burned into pottery and danced in dances. His name is given to rushing rivers, tall white mountains, sacred forests and springs of never ending water.”
According to what Hansen learned, this Pale Prophet brought seeds for melons, squash, medicines, spices, clothing, chocolate and other foods to the America's. He taught them many ceremonies, baptismal and sacred marriage rites, most importantly, he taught them ceremonial dances to replace their belief in sacrifices.
Hansen goes on to describe his route; “The Prophet moved from South America up the Mississippi and by rivers throughout the Eastern states. From Michigan he went to Canada and from there to the Pacific Coast. Moving from there to the Pacific tribes by way of Grand Canyon and Havasupai, he went to the Pueblos and then down the Chichihua Valley to Tula and later Cholula. He apparently sailed with the merchants to South America. Returning, he left for the Mayan Empire and finally departed from Cosmul Island by ship for an island lying toward the sunrise over the sea.”
It is my strongest intention by sharing these traditional teaching is, to remind those who already carry this knowledge and to inform those who do not. It is all part of putting the truth out there. Most people have never heard of these teachings nor seen any evidence of anyone, let alone The Pale One being in the America's prior to Columbus (AKA).
What Sets Us Apart From Many Others:
We continue to also follow the teaching of the Ancient Priesthood, The Red Fire, as a Theocracy Government. Thus, we have always been and remain an independent People and Nation.
The Chickamauga Cherokee refers to a group that separated from the greater body of the Cherokee during the American Revolutionary War. The majority of the Cherokee people wished to make peace with the Americans near the end of 1776, following several military setbacks and American reprisals.
Chickamauga Dragging Canoe was an AniKutane (Cherokee/Yuchi) warrior that led a resistance.
The followers of the skiagusta (or red chief), Dragging Canoe, moved with him in the winter of 1776–77 down the Tennessee River away from their historic Overhill Cherokee towns. Relocated in a more isolated area, they established 11 new towns in order to gain distance from colonists' encroachments. The frontier Americans associated Dragging Canoe and his band with their new town on Chickamauga Creek and began to refer to them as the Chickamaugas. Five years later, the Chickamauga moved further west and southwest into present-day Alabama, establishing five larger settlements. They were then more commonly known as the Lower Cherokee. This term was closely associated with the people of these "Five Lower Towns".
"Chickamauga" towns
The original 'Chickamauga Towns' of Dragging Canoe's followers, along with the Hiwassee towns and the towns on the Tellico.
During the winter of 1776–77, Cherokee followers of Dragging Canoe, who had supported the British at the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, moved down the Tennessee River and away from their historic Overhill Cherokee towns. They established nearly a dozen new towns in this frontier area in an attempt to gain distance from encroaching European-American settlers.
Dragging Canoe and his followers settled at the place where the Great Indian Warpath crossed the Chickamauga Creek, near present-day Chattanooga, Tennessee. They named their town Chickamauga after the stream. The entire adjacent region was referred to in general as the Chickamauga area. American settlers adopted that term to refer to the militant Cherokee in this area as "Chickamaugas."
In 1782, militia forces under John Sevier and William Campbell destroyed the eleven Cherokee towns. Dragging Canoe led his people further down the Tennessee River, establishing five new, Lower Cherokee towns.
After the Revolutionary War, westward migration increased by pioneers from the new states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
"Five Lower Towns"
Dragging Canoe relocated his people west and southwest, into new settlements in Georgia centered on Running Water (now Whiteside) on Running Water Creek. The other towns founded at this time were: Nickajack (near the cave of the same name), Long Island (on the Tennessee River), Crow Town (at the mouth of Crow Creek), and Lookout Mountain Town (at the site of the current Trenton, Georgia). In time more towns developed to the south and west, and all these were referred to as the Lower Towns.
Constant war (Today We Are Recognized As A Neutral Government Globally)
Main article: Cherokee–American wars
The Chickamauga Cherokee became known for their uncompromising enmity against United States (US) settlers, who had pushed them out of their traditional territory. From Running Water town, Dragging Canoe led attacks on white settlements all over the American Southeast.
The Chickamauga/Lower Cherokee and the frontiersmen were continuously at war until 1794. Chickamauga warriors raided as far as Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia (along with members of the Northwestern Confederacy—which they helped establish). Because of a growing belief in the Chickamauga cause, as well as the US destruction of homes of other Native Americans, a majority of the Cherokee eventually came to be allied against the United States.
Following the death of Dragging Canoe in 1792, his hand-picked successor, John Watts, assumed control of the Lower Cherokee. Under Watts's lead, the Cherokee continued their policy of Indian unity and hostility toward European Americans. Watts moved his base of operations to Willstown to be closer to his Muscogee allies. Before this, he had concluded a treaty in Pensacola with the Spanish governor of West Florida, Arturo O'Neill de Tyrone, for arms and supplies with which to carry on the war.
Cherokee interactions
The Chickamauga Towns and the later Lower Towns were no different from the rest of the Cherokee than were other groups of historic settlements, known as the Middle Towns, Out Towns, (original) Lower Towns, Valley Towns, or Overhill Towns, which well established on the east and western sides of the Appalachian Mountains by the time the Europeans first encountered these people. The groupings did not constitute separate political entities, as much as indicate geographic groupings. People of the Overhill and Valley towns did speak a similar dialect. The highly decentralized people based their governments in the clan and larger town, where townhouses were built for communal gatherings. Some of the towns were associated with nearby, smaller villages. Although there were regional councils, these had no binding powers.
Over time, the different groups of towns developed differing ideas about relations with European-Americans. In part this was based on the degree of interaction and intermarriage they had with them through trading and other partnerships.
The only "national" role which existed among Cherokee people before 1788 was that of First Beloved Man, a chief negotiator from the Towns of the Cherokee most isolated from the reach of European settlers. After 1788, the people established a national council of sorts, but it met irregularly and at the time had little authority. Even after the peace of 1794, the Cherokee had five groups: the Upper Towns (formerly the Lower Towns of western Carolina and northeastern Georgia), the Overhill Towns, the Hill Towns, the Valley Towns, and the (new) Lower Towns, each with their own regional ruling councils (considered more important than the "national" council at Ustanali in Georgia).[citation needed]
Dragging Canoe had addressed the National Council at Ustanali, and publicly acknowledged Little Turkey as the senior leader of all the Cherokee. He was memorialized by the council following his death in 1792. Leaders of the "Chickamauga" frequently communicated with the Cherokee of other regions. They were supported in warfare against the colonists and later pioneers by warriors from the Overhill Towns. Numerous Chickamauga headmen signed treaties with the federal government, along with other leaders of Cherokee Nation.
Aftermath of the wars
Following the Treaty of Tellico Blockhouse in late 1794, leaders from the Lower Cherokee dominated national affairs of the people. When the national government of all the Cherokee Nation was organized, the first three persons to hold the office of Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation were: Little Turkey (1788–1801), Black Fox (1801–1811), and Pathkiller (1811–1827). These men had all served as warriors under Dragging Canoe. Doublehead and Turtle-at-Home, the first two Speakers of the Cherokee National Council, had also served with Dragging Canoe.
The domination of the Cherokee Nation by the former warriors from the Lower Towns continued well into the 19th century. Even after the revolt of the young chiefs of the Upper Towns, the representatives of the Lower Towns were a major voice. The "young chiefs" of the Upper Towns who dominated that region had also previously been warriors with Dragging Canoe and Watts.
Many of the former warriors returned to the original settlements in the Chickamauga area, some of which had already been reoccupied. They also established new towns in the area, plus several in north Georgia. Others moved into those towns established after the earlier migration.
In 1799, Brother Steiner, a representative of the Moravian Brethren, met with Richard Fields (Lower Cherokee) at Tellico Blockhouse. Fields had previously served as a warrior. Steiner hired him as guide and interpreter, as the missionary had been sent south by the Brethren to scout for an appropriate location for a mission and school in the Nation. It was ultimately located at Spring Place, on land donated by James Vann, who supported gaining some European-American education for his people. On one occasion, Steiner asked his guide, "What kind of people are the Chickamauga?" Fields laughed, then replied, "They are Cherokee, and we know no difference." Neither the Chickamauga nor other Cherokee considered them to be distinct from the overall 18th-century Cherokee peoples.
Still others joined the remnant populations from the former Overhill towns on the Little Tennessee River that were referred to as the Upper Towns. These were centered on Ustanali in Georgia. Vann and his protégés The Ridge and Charles R. Hicks rose to be their top leaders. The leaders of these towns were the most progressive among the Cherokee, favoring extensive acculturation, formal education adapted from European Americans, and modern methods of farming.
The primary areas of operations during the Chickamauga Wars, showing the more prominent settlements of the war and postwar Lower Towns in the lower left quarter
For a decade or more after the end of the hostilities, the northern section of the Upper Towns had their own council and acknowledged the top headman of the Overhill Towns as their leader. They gradually had to move south because they ceded their land to the United States.
John McDonald returned to his old home on the Chickamauga River, across from Old Chickamauga Town, and lived there until selling it in 1816. It was purchased by the Boston-based American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions for use as the Brainerd Mission, which served as both a church (named the Baptist Church of Christ at Chickamauga) and a school offering academic and vocational training. His daughter, Mollie McDonald, and son-in-law, Daniel Ross, developed a farm and trading post near the old village of Chatanuga (Tsatanugi) from the early days of the wars. Settled near them were sons Lewis and Andrew Ross and a number of daughters. Their son John Ross, born at Turkey Town, later rose to become a principal chief, guiding the Cherokee through the Indian Removals of the 1830s and relocation to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.
The majority of the Lower Cherokee remained in the towns they inhabited in 1794, known as the Lower Towns, with their seat at Willstown. The former warriors of the Lower Towns dominated the political affairs of the Nation for the next twenty years. They were more conservative than leaders of the Upper Towns, adopting many elements of assimilation but keeping as many of the old ways as possible.
Roughly speaking, the Lower Towns were south and southwest of the Hiwassee River along the Tennessee down to the north border of the Muscogee nation, and west of the Conasauga and the Ustanali in Georgia, while the Upper Towns were north and east of the Hiwassee and between the Chattahoochee River and the Conasauga. This latter was approximately the same area as the later Amohee, Chickamauga, and Chattooga districts of the Cherokee Nation East.
Also traditional were the settlements of the Cherokee in the highlands of western North Carolina, which had become known as the Hill Towns, with their seat at Quallatown. Similarly, the lowland Valley Towns, with their seat at Tuskquitee, were more traditional, as was the Upper Town of Etowah. It was notable both for being inhabited mostly by full-bloods (as many Cherokee of the other towns were of mixed race but identified as Cherokee) and for being the largest town in the Cherokee Nation. The Overhill towns remaining along the Little Tennessee remained more or less autonomous, and kept their seat at Chota.
All five regions had their own councils. These were more important to their people than the nominal nation council until the reorganization in 1810, which took place after the national council held that year at Willstown.
Important To Note In Part:
President Thomas Jefferson as a setting president replied to the Overhill/Upper Cherokee request:
From Thomas Jefferson to Cherokee Nation, 4 May 1808
May 4. 1808. My Children,
Chiefs of the Upper Cherokees:
(In Part) I am glad to see you at the seat of Government, to take you by the hand, and to assure you in person of the friendship of the U.S. towards all their red Children, & of their desires to extend, to them all, their protection & good Offices. the journey you have come is a long one, & the object expressed in our conference of the other day is important. I have listened to it with attention & given it the Consideration it deserves.
You propose My Children, that your Nation shall be divided into two and that your part the Upper Cherokees, shall be separated from the lower by a fixed boundary...
let them consult the lower towns, come with them to an agreement of Separation by a fixed boundary...
Th: Jefferson
It Is Important To Note:
A Speech Given by Dragging Canoe
- Chief Dragging Canoe, Chickamauga Tsalagi (Cherokee) 1775
"Whole Indian Nations have melted away like snowballs in the sun before the white man's advance. They leave scarcely a name of our people except those wrongly recorded by their destroyers. Where are the Delawares? They have been reduced to a mere shadow of their former greatness. We had hoped that the white men would not be willing to travel beyond the mountains. Now that hope is gone. They have passed the mountains, and have settled upon Tsalagi (Cherokee) land. They wish to have that usurpation sanctioned by treaty. When that is gained, the same encroaching spirit will lead them upon other land of the Tsalagi (Cherokees). New cessions will be asked. Finally the whole country, which the Tsalagi (Cherokees) and their fathers have so long occupied, will be demanded, and the remnant of the Ani Yvwiya, The Real People, once so great and formidable, will be compelled to seek refuge in some distant wilderness. There they will be permitted to stay only a short while, until they again behold the advancing banners of the same greedy host. Not being able to point out any further retreat for the miserable Tsalagi (Cherokees), the extinction of the whole race will be proclaimed. Should we not therefore run all risks, and incur all consequences, rather than to submit to further loss of our country? Such treaties may be alright for men who are too old to hunt or fight. As for me, I have my young warriors about me. We will hold our land."
We believe those of us who are descendants that remain here today in the same spirit shall never forget Dragging Canoe's words and shall ever remain sovereign.
It Should Be Noted:
The collapse of tribes into one another with the population collapse of the Contact Holocaust leaving a cultural shatter zone, and the subsequent agglomeration of peoples. We are descendants from those who remained and returned to the homeland.
Today, we are the descendants of what remained by all means possible, and those that made their way back to the promise land, and still exist today. We continue to follow the traditional ways provided by the Creator and under the Theocracy Government of the Ancient Axe of Authority as our government continues.
The Southern Cherokee and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP (Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Cherokee, and many other indigenous peoples now refer themselves to the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fires People, State of SCNRFP, in the same tradition, spirit, and way as Dragging Canoe and Tecumseh did with those in times past. ) A coming together. For all who truly desire to be connected to the Creator, The Great Spirit.
Thus, we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Cherokee, and historically other Indigenous Peoples via Lineage, Adoptions, Assimilations throughout our historic timeline, and historically those non Indigenous that become internal relationships, and today the we now also have dual citizens as a recognized international independent country.
We are the first tribal nation to become recognized as a independent country today, under the laws of the Theocracy Government
We are Historical and Living People who are Lead by Prophecies and Visions.
Ancient Axe of Authority of the AniKutani
Therefore, we do share history as Cherokee through our inter relations which continues today. Because of the historical adoptions and assimilations by the Cherokee many of us became known as Cherokee. Many of our people were formerly from other Indigenous nations to include the family of Dragging Canoe who were captured by the Cherokee and Adopted.
Dragging Canoe did not agree direction of the Overhill/Upper Cherokee and in 1776 chose to become separate from that of the Overhill/Upper and became known as the Chickamaugans which had shared history with the Cherokee, along with the history of those known prior the adoptions, and because the Yuchi (Descendants of the Mesoamerican and Mississippians Mound Builders) priesthood presiding over our ceremonies, to include the most important Green Corn Ceremony which first brought us together we share a history with the Yuchi or Tsoyahá and historic relationship of important others, such as Muskogee Creek, Seminole, Shawnee, Natchez, Huron, Rickahokans, Powhatan, and others throughout history.
Our People have a long history, with Red Fire stretching from the Middle East to the Caribbean to Latin America to North America (Turtle Island) and with from the Great Lakes North America (Turtle Island) to Southeastern North America (Turtle Island). Today, many of the Chickamauga - Cherokee, adopted numbers of other indigenous peoples, and dual citizens globally of the State of SCNRFP have now referred themselves to the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fires People, State of SCNRFP, in keeping with the same traditions, spirit, and ways as Dragging Canoe and Tecumseh did with those in times past. A coming together for all who truly desire to be connected to the Creator, The Great Spirit. Thus, we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Cherokee, Other Indigenous Peoples, Lineage, Adoptions, and now also dual citizens as a recognized independent country. We are the first tribal nation to become recognized as an independent country today.
We are a Historical and Living People who are Led by the Prophecies and Visions.
Today, we are the descendants of what remained by all means possible, and those that made their way back to the promise land, and still exist today. We continue to follow the traditional ways provided by the Creator and under the Theocracy Government of the Ancient Axe of Authority as our government continues.
Today we are recognized as an international Independent Sovereign Neutral Nation and State, and a Theocracy government by numbers of member nation of the UN globally, recognized by the UN IHRC AR, and a signer of the multiple signer International Treaty of the NNIA Convention, a IGO with thousands tribal government of the over 5000 tribal governments globally and with theocracy governments signed on the NNIA Treaty representing hundreds of millions of people globally. The NNIA has been provided a Headquarters Agreement by the State of SCNRFP. We acknowledge there are a number of Chickamauga - Cherokee Tribes of peoples today continuing their gatherings and cultural ways much like there were a number of towns long ago, today there are still a number of towns that are made up by these Chickamauga - Cherokee Tribes of peoples today, whereby all have a right to the spiritual ways, the teachings, and symbols historically in each and everyone of their generations.
What Sets Us Apart From Many Others:
We continue to also follow the teaching of the Ancient Priesthood, The Red Fire, as a Theocracy Government. Thus, we have always been and remain an independent People and Nation.
Dragging Canoe was the son of Attakullakulla , his mother Nionne Ollie (Tamed Doe) and Dragging Canoe were captured when he was an infant, after being captured they were adopted into the Cherokee tribe.
Dragging Canoe born about 1738, he was the son of Attakullakulla ("Little Carpenter") and Nionne Ollie ("Tamed Doe"). Both parents had been born to other tribes, taken captive in war, and adopted by Cherokee families who raised them in their tradition.
Attakullakulla ("Little Carpenter"), who was born to the Nipissing. He and his mother were captured when he was an infant, and they were adopted into the Cherokee tribe and assimilated. His mother was Nionne Ollie ("Tamed Doe"), born to the Natchez and adopted as a captive by Oconostota's household. Recent evidence indicates that Nancy Ward was Dragging Canoes natural sister. No I do not believe they were Yuchi, but of mixed blood which included Creek (Yuchi). Nancy was the first "Beloved Woman," because the Cherokee did not have beloved women... Wikipedia: The Chickamauga have only been viewed as Cherokee as a convenience to taking the land. The land here was "Bought" from the Cherokee puppet government. The Chickamauga who were in great part Indigenous in Tennessee (as they included both Yuchi, Koasati & Algonquins) resisted having their land so seized. Non-Cherokee were considered savages -- however because all had embraced Cherokee as the lingua franca it was easy to label them all "Cherokee."
Attakullakulla (Cherokee, (ᎠᏔᎫᎧᎷ) Ata-gul' kalu; often called Little Carpenter by the English) (c. 1715–c. 1777) was an influential Cherokee leader and the tribe's First Beloved Man, serving from 1761 to around 1775.
According to one of his sons, Turtle-at-Home, Attakullakulla was originally a member of a subtribe of the Algonquin Nipissing in the north captured as an infant during a raid and adopted by a chief.
Attakullakulla was a member of the Cherokee delegation that traveled to England in 1730. In 1736, he rejected the advances of the French, who sent emissaries to the Overhill Cherokee. Three or four years later, he was captured by the Ottawa, allies of the French, who held him captive in Canada until 1748. Upon his return, he became one of the Cherokees' leading diplomats and an adviser to the Beloved Man of Chota.
Ata-gul-galu, Attakulla-kulla, Leaning Wood”. Peace Chief of the Cherokees during period of English settlement. Known to whites as The Little Carpenter.
Attakullakulla was a man of remarkably small stature, he was noted for his maturity, wisdom, and graciousness. Attakullakulla knew some English but was not fluent. However, he was considered the most gifted Cherokee orator from the 1760s to the 1770s. He first appeared in historic records in 1730, noted as accompanying Alexander Cuming, a British treaty commissioner, and six other Cherokee to England. He was one of the signatories of an early Cherokee treaty with Great Britain.
By the early 1750s, Attakullakulla, renowned for his oratorical skills, had been appointed a principal speaker for the Cherokee Nation. In the 1750s and 1760s Attakullakulla dominated Cherokee diplomacy. Although he usually favored the British, he was a consummate diplomat, always hoping for a peaceful resolution to problems but looking out for the best interests of the Cherokee.
Attakullakulla died 1797, Nacheztown, North Carolina (now part of the state of Tennessee).
The Chickamauga Cherokee refers to a group that separated from the greater body of the Cherokee during the American Revolutionary War. The majority of the Cherokee people wished to make peace with the Americans near the end of 1776, following several military setbacks and American reprisals.
The followers of the skiagusta (or red chief), Dragging Canoe, moved with him in the winter of 1776–77 down the Tennessee River away from their historic Overhill Cherokee towns. Relocated in a more isolated area, they established 11 new towns in order to gain distance from colonists' encroachments. The frontier Americans associated Dragging Canoe and his band with their new town on Chickamauga Creek and began to refer to them as the Chickamaugas.
During the winter of 1776–77, Cherokee followers of Dragging Canoe, who had supported the British at the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, moved down the Tennessee River and away from their historic Overhill Cherokee towns. They established nearly a dozen new towns in this frontier area in an attempt to gain distance from encroaching European-American settlers.
Dragging Canoe and his followers settled at the place where the Great Indian Warpath crossed the Chickamauga Creek, near present-day Chattanooga, Tennessee. They named their town Chickamauga after the stream. The entire adjacent region was referred to in general as the Chickamauga area. American settlers adopted that term to refer to the militant Cherokee in this area as "Chickamaugas."
The Chickamauga Cherokee became known for their uncompromising enmity against United States (US) settlers, who had pushed them out of their traditional territory. From Running Water town, Dragging Canoe led attacks on white settlements all over the American Southeast.
The Chickamauga/Lower Cherokee and the frontiersmen were continuously at war until 1794. Chickamauga warriors raided as far as Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia (along with members of the Northwestern Confederacy—which they helped establish). Because of a growing belief in the Chickamauga cause, as well as the US destruction of homes of other Native Americans, a majority of the Cherokee eventually came to be allied against the United States.
Following the death of Dragging Canoe in 1792, his hand-picked successor, John Watts, assumed control of the Lower Cherokee. Under Watts's lead, the Cherokee continued their policy of Indian unity and hostility toward European Americans. Watts moved his base of operations to Willstown to be closer to his Muscogee allies. Before this, he had concluded a treaty in Pensacola with the Spanish governor of West Florida, Arturo O'Neill de Tyrone, for arms and supplies with which to carry on the war.
Many Cherokee leaders argued against further fighting, but Dragging Canoe refused to submit. He fled the Overhill towns with like-minded Cherokees and established new towns on Chickamauga Creek in the winter of 1776-77. This group, which included discontented members of various tribes, came to be known as the Chickamaugas. Dragging Canoe and his warriors fought the 1781 “Battle of the Bluffs” near Fort Nashborough and defeated American army troops when they invaded the Chickamauga towns in 1788.
For the next year and a half Dragging Canoe fought with other Cherokee to keep out any additional white settlers, but after many Cherokee towns were destroyed and the older leaders made peace with the Americans in October of 1776, Dragging Canoe and a number of young chiefs withdrew to an area on Chickamauga Creek. After those towns were destroyed by Americans, Dragging Canoe and his followers moved farther down the Tennessee River and other know geographical locations today.
For almost 20 years Dragging Canoe led the group which became known as the Chickamaugas in a relentless fight against the Americans, ignoring boundaries, treaties, and other agreements. Following the murders of Chiefs Old Tassel and Abram many more young Cherokee joined him. He also allied with like-minded Yuchi, Shawnee, Creek, Choctaw, Upper Muskogee, and others.
Dragging Canoe embarked on the war trail against settlements in Georgia, Virginia, and the Carolinas that would last for seventeen years. The Chickamaugan Cherokee united over 2,000 warriors from the Carolinas, Northern Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and otherwise.
After more fighting, the forced second Treaty of Long Island of Holston confirmed the 1777 forced cessions and then took more traditional land. In 1782 The English gave up the war effort and sued for peace. Dragging Canoe established contact with the Spanish in Florida and British in Canada and Detroit. In 1790 Dragging Canoe's Chickamaugans continued fighting with the Shawnee in the Ohio Valley. 1790-94 saw brother "Little Turtle's War" of the Miami in the Ohio Valley with the Wyandots, Delaware, Hurons, Mohawks and Dakota.
A cousin to Nancy Ward, he was one of the first to propose a united Native front against Westward colonization. After the Chickamauga towns were destroyed a second time in 1782, they moved down the Tennessee River to the "Five Lower Towns" below the obstructions of the Tennessee River Gorge: Running Water (now Whiteside), Nickajack (near the cave of the same name), Long Island (on the Tennessee River), Crow Town (at the mouth of Crow Creek), and Lookout Mountain Town (at the site of the current Trenton, Georgia).
As he aged, Dragging Canoe remained a warrior while at the same time able to conduct himself as a diplomat. He worked to preserve culture and establish an alliance with the Creeks and Shawnees. In 1791 a federation of Indian forces defeated General Arthur St. Clair, governor of the Northwest Territory.
After their initial victories, the Chickamaugans had the unofficial encouragement of the Spanish governments of Florida and Louisiana and continued attacking American settlements. One of these incidents almost killed a young Nashville attorney/land speculator named Andrew Jackson, which may explain his later attitude regarding the Cherokee.
Dragging Canoe is considered by many to be the most significant Native American leader of the Southeast. Historians such as John P. Brown in Old Frontiers, and James Mooney in his early ethnographic book, Myths of the Cherokee, consider him a role model for the younger Tecumseh, who was a member of a band of Shawnee living with the Chickamauga and taking part in their wars. In Tell Them They Lie, a book written by a direct descendant of Sequoyah named Traveller [sic] Bird, both Tecumseh and Sequoyah are stated to have been among his young warriors.
In November 1811, Shawnee chief Tecumseh returned to the South hoping to gain the support of the southern tribes for his crusade to drive back the Americans and revive the old ways. He was accompanied by representatives from the Shawnee, Muscogee, Kickapoo, and Sioux peoples. Tecumseh's exhortations in the towns of the Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Lower Muscogee found no traction. He did attract some support from younger warriors of the Upper Muscogee.
The Cherokee delegation under The Ridge who visited Tecumseh's council at Tuckabatchee strongly opposed his plans; Tecumseh cancelled his visit to the Cherokee Nation, as The Ridge threatened him with death if he went there. But, during his recruiting tour, Tecumseh was accompanied by an enthusiastic escort of 47 Cherokee and 19 Choctaw, who presumably went north with him when he returned to the "Northwest Territory."
Tecumseh's mission sparked a religious revival, referred to by anthropologist James Mooney as the "Cherokee Ghost Dance" movement. It was led by the prophet Tsali of Coosawatee, a former Chickamauga warrior. He later moved to the western North Carolina mountains, where he was executed by U.S. forces in 1838 for violently resisting Removal.
Dragging Canoe died March 1, 1792, in Running Waters, Tennessee from exhaustion or an apparent heart attack after dancing all night celebrating the recent conclusion of an alliance with the Muskogee and the Choctaw. He also had a very small cut from a rifle ball on his side that went unattended and became infected. It was normal after each battle that the Chief and his warriors dance and gave thanks to Yowa (God, Creator) for a great victory. This would go on for several days and nights. In traditional Cherokee style he was buried in a sitting position, his possessions heaped around him.
Dragging Canoe, opposed to the selling of the ancestral hunting grounds, warned the whites that they were purchasing a "dark and bloody ground."
“Such treaties may be alright for men who are too old to hunt or fight. As for me, I have my young warriors about me. We will hold our land.”
— Chief Dragging Canoe, Chickamauga Tsalagi (Cherokee) 1775
In 1775, Dragging Canoe made an impassioned speech to rally his people. He said:
"Whole Indian Nations have melted away like snowballs in the sun before the white man's advance. They leave scarcely a name of our people except those wrongly recorded by their destroyers. Where are the Delewares? They have been reduced to a mere shadow of their former greatness. We had hoped that the white men would not be willing to travel beyond the mountains. Now that hope is gone. They have passed the mountains, and have settled upon Tsalagi (Cherokee) land. They wish to have that usurpation sanctioned by treaty. When that is gained, the same encroaching spirit will lead them upon other land of the Tsalagi (Cherokees). New cessions will be asked. Finally the whole country, which the Tsalagi (Cherokees) and their fathers have so long occupied, will be demanded, and the remnant of the Ani Yvwiya, The Real People, once so great and formidable, will be compelled to seek refuge in some distant wilderness. There they will be permitted to stay only a short while, until they again behold the advancing banners of the same greedy host. Not being able to point out any further retreat for the miserable Tsalagi (Cherokees), the extinction of the whole race will be proclaimed. Should we not therefore run all risks, and incur all consequences, rather than to submit to further loss of our country? Such treaties may be alright for men who are too old to hunt or fight. As for me, I have my young warriors about me. We will hold our land. A-WANINSKI, I have spoken."
Yuchi (Tsoyaha) Indigenous People
It should be noted, Nancy Ward, Beloved Women of the Chickamaugans -- Most of what is written about the Cherokee is mythologized. Firstly, the priests among them, the Anikutani, which by their own admission they drove out, were Yuchi. Instead of the legendary extermination of the Anikutani, they became the core of the Chickamauga tribe, which was an agglomeration of peoples including the Lenape, Yuchi, Koasati, Natchez, Shawnee, Taliwa, Tuskegee and other remnant peoples that had survived the slaving raids and starvation that was forced upon Indigenous peoples by colonialism. The great Chickamaugan statesmen, so oft claimed by the Cherokee, Attakullakulla, Dragging Canoe, Nancy Ward, Sequoyah… had no Cherokee blood, but rather were of the Chickamaugans. Since they spoke the Cherokee language as a lingua franca, the jingoistic White folks lumped them all in as Cherokee. Attakullakulla was Algonquin (Lenape & Nipissing) and had been taken young in a slave raid and then rescued by his kin, and his wife, Nionne, was Natchez, and Yuchi. Their son, Dragging Canoe then was mixed blood Chickamauga, as was his sister Nancy Ward (Nanyehi). Sequoyah was a priest-scribe and his name is really a title, which means "woodpecker-talk" (scribe). They were all from the ancient Yuchean town of Echota (sacred tobacco place) a refuge town (White Town) of the Chickamauga. To erase the multicultural history here by making it all about the Cherokee is a genocidal telling – a mythic history. The tribes that were known before the Contact Holocaust did not survive intact, but rather became amalgamation centers for the agglomerative tribes we know today. To equate the Chickamaugans with the Cherokee, erases peoples from history genocidally -- and is a simpleton telling.
Yuchi (Tsoyaha) Indigenous People
In case you need a bit more validation of this assertion -- not only did these tribal leaders not have Cherokee blood, but Dragging Canoe was the "First Beloved Man," and Nancy Ward the "First Beloved Woman" of the Chickamauga Tribe. Cherokee did not have this tradition, but rather it arises from the agglomerative nature of the Chickamaugan traditional mix. The Anikutani name for the priests is a chimeric term, "Ani" is "people" in Cherokee, and "Kutani" means "to make brothers" in Yuchi.
Yuchi (Tsoyaha) Indigenous People
While the official history says that Sequoyah invented the Cherokee Syllabary by himself, several facts call that myth into serious question. First Sequoyah's name is not Cherokee, but means "woodpecker talk" in Yuchean, and he was a Chickamaugan, not Cherokee. He was an Anikutani (Yuchi) priest according to his descendant, TravellerBird. But far more revealing, the Cherokee Syllabary is related to the Meso-American Syllabaries of Olmec, Mayan & Aztec, and uses identical syntactical structure as shown in the meme here. Further, the Syllabary has been found in Tennessee regional caves that uses different symbols and does not translate into Cherokee. The Cherokee Syllabary can be used to represent the morphemes of Yuchean except that it is short just a few characters, as Yuchean has a few more phonemes than Cherokee. The addition of just a couple would make it the perfect orthography for Yuchean. According to Chief Sam Brown, the Syllabary was used for Yuchean long before it was readapted to Cherokee. This sure explains the Syllabary better than the popularly told myth does.
Yuchi (Tsoyaha) Indigenous People
I have to strongly disagree here. The Chickamauga were an amalgamation of peoples. Dragging Canoe had no Cherokee blood, neither did Nancy Ward. The Anikutani were Yuchean priests -- they were runoff more than exterminated by the Christian missionaries among the Cherokee. Many of the Anikutani became a part of the Chickamauga, which also included many other Yuchis, Koasati, and Algonquin people. Even the Current Cherokee are an amalgamation of several peoples including Catawba. The languages themselves are not related, but the deployment of a syllabary may be used for a number of languages with a bit of adaption. This may seem a stretch to you -- but for me the popular notion of the invention of the Syllabary is an extreme stretch -- and the more so in light of the evidence cited here. Note: "Kutani" in Yuchi means "to make brothers." There is far more evidence than what is mentioned here...
The Ani-Kutani were the Yuchi Priests among the Cherokee, before the Moravians labeled them witches and had them driven off. Kuttane in Yuchean means to "Make Brothers." The real Sequoyah was ani-Kutani (see Tell Them They Lie by Travelerbird for the story of the real Sequoyah. In Yuchean, Sequoyah means "woodpecker-talker" -- a reference to the sound of engraving bark. That is, he was a scribe-priest. The name Sequoyah has no meaning in Cherokee. Chief Sam Brown maintained that the Cherokee Syllabary was originally a descendent of the MesoAmerican Syllabaries brought here and used by the Yuchi for the Liturgical use of Yuchean. Sequoyah merely adapted the Syllabary for use with Cherokee, which well explains how a man could accomplish this feat.
The Yuchi used caves to train and induct the priests. Vision quests and rattle snakes were used here. It is why the Cherokee eschew caves, believing & fearing the Unktena dwelling there. There are inscriptions using an unknown syllabary here in Tennessee caves that antedate Sequoyah and cannot be interpreted in Cherokee. I have been working to try to recover the lost Yuchean syllabary, but with no known record of it -- it remains elusive. The existing Cherokee syllabary is about 80% effective with the Yuchean, but the missing glyphs and sparse inscriptions make it daunting.
According to the story told me, the Cherokee left the Great Lakes Region and the Iroquois Confederacy because they were proselytized by the Yuchi into wanting to join the Green Corn Rite, making them enemies of the Iroquois. The Iroquois thus drove them Southward into the Appalachian Mountains. I am also given to understand that early in the Twentieth Century the Eastern Cherokee sent envoys to the Yuchi in Oklahoma in order to relearn the lost Green Corn Rites and reignite its celebration among them.
Yuchi (Tsoyaha) Indigenous People
Truth needs no defense, nor defender -- it merely needs to be unwrapped from the myth that oft obscures it.
Who Are the Mysterious Yuchi (Post Approved By Author)
Mound Builders and Mound Priests
The Yuchi Historically Priest of The Peoples and of The Theocracy Government
Post Approved By Author
The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State (Country), (we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Aniyvwiyaʔi (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, also spelled Anigiduwagi), translating as "Principal People". Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ) and with having citizens and dual citizens globally)
MOTO "Helping Others Helps Ourselves"
"We Have Remained and Not Yet Conquered"
Any tribal government affairs have remained domestic capital and towns within our traditional treaty boundaries and homeland. Separately, any affairs with regards to the State of SCNRFP is located geographically within a State of SCNRFP recognized foreign capital and foreign territories and foreign diplomatic offices.
The Creator provided us this homeland. This is our promise land from the Great Spirit. This is our holy land from the Creator. We have remained in our homeland even after what some call the "Trail of Tears" as the Lower Cherokee. We have remained through much great pain, suffering and death. We have not surrender and we shall not surrender
"We Follow Prophecy, Vision and Direction of The Creator who provided our Great Law "
We have been called the Tsigamogi Peoples known as the Chickamauga (Chicomogie), we have been called Lower Cherokee, Mountain Cherokee, Nation De Cherokee, Cherokee State, First Peoples, Indigenous Peoples, Aboriginal Peoples, Native Peoples, Original Peoples, Autochthonous Peoples, Native American Indians, and Other Documented Names Otherwise Related. Mostly the names we have been called are European Corruptions of our name and culture, and many times the name was simply related to our geographical location.
Remain in the Homeland
The Lower Boundary is the historic home of the we are Tsigamogi, Chicomogie, Chickamauga, and Lower Aniyvwiyaʔi (ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ, also spelled Anigiduwagi), translating as "Principal People". Tsalagi (ᏣᎳᎩ), today referred to as SCNRFP. Our people do not live on a reservation, which is land given to a native American tribe by the federal government. Instead, our people are still in the original treaty boundary land and today we further purchase properties, and we have foreign territories as State of SCNRFP Boundary located globally.
SCNRFP, is a recognized Internationally Independent sovereign neutral nation and state, a Theocracy Government located within the recognized sovereign and treaty boundaries referred to as the lower region located in the beautiful Mountains of the Blue Ridge and the Appalachian Mountains via treaties, and offshore foreign diplomatic offices and territorial boundary jurisdictions globally via 8a. & 8.b. international agreements. We are descended from the small group of Indians who remained in North America after the Indian Removal Act moved the other 15,000 Cherokee to the west in the 19th century. They were required to assimilate and renounce tribal Cherokee citizenship.
Today the State of SCNRFP is a Recognized Neutral State:
A neutral country is a state that is neutral towards belligerents in a specific war or holds itself as permanently neutral in all future conflicts (including avoiding entering into military alliances such as NATO as a Non-Aligned Country). As a type of non-combatant status, neutral nationals enjoy protection under the law of war from belligerent actions to a greater extent than other non-combatants such as enemy civilians and prisoners of war. Different countries interpret their neutrality differently. Some, such as Costa Rica, have demilitarized; whereas Switzerland holds to "armed neutrality" in which it deters aggression with a sizeable military while barring itself from foreign deployment. Not all neutral countries avoid any foreign deployment or alliances, however, as Austria, Ireland, Finland and Sweden have active UN peacekeeping forces and a political alliance within the European Union. The traditional Swedish policy is not to participate in military alliances, with the intention of staying neutral in the case of war. Immediately before World War II, the Nordic countries stated their neutrality, but Sweden changed its position to that of non-belligerent at the start of the Winter War. There have been considerable changes to the interpretation of neutral conduct over the past centuries. During the Cold War another European country, Yugoslavia, claimed military and ideological neutrality, and that is continued by its successor, Serbia. A neutral country is a state that is neutral towards belligerents in a specific war or holds itself as permanently neutral in all future conflicts (including avoiding entering into military alliances such as NATO).
The State of SCNRFP looked at a number of examples of a neutral state to see what best fit their form of government. An example is the armed neutrality as in Switzerland and others, thus to keep the country safe from the Allies and Axis powers, the Swiss used a strategy called “armed neutrality,” requiring maintaining a sizable army to isolate itself within the country's frontiers and allowing it to defend against foreign incursion.
Example, The United States was initially neutral and bound by the Neutrality Acts of 1936 not to sell war materials to belligerents, however, their nation began via the method of self-recognition followed by fighting for independence through means of war against another nation, followed by a time of declaring neutrality for their own preservation. Hence, the situation confronting the United States today is that not a single neutral right of trade asserted by us is recognized officially by Great Britain, France, Italy or Germany to any greater extent than it was between August 1914 and April 1917. When the attack on Pearl Harbor came on 7 December 1941, followed in quick succession with an American declaration of war on the Japanese Empire and German and Italian declarations of war on the United States, history witnessed the end of the United States as a neutral nation, at least in a traditional sense.
Example, Ireland has been neutral in international relations since the 1930s. ... Historically, the state was a "non-belligerent" in the Second World War (see Irish neutrality during World War II) and has never joined NATO, although during the Cold War it was anti-communist and aloof from the Non-Aligned Movement. For many states, such as Ireland and Sweden, neutrality does not mean the absence of any foreign interventionism. Peacekeeping missions for the United Nations are seen as intertwined with it.[36] The Swiss electorate rejected a 1994 proposal to join UN peacekeeping operations. Despite this, 23 Swiss observers and police have been deployed around the world in UN projects.
Example, in 1868, after the German Confederation dissolved, Liechtenstein disbanded its army of 80 men and declared its permanent neutrality, which was respected during both World War.
Example, Today, the lines are shifting in terms of what it means to be a neutral country. Technically speaking, Finalnd, Malta, Ireland, Japan, Liechenstein, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkmenistan, and the Vatican City are considered neutral. Austria and Japan codify their neutrality in their constitutions, but they do so with different levels of detail. Some details of neutrality are left to be interpreted by the government while others are explicitly stated, for example Austria may not host any foreign bases and Japan cannot participate in foreign wars.
Example, The Vatican City State has never had independent armed forces, but it has always had a de facto military provided by the armed forces of the Holy See: the Pontifical Swiss Guard, the Noble Guard, the Palatine Guard, and the Papal Gendarmerie Corps. Example, During World War II, Liechtenstein remained officially neutral, looking to neighboring Switzerland for assistance and guidance, while family treasures from dynastic lands and possessions in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia were taken to Liechtenstein for safekeeping.
Historically, our Nation has operated a military for preservation for generations and allied with other nations and their forms of government in the attempt to preserve our homeland and our way of life and form of government by which is well documented throughout history. Today we are recognized as a Neutral Nation and State (Country). Even given the fact that we have become a internationally recognized as an internationally independent sovereign neutral nation and state (country), we shall remain with our traditions, culture, heritage, lineage, teaching of a tribal nation and while today operating in balance as a recognized international independent State, thus the State of SCNRFP, a Theocracy Government. Therefore, the reason our recognitions from a number of member nations of the UN reads and ratified as a nation and state is in keeping with this balance, thus being recognized historically for thousands of years, with having treaties for hundreds of years with member nations of the Family of Nations, League of Nations, and the United Nations supporting our being legally recognized as a sovereign nation and with having international agreements today with countries globally as being also recognized as an internationally independent sovereign neutral state.
However, due to the global state of affairs whereby peace is so much needed and whereby it is important that the global states are secure in knowing that we present no threat but rather our position is that of neutrality in support of peace keeping globally and for our purposes of being a defender and protector of our way of life, our homeland, our foreign diplomatic offices, and our foreign territories, our enforcement protection comes better from the direction of security and justice to keep safe our way of life, the balance, and state. Therefore, in keeping with our Prophecies and Visions and with reviewing many forms of neutrality of Neutral States the State of SCNRFP concluded that the best balance supporting our needs globally for the State of SCNRFP and our form of government yesterday and today is that of a "Hybrid Neutral System" whereby our peace officers shall be nationally empowered by the state theocracy to operate as a peacemaker to enforce, defend and protect our territorial boundaries foreign and domestic and foreign diplomatic offices to remain peaceful neutral boundaries, support the law of the state, honoring our international agreements with the hosting nations, honoring international law, and support and maintaining our global alliances with those who strive to keep the global peace while maintaining the ability to keep the peace by means of through de facto.
The history of the SCNRFP closely follows that of the Lower Region Treaty Boundary, a land made up of an area of their original territory. The SCNRFP have descendants of Dragging Canoe, Richard Justice, Doublehead, and many others, descendants listed on the Baker Rolls and other rolls, descendants of the Tsigamogi, Chickamauga, and Lower Cherokee. However, we have chosen to be recognized as a internationally Independent State rather than to seek domestic BIA recognition, control, and oppressions, and have no desire to assimilate and renounce Tsigamogi, Chickamauga, and Lower Cherokee tribal member citizenship and statehood member citizenship within the SCNRFP.
A similar story is found within the middle Cherokee, today known as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Eastern Band members are primarily descended from about 800 Cherokee living along the remote Oconaluftee River who did not participate in the Trail of Tears to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma). Principal Chief Yonaguska, with the help of his adopted European-American son, William Holland Thomas, managed to avoid removal. The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians have maintained many traditional tribal practices. Many prominent Cherokee historians are affiliated with, or are members of the Eastern Band.
Tsali (pronounced [ˈtsali]) opposed the removal. He remained in the traditional Cherokee lands with a small group who resisted the U.S. Army and tried to thwart the removal. Tsali was eventually captured. He was executed by the United States in exchange for the lives of the small band he protected. They were allowed to remain in the Cherokee homeland, with the condition that they give up Cherokee tribal citizenship and assimilate as US citizens.
Their descendants reorganized in the 20th century and gained federal recognition as a tribe known as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (named in reference to the majority of the tribe who moved west to Indian Territory in 1839.) They bought back land in what is known as Qualla Boundary, part of their traditional territory that had been ceded to the US government by other Cherokee leaders prior to removal.
In 1924 the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the federal government agreed to put Cherokee tribal lands in trust. As a result, North Carolina state law did not apply to Cherokee lands within the Qualla Boundary. While most Indian reservations were carved out of existing federal property and set aside for individual tribes, the federal government never owned the lands comprising the Qualla Boundary in North Carolina.
In the early twentieth century, a shift in federal emphasis encouraged the coexistence of tribal membership with state and federal citizenship. Eastern Cherokee citizenship status had not been fully resolved when World War I began, but approximately 70 members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians were drafted or joined the armed forces. The largest single group served in the 321st Infantry Regiment, which also included some Lumbee Indians from eastern North Carolina. On 16 Nov. 1919, a congressional act granted citizenship to Indians who had served in the armed forces during World War I. In spite of this, the Cherokees fully regained voting rights only in 1946, with the return of Cherokee veterans from World War II.
U.S. Department of Interior reported: Cherokee Ancestry About 200 years ago the Cherokee Indians were one tribe, or "Indian Nation" that lived in the southeast part of what is now the United States. During the 1830's and 1840's, the period covered by the Indian Removal Act, many Cherokees were moved west to a territory that is now the State of Oklahoma. A number remained in the southeast and gathered in North Carolina where they purchased land and continued to live. Others went into the Appalachian Mountains to escape being moved west and many of their descendants may still live there now.
Today, individuals of Cherokee ancestry fall into the following categories:
Living persons who were listed on the final rolls of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (Dawes Commission Rolls) that were approved and descendants of these persons. These final rolls were closed in 1907.
Individuals enrolled as members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina and their descendants who are eligible for enrollment with the Band.
Persons on the list of members identified by a resolution dated April 19, 1949 and certified by the Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency and their descendants who are eligible for enrollment with the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indian of Oklahoma. All other persons of Cherokee Indian ancestry.
Category 1
After about a half century of self-government, a law enacted in 1906 directed that final rolls be made and that each enrollee be given an allotment of land or paid cash in lieu of an allotment. The Cherokees formally organized in 1975 with the adoption of a new Constitution that superseded the 1839 Cherokee Nation Constitution. This new Constitution establishes a Cherokee Register for the inclusion of any Cherokee for membership purposes in the Cherokee Nation. Members must be citizens as proven by reference to the Dawes Commission Rolls. Including in this are the Delaware Cherokees of Article II of the Delaware Agreement dated May 8, 1867, and the Shawnee Cherokees of Article III of the Shawnee Agreement dated June 9, 1869, and/or their descendants.
P.L. 100-472, authorizes through a planning and negotiation process Indian Tribes to administer and manage programs, activities, function, and services previously managed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Pursuant to P.L. 100-472 the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma has entered into a Self-governance Compact and now provides those services previously provided by the BIA. Enrollment and allotment records are maintained by the Cherokee Nation.
Category 2
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina is a federally recognized tribe and has its own requirements for membership.
Category 3
By the Act of August 10, 1946, 60 Stat. 976, Congress recognized the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma (UKB) for the purposes of organizing under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act. In 1950, the UKB organized under a Constitution and Bylaws approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Members of the UKB consist of all persons whose names appear on the list of members identified by a resolution dated April 19, 1949 and certified by the Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency on November 26, 1949, with the governing body of the UKB having the power to prescribe rules and regulations governing future membership. The supreme governing body (UKB Council) consist of 9 members, elected to represent the nine districts of the old Cherokee Nation and four officers, elected at large.
Category 4
U.S. Department of Interior states: Information about Indian ancestry of individuals in this category of Cherokees is more difficult to locate. This is primarily because the federal government has never maintained a list of all the persons of Cherokee Indian descent, indicating their tribal affiliation, degree of Indian blood or other data. In order to establish Cherokee ancestry, you should use the same methods prescribed in "Indian Ancestry" and "Genealogical Research" material. (Reference directories " INDIAN ANCESTRY" and " GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH")
The SCNRFP are not affiliated with Categories 1, 2, and 3 although we have in common a relation with having in common ancestors and many related descendants.
The History of the Southeastern Cherokee are highly documented, as are the Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga, but less know about the Tsigamogi to the outside world, and we are so very proud to be descendants of Tsigamogi. This is the reason our nation's flag makes mention to Cherokee (Southeastern), Chickamauga, and Tsigamogi with the Ancient Axe of Authority and the words Tsigamogi. Tsigamogi is a theocracy, thus SCNRFP is a theocracy. Historically our member citizens come from the lineage of this history that begin with Tsigamogi, to Chickamauga and Lower Cherokee which was referring to a region. In the same way as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians who chose a name to represent themselves today, and as many other nations did the same, so have we today by choosing the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People (Tsigamogi, Chickamauga), and now properly internationally recognized as the State of SCNRFP.
SCNRFP Road to International Independent Recognized Statehood
We as a people, a culture, a belief system, a nation, a state, a government, and our way of life has and continues to be an evolution since time immemorial. We are a traditional religious nation, state and society.
We are the descendants of those prior the Cherokee, we were assimilated into Cherokee and then became a separate and distinct Nation who become known as Chickamauga. As Red Fire People we already had a well-established law, the law that we remain with today, the Ancient Axe of Authority under the Ancient Order of the Priesthood.
We have been here since time immemorial. Our traditional laws that we go by today go back 3700 years ago and it was thought to be lost with the genocide of our priests, however all the priests being murdered was not the case and many of the people who were of the practice of the keepers of the sacred fire, the Red Fire, the eldest fire, the predominant fire, the Ancient Axe of Authority continued to pass down the teachings to today.
Thus, we are the Ancient Order of the AniKutani (Priesthood); We are the Keepers of the Sacred Fire, the Red Fire, the Eldest Fire, and the Predominant Fire; We are known as the People of the Heart.
Our Mission with others and for ourselves: Peace and Good Will through Economic Development, Social Needs, Technologies, Funding and Otherwise Related.
We have not surrendered. We have chosen to remain free. We have chosen not to become part of their U.S. BIA or any of their 50 U.S. domestic corporate states, but rather have remained in our homeland independent. We have chosen to be a recognized international independent sovereign Nation and State. We remain relations with those who fought well yet are now under the BIA by force. Our nation has accepted many member citizens as dual citizens, for they are also enrolled members in a BIA chartered nation or a member in a state recognized domestic state nation, while most of our member citizens have chosen to remain a free and sovereign member citizen within our homeland against all odds and under the worst of conditions.
The Southern Cherokee Nation and the Red Fire People together with the Ancient Order of the Priesthood still remained during and after the "Trail of Tears" within their treaty boundary lands (not trust lands), some refer to it geographically as Northern Georgia Mountains area. The State of SCNRFP has multiple jurisdictions domestically and foreign to include treaty boundary land, post aboriginal title land, enclave, and foreign territorial lands and foreign diplomatic locations.
The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People remain with a number of treaties signed within the past 500 years with a number of Colonial Nations, such as Spain, England, France, U.S. The nation is now also referred to as also the State of SCNRFP, after becoming further Recognized as an International Independent Neutral Nation and State with our ministry of foreign affairs expanding our recognition and international agreements by multiple international countries globally in most recent years.
These treaties began being signed first as being part of the Principal Nation, once referred to as an Empire by General Cummings and made a regent by England, and later becoming a separate nation, referred to as the Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga Cherokee, Tsigamogi, thus the referred to as the State of SCNRFP with international agreements continuing to be signed globally with member nations of the UN. International agreement is filed and published in the UN under article 102 of the UN charter.
The Sovereign Nation of Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People (and other related names whereby known as historically), has always been a sovereign independent nation. It is important to note, the nation of the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People (and other related names whereby known as historically), has never surrendered to become part of the United States Union. The recognized sovereign treaty nation of SCNRFP remained and continued as a Sovereign Treaty Nation. Treaties—solemn agreements between sovereign nations—lie at the heart of the relationship between Indian Nations and the United States. Native Nations made treaties with one another long before Europeans came to the Western Hemisphere. The United States began making treaties with Native Peoples because they were independent nations. Often broken, sometimes coerced, treaties still define mutual obligations between the United States and Indian Nations.
We have been recognized as a Tribal Nation and Government, a Regent, a Foreign Nation and Government, a Treaty Nation, a Religious Nation and State, and today as an International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State, whereby we are still a religious state, thus a theocracy.
Therefore, the Independent Sovereign of SCNRFP and Treaty Nation did "NOT" Secede from the U.S. in becoming an International Independent Recognized Sovereign Nation and State. SCNRRFP was already Recognized Independent Nation, that simply became also a Recognized Independent Neutral State with international agreements globally. State of SCNRFP have citizens in every corner of the world.
The Ancient Order of the Priesthood and National Council agreed with the vision of the SCNRFP to again come out into the open, that for many years were a suppressed religion, people, nation, and government, having to maintain underground to protect their religious, traditional, heritage and cultural way of life, and their very existence. Additionally, SCNRFP agreed to accept Economic Development arm from the GTEC OCGA 44-12-300 tribe and from their National Council of tribes. Ouinai Walosi became the Principal Chief of SCNRFP and NNIA Chief of Council and Red Fire Priest. ChrᎢᏍtᎣpᎮr Ꭱ ᏍprᎤᎡll became the AniKutani of SCNRFP, and u-gv-wi-yu-hi ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ appointed to the Economic Development Committee of the NNIA, ᏩlᎳcᎡ ᏎᎠbᎣlt appointed SCNRFP Chief Marshal, cᎭrᎴᏍ ᏎᎠbᎣlt appointed SCNRFP Attorney General, Chief Usti became Chief Prime Minister of the State of SCNRFP among others appointed to the Cabinet. Chief Usti was appointed Director of Economic Development of their National Council of tribes. Today we have a new new Principal Chief of SCNRFP, new AniKutani of SCNRFP and State of SCNRFP, new Attorney General, new Chief Marshal, however, the Chief Prime Minister of the State of SCNRFP has remained the same.
The State of SCNRFP borders is coextensive with the Ancient Order of the Priesthood, the Religious Seat of the Traditional Place of Worship which holds our Sacred Bundles and the Ark of The Ancient Axe of Authority and its Traditional Ceremony. The Heads of State are the AniKutani (Priesthood) the Heads of Government are the Chiefdom and Prime Minister of State of SCNRFP (sometimes referred to as the President of State of SCNRRP), a Deity is above the head of both our State and Government. Thus, the Ancient Axe of Authority and the State Seal are both on the State of SCNRFP Official Flag as coextensive. State of SCNRFP is recognized via Treaties and International Agreements, by Member Nation States of the United Nations (U.N.), Tribal Nations, Sister Cities, World Governors Association, NNIA Convention, Religious or Theocracy Governments, Ecclesiastical Governments State Ruled Religion Governments, and Otherwise Globally. Much of our culture is known for being an Oral, Pictographs and Petroglyphs (for art as literature, stories, direction and otherwise), Wampum are encoded guide to narrate these mnemonic devices are used for laws and legal documents, historical communicative devices, ceremony, traditions, and gifts as a sign of peace (Wampum beads are powerful symbols of our culture, was also used as a currency), however we also began early writings.
There is no separation between Church and State (as it is commonly referred), within the State of SCNRFP. Within the State of SCNRFP's culture, traditions and beliefs, is there is no separation between our lives, all we think, say and do, and that of the Creator. The State of SCNRFP Individually and Collectively are Coextensive with the Creator and The Ancient Axe of Authority.
Our Nation’s Ancient Order of the Priesthood was almost totally destroyed in about thirteen hundred, however not all were and followers of the belief system of the priesthood continued to exist. For understanding purposes, it would be like attempting to kill all the priest of any religious, however unless you also kill all the followers, it shall still exist and remain, but was forced underground much like you find in other religions historically. Today, we are known as the people of the heart for our caring and mission for peace and good will globally.
Many of the religions of the world have been forced underground throughout history. Our Priesthood Order is not listed in the top 20 largest, however Our Way of Life very well could be.
Are there more human religions or more human languages in the world?
Languages. There are some 4,300 religions of the world compared with 6,800 living languages spoken somewhere in the world.
We had a second attempt to kill off not only our Ancient Order but also our entire nation and all our peoples, thus the arrival of those representing the doctrine of discovery beginning in 1492.
We Shall Not Forget:
04 May 1493: i-ga (ᎢᎦ) nu-wa-hna-nv (ᏄᏩᎿᏅ) u-so-nv-i (ᎤᏐᏅᎢ) di-da-nv-do (ᏗᏓᏅᏙ) Meaning: Day Possessed Evil Spirits
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
However, “We Still Remain”
State of SCNRFP is an internationally independently recognized sovereign nation and state, whereby we are completely recognized by sovereign member states of the United Nations globally for 500 years and as recent as of in 2018, and whereby we are recognized by tribal nations globally. We have chosen for our lands to remain sovereign boundaries, and as is described within the treaties between our sovereign nation and the United States, and we have chosen to not become encumbered by the BIA to become trust land.
The State of SCNRFP qualifies for Statehood under International Law and otherwise, in Constitutive theory and Declarative theory and Montevideo Convention and otherwise. The State of SCNRFP does meet the requirements to apply to the United Nations (U.N.) to become a Member State of the U.N. However, the State of SCNRFP is "NOT" interested in becoming a permanent member state of the U.N. with voting power. Rather, the State of SCNRFP may consider applying for becoming an Observer State Status with no voting power, to remain truly Neutral. In the same way that the Vatican City and others have done so in the past. Important: five members were not sovereign when they joined the UN, all subsequently became fully independent between 1946 and 1991. State of SCNRFP Sovereign Land Protected: Treaty Boundary, Enclave, International Agreements, Section 49 Geneva Convention, Charter 2 UN, Human Rights Land Laws, Religious Freedom and otherwise. Our Main Mission is Saving Lives, Making Lives Better, Economic Development, Social Needs, Humanitarian Needs, Technologies, Human Rights, Peace and Good Will. All We Are Doing is From a Vision of the Creator.
The Capital is within 8.9 million acres treaty boundary land, and is known as Little Chota, Town of Peace, Located in Sautee Nacoochee. However, the treaty boundary encompasses many communities, towns, cities, counties and much of the entire state of Georgia and parts of surrounding states in America, as a sovereign enclave, and other treaty boundaries exist in multiple geographic locations in America.
We are an evolution since time immemorial of Peoples, Governments and Nations But first we believe the following statement of official fact is important.
As not to see those mislead by those who are not in the official position of authority to properly advise, the following statement is being provided in order to properly correct the incorrect reporting and information by unofficial sources:
One huge misnomer and miss known is the fact that many have read the propaganda put out to the world as facts, but it is rather unofficial and not by credible sources.
The actual fact is that a ratified treaty is a recognition by international law and anyone who has been in the capacity of an international state knows this, and the BIA cannot officially dispute this fact.
The fact is any nation under the U.S. BIA is a dependent tribal nation and is not a sovereign independent, due to the fact they have surrendered their independence to another government and receive funds not as international aid. Another reason the SCNRFP Lower Cherokee chose not to become part of this BIA, but rather remain with our ratified treaty by the U.S., recognized under international law.
Many of the tribal nations in the U.S. have surrendered to the U.S. either by force or by will, by which they have a special relationship with the U.S., however, are very restricted to many of the normal functions of that of an International nation and state. A tribal nation in modern times surrenders to the BIA by choice to become a dependent nation, however this is not a requirement to be recognized by the U.S. or any other international state, many do so as a way to survive under the colonial power.
Some would like one to believe that the BIA is the only form of recognition by the U.S., and this is just not true. It is not the only form of recognition by the U.S. as some misinformed believe and instruct others with this false information as unofficial fact, when in fact, once again, a ratified treaty is recognition, and it the case with the Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP, also known as the Tsigamogi, Chickamauga Cherokee, Lower Cherokee and otherwise known. For the State of SCNRFP chose not to surrender to the U.S. and chose not a member of the BIA so as not become a dependent nation, however the State of SCNRFP is properly recognized by ratified treaties and international agreements.
Incorrect information will lead you to believe that there are only three recognized Cherokee Tribal Nations, and this is not fact, for there is only three that are recognized under the BIA, however there is another due to ratified treaties and international agreements, thus being that of the State of SCNRFP, Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People as they are known today, as known as the Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga Cherokee, Tsigamogi and otherwise known.
Further, the State of SCNRFP is not incorporated within any government and is not a 501 (C) 3 or otherwise.
However, as a real government we are like any other government of which is as a government a non-profit, but within our own right and jurisdiction and venue.
Many nations had no choice but to surrender by force and there is no shame in fighting a good fight.
Many other nations who continue to surrender today, however it is not by force, but rather circumstance.
The State of SCNRFP chose the path to survive and thrive in another way. To provide our own economic development, social needs and otherwise for our nation, without applying for any assistance as a domestic dependent. We have never received any money from the U.S. as a domestic dependent. We have never applied for any grants. We have never sought BIA recognition, but rather stand on who we are, our ratified treaties and our approved international agreements under international law, and through great suffering we have remained in our homeland. We have risen out of the ashes to a new bright day and are now helping other nations for the same globally, in a good way.
After becoming known as the Cherokee in various spellings. The entire Cherokees were referred to as the Cherokee Empire by Gen. Cummings of England.The Principal Nation known as the Overhill/Upper Cherokee in Chota, was located in what is called Tennessee today.
Thereafter, moved to what is called Georgia today and became the Cherokee Nation in New Echota. Members of the New Echota Cherokee Nation signed the 1835 Treaty of New Echota (a false treaty) which caused the "Trail of Tears" for Cherokee.
In March of 1906 the Cherokee Nation government in Oklahoma was ceased by the Curtis Act. The Curtis Act of 1898 was an amendment to the United States Dawes Act; it resulted in the break-up of tribal governments and communal lands in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).
Basically, from 1907 until 1933, there was no official Cherokee Nation Government in Oklahoma, only the chartered Keetoowah Society in Oklahoma.
Today they are a government under the U.S. BIA/DOI by the name they have chosen as the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.
Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma is a U.S. BIA Recognized Tribal Nation. A Reservation with Trust Land under the U.S. Department of Interior and annexed Tribal Land under the tribal nation.
The Middle Cherokee became separate nation of that of the Principal Cherokee Nation with the removal of the principal tribal nation, a number of the Middle Cherokee we allowed to remain during and after the "Trail of Tears", which became known today by the name they have chosen as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian. Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians is a U.S. BIA Recognized Nation. A Reservation with Trust Land under the U.S. Department of Interior and annexed tribal land under the tribal nation.
The Lower Cherokee became officially a separate nation of that of the Principal Cherokee Nation since the 1700s and with the letter between President Thomas Jefferson and the Overhill. During the "Trail of Tears" a number of Lower Cherokee desired to remain in their homeland, therefore hid out, married whites and found many other ways to stay regardless. They had no signed the 1835 Treaty of New Echota as the separate nation they had become, therefore were not obligated to the treaty. The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP are descendants of the Lower Cherokee, also known as the Chickamauga Cherokee and Tsigamogi.
The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People chose not to be a member of the U.S. BIA. Is not a Reservation with Trust Land as those listed above, but rather maintained our Treaty Boundary Land that is not under the U.S. Department of Interior, not under the BIA, and Aboriginal Lands that are completely sovereign and not under any other government in any way, but rather a Recognized International Independent Neutral Nation and State.
The first U.S. treaties were filed with the U.S. War Department, later the U.S. moved all to the U.S. Department of Interior. We chose to remain to be Recognized as a Treaty Nation with the U.S. with ratified treaties and received international recognition with U.N. Nations Globally, as the State of SCNRFP.
Another group is the Old Settlers being members mostly made up from the Lower Cherokee and other nations. These members moved and settled in what was to become known today as Oklahoma, which became known today as the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians is a U.S. BIA Recognized Nation. A Reservation with Trust Land under the U.S. Department of Interior and tribal land under the tribal nation.
A number of other Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga Cherokee, Tsigamogi (as it has been historically and remains the same today) remained during and after the "Trail of Tears" to continue their way of life, their governments and nations. This was preceded and followed by more known evolution of our peoples to include splinter governments, assimilations and expansions, which is well-known in our culture and has occurred since time immemorial.
The chosen name today, The Southern Cherokee Nation and the Red Fire People together with the Ancient Order of the Priesthood still remained during and after the "Trail of Tears" within their treaty boundary lands (not trust lands), some refer to it geographically as Northern Georgia area of America as an enclave. The nation is now also referred to as the State of SCNRFP, after becoming further Recognized as an International Independent Neutral Nation and State with recognition and international agreements by multiple countries internationally in 2017 and 2018 and continuing to do the same year after year that follows. Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People remain with a number of treaties signed within the past 500 years with a number of Colonial Nations, such as Spain, England, France, U.S.
These treaties began being signed first as being part of the Principal Nation, and later officially becoming a separate nation of known as the Lower Cherokee, as the Chickamauga Cherokee, and as the Tsigamogi and today as the State of SCNRFP. It is important to note that not all the treaties signed with a Cherokee Nation are signed with also by the Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga Cherokee, Tsigamogi, only those while part of the principal nation apply to us and any treaties or international agreements
Therefore, we are not bound by any treaty we did not sign to include, but not limited to the New Echota Treaty of 1835, but rather signed by the False Treaty Party by some of the Cherokee Nation of New Echota citizens not empowered to sign and not by the majority which was required legally by the Cherokee Nation. Further, we are not bound to any treaties that have now been officially dissolved, treaties that were made by Fraud, Deception, Manipulation, Trickery, Coercion, Force and otherwise related, to include, but not limited to the treaties that illegally impeded or diminished the Sovereignty of our Nation. All other treaties remain and have not been dissolved by the State of SCNRFP.
There are other Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga Cherokee, Tsigamogi nations within known geographically areas of the continent of America today, by the names they have chosen.
We do have a promised homeland
The Capital is known as Little Chota of the Lower Cherokee, thus The City of Peace.
We have foreign territories and foreign diplomatic offices under diplomacy agreements with foreign countries globally under our own jurisdiction with defined boundaries.
Besides Overhill/Upper, Middle and Lower Cherokee, there are also the Cherokee known as the Valley and Outer Cherokee, by which has chosen other names today by which they are known. Known to be part of the Principal Cherokee Nation until 1906 at which time they became independent of the principal nation due to the Cherokee Nation government in Oklahoma being ceased by the Curtis Act, along with any Outer and Valley that may have claimed their independence prior.
"Several hundred Creeks went on the overland route with the Cherokees on the Trail of Tears. There are many, many, many Muscogee (Creek) people in the Cherokee Nation once they (Cherokee) arrive, and in the early 1840s the Cherokee Council passed a law admitting many of these people into citizenship in the Cherokee Nation because they elected to live with the Cherokee people," he said.
The Fire People
Some people believe the name, Cherokee, is a derivative of A-tsila-gi-ga-ge-I a-ni-sga-yu, whose Cherokee meaning is “Red Fire Men.” The color red represented power and success. Red was the color of the east and the Cherokees believed that bravery was attained from the sun or the east. From ancient times, fire was maintained in the center of their temples. In later times, the Sacred Fire burned in the center of the town house and in a circle drawn on the ground by dancers. So, to the Cherokees, the Sacred Fire is the living manifestation of the Great Spirit.
The Right Way
This philosophy of seeking balance in the world and enhancing harmony, has always been at the core of Cherokee spirituality. To the Cherokees living the “right way” meant being, in balance physically, mentally, and spiritually. Duyugodv also meant being the “right way” in nature taking only what was needed and using plants not only for food but medicine. Middle Cherokee
Be A Part of the Awakening
Chief Dragging Canoe
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President Barack Obama signed the Native American Apology Resolution into law on Saturday, December 19, 2009. The Apology Resolution was included as Section 8113 in the 2010 Defense Appropriations Act, H.R. 3326, Public Law No. 111-118.
The Apology Resolution had originally been sponsored in the Senate by Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) as S.J. Res. 14. A companion measure, H.J. Res. 46, was also introduced in the House by Congressman Dan Boren (D-OK) earlier this year. Senator Brownback successfully added the Apology Resolution to the Defense Appropriations Act as an amendment on the Senate floor on October 1, 2009.
Senator Brownback said that he introduced the measure “to officially apologize for the past ill-conceived policies by the US Government toward the Native Peoples of this land and reaffirm our commitment toward healing our nation’s wounds and working toward establishing better relationships rooted in reconciliation.”
The Apology Resolution states that the United States, “apologizes on behalf of the people of the United States to all Native Peoples for the many instances of violence, maltreatment, and neglect inflicted on Native Peoples by citizens of the United States.”
The Apology Resolution also “urges the President to acknowledge the wrongs of the United States against Indian tribes in the history of the United States in order to bring healing to this land.”
The Apology Resolution comes with a disclaimer that nothing in the Resolution authorizes or supports any legal claims against the United States and that the Resolution does not settle any claims against the United States.
The Apology Resolution does not include the lengthy Preamble that was part of S.J Res. 14 introduced earlier this year by Senator Brownback. The Preamble recites the history of U.S. – tribal relations including the assistance provided to the settlers by Native Americans, the killing of Indian women and children, the Trail of Tears, the Long Walk, the Sand Creek Massacre, and Wounded Knee, the theft of tribal lands and resources, the breaking of treaties, and the removal of Indian children to boarding schools.
Reference: Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian 2016, Broken Promises on Display At the Native American Treaties Exhibit. Nation to Nation Treaties Between the United States of America and American Indian Nations. Treaties—solemn agreements between sovereign nations—lie at the heart of the relationship between Indian Nations and the United States. Native Nations made treaties with one another long before Europeans came to the Western Hemisphere. The United States began making treaties with Native Peoples because they were independent nations. Often broken, sometimes coerced, treaties still define mutual obligations between the United States and Indian Nations. The eight treaties featured in the Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States of America and American Indian Nations, on loan from the National Archives and Records Administration, are representative of the approximately 374 that were ratified between the United States and Native Nations.
Indian Sovereignty: The sovereignty of Indian nations was expressed in the U.S. Constitution. Under the new U.S. Constitution, the American leadership-President George Washington, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, and Secretary of War Henry Knox-assumed that Indian policies were now vested in the federal government rather than in the state governments. Furthermore, they saw Indian affairs being directed by the executive branch. They saw Indian policy as a branch of foreign policy and viewed Indian tribes as foreign nations.
In a 1793 report to President Washington, Thomas Jefferson wrote: “The Indians had the full, undivided and independent sovereignty as long as they choose to keep it, and this might be forever.” Indian Land:
Recognizing Indian sovereignty implied a recognition of Indian ownership of their land. In 1786 Thomas Jefferson stated: “It may be taken for a certainty that not a foot of land will be taken from the Indians without their consent.” U.S. President Thomas Jefferson
The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People (Referred to as the Lower Cherokee and names otherwise related) are of the Ancient Order of the Priesthood (The Ancient Axe of Authority), who have never ceased to exist and remain sovereign today within our homeland.
We have chosen to not come under the United States of America affiliation with the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs and Department of Interior. We have never applied or received any grants from the United States of America or any of its fifty (50) state. We have never received or applied for funds from the United States of America any of its fifty (50) domestic state. We are not a signer to the false treaties presented by the United States of America or any of its fifty (50) domestic states, to include the Treaty of Echota, signed by the false treaty party, citizens of the Overhill Cherokee, referred to as the Upper Cherokee. The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People (Referred to as the Lower Cherokee and names otherwise related) never received any of the funds from the United States of America in conjunction with said treaty.
The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People (Referred to as the Lower Cherokee and names otherwise related) have been recognized by the United States of America by the many acknowledgments, to include but not limited to, Treaties, War Records, Indian Agents and many others. In the same way, our boundaries have been clearly recorded and defined.
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The United States government announced its decision to review its stance on the Declaration in April 2010, and at various times, President Barack Obama has expressed interest in supporting it. In November 2009, Obama signed a presidential memorandum to begin consultations with tribal leaders, non-governmental organizations and government representatives on how the UNDRIP may be effectively implemented in the United States. In April 2010, the United States announced that it would hold a formal review of the UNDRIP, and, in December 2010, after several months of consultations, Obama announced that the US fully endorsed the UNDRIP. While Obama also emphasized the document as aspirational, he also stated: “I want to be clear: what matters far more than words, what matters far more than any resolution or declaration, are actions to match those words.”
The State of SCNRFP has always been Independent.
England doesn't have an independence day because it has never needed to win its independence from another country. Instead, England celebrates St. George's Day as its national holiday.
The United Kingdom (UK) doesn't have a single national day, but it does have several days of celebration. These include:
St. George's Day: Celebrated in England
St. Andrew's Day: Celebrated in Scotland
St. David's Day: Celebrated in Wales
St. Patrick's Day: Celebrated in Northern Ireland
The Queen's Official Birthday: Celebrated on the second Saturday in June
The King's Official Birthday is celebrated by British diplomatic missions abroad as a de facto national day.
Volume 133 in The Civilization of the Americas Series This book traces the emergency of the Cherokee system of laws from the ancient spirit decrees to the fusion of tribal law ways with Anglo-American law. The Cherokees enacted their first written law in 1808 in Georgia. In succeeding years the leaders and tribal councils of the southeastern and Oklahoma groups wrote a constitution, established courts, and enacted laws that were in accord with the old tribal values but reflected and accommodated to the whites' legal system. Thanks to the great gift of Sequoyah-his syllabary-the Cherokees were well versed in their laws, able to read and interpret them from a very early time. The system served the people well. It endured until 1898, when the federal government abolished the tribal government. The author provides a brief review of Cherokee history and explains the circumstances surrounding the stages of development of the legal system. Excerpts from editorials in the Cherokee Phoenix and the Cherokee Advocate, letters, and tribal documents give added insight into the problems the Cherokees faced and their efforts to resolve them. Of particular interest is a series of charts explaining the complex Cherokee spirit system of crimes (or "deviations") and the punishments meted out for them. A legal historian of Osage and Cherokee heritage, Rennard Strickland is considered a pioneer in introducing Indian law into university curriculum. He has written and edited more than 35 books and is frequently cited by courts and scholars for his work as revision editor in chief of the Handbook of Federal Indian Law. Strickland has been involved in the resolution of a number of significant Indian cases. He was the founding director of the Center for the Study of American Indian Law and Policy at the University of Oklahoma. He is the first person to have served both as president of the Association of American Law Schools and as chair of the Law School Admissions Council. He is also the only person to have received both the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Award and the American Bar Association's Spirit of Excellence Award. Strickland was the dean of the law school from 1997 to 2002.
John Phillip Reid is widely known for his groundbreaking work in American legal history. "A Law of Blood," first published in the early 1970s, led the way in an additional newly emerging academic field: American Indian history. As the field has flourished, this book has remained an authoritative text. Indeed, Gordon Morris Bakken writes in the foreword to this edition that Reid s original study shaped scholarship and inquiry for decades.
Forging the research methods that fellow historians would soon adopt, Reid carefully examines the organization and rules of Cherokee clans and towns. Investigating the role of women in Cherokee society, for example, he found that married Cherokee women had more legal authority than their counterparts in Anglo-American society. In particular, Reid explores the Cherokees revolutionary attitudes toward government and the unique relationship between the members of the tribe and their law. Before the first European contact, the Cherokee Nation had already developed a functioning government, and by the early nineteenth century, the first Cherokee constitution had been enacted."
Other Important Documents Below:
Pope Paul III Native Rights Decree (pdf)
DownloadState of SCNRFP, International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State
Treaties Supreme Law of the Land 6 Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
Indian Canon:
311. ARTICLE 5. The United States hereby covenant and agree that the lands ceded to the Cherokee Nation in the foregoing article shall, in no future time without their consent, be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction of any State or Territory.
3. Treaty of May 6, 1828, 7 Stat. 311.
4. Treaty of 1828, 7 Stat. 311, Article 5 and 6.
ARTICLE 5. The United States hereby covenant and agree that the lands
ceded to the Cherokee Nation in the foregoing article shall, in no future time
without their consent, be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction
of any State or Territory. But they shall secure to the Cherokee Nation the
right by their national councils to make and carry into effect all such laws as
they may deem necessary for the government and protection of the persons and
property within their own country belonging to their people or such persons as
have connected themselves with them: provided always that they shall not be
inconsistent with the constitution of the United States and such acts of Congress
as have been or may be passed regulating trade and intercourse with the Indians;
and also, that they shall not be considered as extending to such citizens and
army of the United States as may travel or reside in the Indian country by
permission according to the laws and regulations established by the Government
of the same.
5. Treaty of August 6, 1846, 9 Stat. 871, Article 5.
AUGUST 6, 1846
ARTICLE 1. That the lands now occupied by the Cherokee Nation shall be
secured to the whole Cherokee people for their common use and benefit; and a
patent shall be issued for the same, including the eight hundred thousand acres
purchased, together with the outlet west, promised by the United States, in
conformity with the provisions relating thereto, contained in the third article
of the treaty of 1835, and in the third section of the act of Congress, approved
May twenty-eighth, 1830, which authorizes the President of the United States, in
making exchanges of lands with the Indian tribes, "to assure the tribe or nation
with which the exchange is made, that the United States will forever secure and
guaranteed to them, and their heirs or successors, the county so exchanged with
them; and, if they prefer it, that the United States will cause a patent or grant
to be made and executed to them for the same: Provided, always, That such lands
shall revert to the United States, if the Indians become extinct, or abandon the
6. Treaty of July 19, 1866, 14 Stat. 799, Article XXVII.
JULY 19, 1866
ARTICLE XXVI. The United States guaranteed to the people of the Cherokee
Nation the quiet and peaceable possession of their country and protection against
domestic feuds and against hostilities of other tribes. They shall also be
protected against inter(r )uptions or intrusion from all unauthorized citizens of
the United States who may attempt to settle on their lands or reside in their
territory. In case of hostilities among the Indian tribes, the United States
agree that the party or parties commencing the same shall, so far as practicable,
make reparation for the damages done.
ARTICLE XXXI. All provisions of treaties, heretofore ratified and in
force, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this treaty, are hereby
reaffirmed and declared to be in full force; and nothing herein shall be
construed as an acknowledgement by the United States, or as a relinquishment by
the Cherokee Nation of any claims or demands under the guaranties of former
treaties, except as herein expressly provided.,-4.&text=ARTICLE%205.,of%20any%20State%20or%20Territory.
Religious Test!/articles/6/essays/135/religious-test
Religious Under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
The United States Constitution mentions Native American tribes three times:
Bulls of Donation
Inter Caetera Papal Bull Pope Alexander VI’s Bull of Demarcation. This bull, issued by Alexander in 1493, divided the world between Spain and Portugal. The document is now held by the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
1494, The Treaty of Tordesillas
Pope Paul III opposes enslaving Native peoples
Pope says indigenous people must have final say about their land
Francis echoes growing body of international law and standards on the right to ‘prior and informed consent’
In the US Supreme Court in the 1823 case Johnson v. McIntosh, Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the unanimous decision held "that the principle of discovery gave European nations an absolute right to New World lands." In essence, American Indians had only a right of occupancy, which could be abolished.
Johnson v. M'Intosh, 21 U.S. 543'Intosh
Papal Donations and Colonization
Lorenzo Valla (ca. 1407-57), showed the Bulls of Donation to be a forgery
Donation of Constantine forgery
Multiple Popes At The Same Time
Christopher Columbus was not the first to explore (discovery based on manifest destiny) and arrive in the so-called new world, rather he brought with him a New Kind of Discovery to steal, kill, enslave, and destroy all in the name of their religion. Christopher Columbus Discovery was as an agent of a different kind of Discovery, thus their Mission of Doctrine of Discovery, whereby he was exerting the Inter Caetera Papal Bull. Later arrested and imprisoned.
The real reason there is a Columbus Day:
President Benjamin Harrison established Columbus Day in 1892 to honor the lives of 11 Italian Americans who were lynched in New Orleans in 1891, and to celebrate the Italian American community, to cool done hostilities and from worsening.
In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made Columbus Day an annual holiday.
The Name America:
In 1507, Waldseemüller and some other scholars were working on an introduction to cosmology that would contain large maps, according to the U.S. Library of Congress. Waldseemüller proposed that a portion of Brazil that Vespucci had explored be named "America," a feminized version of Vespucci's first name. Waldseemüller wrote, I see no reason why anyone should justly object to calling this part ... America, after Amerigo [Vespucci].
The name stuck. Waldseemüller's maps sold thousands of copies across Europe. Some reports suggest, for example the Library of Congress, that Waldseemüller had second thoughts about the name America, but it was too late. In 1538, a mapmaker named Gerardus Mercator applied the name "America" to both the northern and southern landmasses of the New World, according to Yale University and the continents have been known as such ever since.
United States Debate on Donations and Colonization
United States and The Doctrine of Discovery
Doctrine of Discovery vs. Manifest Destiny
The Doctrine of Discovery was the inspiration in the 1800s for the Monroe Doctrine, which declared U.S. hegemony over the Western Hemisphere, and Manifest Destiny, which justified American expansion westward by propagating the belief that the U.S. was destined to control all land from the Atlantic to the Pacific and ...
How did European explorers and colonial settlers use the Doctrine of Discovery to justify the taking of Native peoples’ land in what became the United States?
The Religious Origins of Manifest Destiny
United Colonies Name Change: O n this day, the name “United States of America” becomes official
On September 9, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted a new name for what had been called the "United Colonies.”
A Few Case References:
County of Oneida v. Oneida Indian Nation of New York State
Passamaquoddy - Penobscot
South Carolina v. Catawba Indian Tribe, Inc.,_Inc
Montana v. United States, 450 u.s. 544 (1981)
McGirt v. Oklahoma: The Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Affirms Native American Rights in Oklahoma. The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that about half of the land in Oklahoma is within a Native American reservation, a decision that will have major consequences for both past and future criminal and civil cases. "For Indian people, their land is really important, and treaties are really important. They're sacred. And this reaffirms the sacredness of those promises and those treaties."
Native American tribe gets its land back after being displaced nearly 400 years ago
WATCH LIVE: Interior Secretary Deb Haaland gives update on Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative
After 6,000 Years, Native American Tribe Finally Wins Big Sur Land Back
Why Native Americans are buying back land that was stolen from them
US Federal District Court Affirms 1796 Treaty Boundary St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
Worcester v. Georgia (1832) In September 1831, Samuel A. Worcester and non-Native missionaries, were indicted in the Georgia supreme court for "residing within the limits of the Cherokee nation without a license" and "without having taken the oath to support and defend the constitution and laws of the state of Georgia." Worcester argued that the state action violated the Constitution, treaties between the United States and the Cherokee nation, and the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790. When the U.S. Supreme Court heard the case on appeal it addressed the question of whether the state of Georgia had the authority to regulate the intercourse between citizens of its state and members of the Cherokee Nation. The Court held that Georgia had violated the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States, arguing that the Cherokee Nation, then, is a distinct community occupying its own territory in which the laws of Georgia can have no force. The whole intercourse between the United States and this nation, is, by our constitution and laws, vested in the government of the United States.
The Georgia act thus interfered with the federal government's authority and was unconstitutional. The Court further stated that Indian people were under the protection (Ally) of the federal government.
Just because the state of Georgia encroached into treaty boundary land, creates a dispute, not a fact of proper jurisdiction whereby the land encroached there are treaties that still exist into the sovereign tribal government boundaries.
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Johnson v. M'Intosh
Worcester v. Georgia
All Legal Reviews Globally claim that the 1835 Treaty of New Echota is a Fraud, in addition that the Lower Cherokee Nation, Chickamauga Cherokee (Chicomogie), Tsigamogi was and still remains a separate nation at the time when some Overhill/Upper un-authorized Citizens signed the treaty. The Lower Cherokee, Chickamauga Cherokee (Chicomogie), Tsigamogi did not sign 1835 Treaty, nor authority any other entity to sign. We remain today within our treaty boundaries.
Opinion on the Right of the State of Georgia to Extend Her Laws over the Cherokee Nation (In simple, a U.S. domestic state of Georgia cannot extend Georgia law into our Sovereign State of SCNRFP, nor can any other U.S. domestic state of the U.S., nor can any other international sovereign)Author: William Wirt, Esq was an American author and statesman who is credited with turning the position of United States Attorney General into one of influence. He was the longest serving Attorney General in U.S. history.
Today in Georgia History
Letter from Chief John Ross
Letter from Chief William Thomas;view=1up;seq=7
Letter of Thomas Jefferson to Cherokee Deputies, January 9, 1809
However, we have large numbers of records from U.S. Indian Agent Records that will show that the U.S. Indian Agent has wrongfully all Cherokee Nations as one nation even after separation of the nations.
US President Thomas Jefferson, War Department Records, U.S. Indian Agent Records, U.S. Congress Records, documentation from the Overhill/Upper Cherokee stating the official separation of the nations and otherwise related.
Reserved Rights Doctrine Native American Rights. ... In general, these rights are based on the legal foundations of tribal sovereignty, treaty provisions, and the "reserved rights" doctrine, which holds that Native Americans retain all rights not explicitly abrogated in treaties or other legislation.
Native American sovereignty and the Constitution. The United States Constitution mentions Native American tribes three times: Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 states that "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States ... excluding Indians not taxed."
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 states, "That all persons born in the United States, excluding Indians not taxed, are hereby declared to be citizens of the United States".
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Indian Reorganization Act
Treaties are Supreme Law of the land (U.S. Constitution Article 6 This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any ... Judges are “NOT” Bound to Treaties that are found “NOT” to be legal nor enforceable (Such as Fraud, Force, Coercion, Not Ratified), nor “Not” Bound to Treaties that have been dissolved. Note: Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP (Lower Cherokee, Tsigamogi, and Chickamauga Cherokee (Chicomogie)) has officially and properly dissolved a number of treaties however did not dissolve all treaties of course.
A number of ratified treaties still exist with Spain, England, France and U.S.A. In addition, the State of SCNRFP has been properly Recognized as an International Independent Sovereign Neutral Nation and State and has proper international agreements with a number of member nations globally and international territories.
State of SCNRFP is headquarters to the NNIA Convention which began from the NNIA Treaty, signed by tribes globally, representing millions of people globally.
No possessory ownership or other interest in property owned by the sovereign can be acquired by adverse possession President Jackson violated laws, treaties, and Supreme Court orders in his dealings with Native Americans
George "Corn" Tassel
Talton v. Mayes, 163 U.S. 376 (1898)
No Religious Test Clause
The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 (AIRFA) (42 U.S.C.§ 1996.) Protects the rights of Native Americans to exercise their traditional religions by ensuring access to sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonials and traditional rites. It was enacted to return basic civil liberties, and to protect and preserve for Natives their inherent right of freedom to believe, express, and exercise the traditional religious rights and cultural practices of Native Americans, Eskimos, Aleuts, and Native Hawaiians. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act legalizes traditional spirituality and ceremonies, overturning local and state regulations still on the books banning....
"Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an ...
The First Amendment which ratified in 1791 states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." However, the phrase "separation of church and state" itself does not appear in the United States Constitution.
Separation of Church and State is Necessary for Freedom of Choice. ... According to the American principle of church and state, religion is a private matter. For the most part, God's name should not be used in public schools. Prayer in public schools should not be allowed because prayer is a religious act.
The United States Constitution does not state in so many words that there is a separation of church and state. The first part of the First Amendment to the Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
A wall of separation between church and state. This is a very strong statement, very clear in meaning. First of all, it means that the government cannot make laws that favor one religion over any other, because it cannot make laws related to the establishment of a religion or the free expression of religious beliefs.
Rather, the First Amendment ensures both that the government does not show preference to a certain religion and that the government does not take away an individual's ability to exercise religion. In other words, the church should not rule over the state, and the state cannot rule over the church.
The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People, State of SCNRFP is under the Great Law of the Ancient Axe of Authority provided by the Creator. Even given the fact that the State of SCNRFP is a Religious State, it provides religious toleration, thus people allowing other people to think or practice other religions and beliefs. In a country with a state religion, toleration means that the government allows other religions to be there.
Freedom of Religion, and the 1st and 14th Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. ... The 14th amendment simply extends that protection out to state governments, holding them to the same standards as the federal government.
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868 and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed. ... June 13, 1866 - The House of Representatives passed the 14th Amendment by a vote of 120 to 32. However, Native American Indian were not provided dual citizenship until June 2, 1924, Congress granted citizenship to all Native Americans born in the U.S. Yet even after the Indian Citizenship Act, some Native Americans weren't allowed to vote because the right to vote was governed by state law. Until 1957, some states barred Native Americans from voting. Note, citizenship was not a legal process. Until dual citizenship was granted for Native American Indians a passport was required for Native American Indians to enter into the U.S.
Self-Determination Without Termination
Indian Reorganization Act
UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
The United States government announced its decision to review its stance on the Declaration in April 2010, and at various times, President Barack Obama has expressed interest in supporting it. In November 2009, Obama signed a presidential memorandum to begin consultations with tribal leaders, non-governmental organizations and government representatives on how the UNDRIP may be effectively implemented in the United States. In April 2010, the United States announced that it would hold a formal review of the UNDRIP, and, in December 2010, after several months of consultations, Obama announced that the US fully endorsed the UNDRIP. While Obama also emphasized the document as aspirational, he also stated: “I want to be clear: what matters far more than words, what matters far more than any resolution or declaration, are actions to match those words.”
OAS adopts new Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
A 17-Year Wait Pays off for Indigenous Peoples
The US Commerce Clause describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."
McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 U.S. 316, was a U.S. Supreme Court decision that defined the scope of the U.S. Congress's legislative power and how it relates to the powers of American state legislatures. The dispute in McCulloch involved the legality of the national bank and a tax that the state of Maryland imposed on it.
For the first time the Supreme Court fulfilled that promise with the McCulloch v. Maryland case. The precedent set was that Congress had the power to pass laws " Necessary and Proper" for the execution of its "Enumerated Powers."
McCulloch v. Maryland has had two significant effects on what federalism means for the United States. Federalism is the institutional arrangement in which power is distributed between two relatively independent levels of government: the federal government and the state governments.
The McCulloch v Maryland ruling was an important one for several reasons. The state of Maryland decided to tax the federal bank. The bank refused to pay the tax, and the state of Maryland was sued. The lawyers for the bank argued that a state couldn't tax a federal institution.
The principal effect of the case is that IT LEGITIMIZED THE POWER OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT OVER STATES. The Supreme Court case McCulloch vs Maryland was decided by the Supreme Court in 1819.
Note: Los Gentes en (or in ) Dios , meaning “the people in God.” SCNRFP Nation, State and Citizens are Protected By & Hereby "Invoke" Individually & Collectively: The Creator, Ancient Axe of Authority (including laws & regulations adopted with the regularity of the governance of the State of SCNRFP), Ancient Order of the AniKutani (Priesthood), Chiefdom, Sovereignty, No possessory ownership or other interest in property owned by the sovereign can be acquired by adverse possession, signing a bilateral treaty subject to ratification implies recognition, Treaties, International Agreements, Treaty Boundaries, Enclaves & Exclaves, Self-Determination, ID, Passport, 31 U.S. 6 Pet. 515 515 (1832), 30 U.S. 5 Pet. 1 1 (1831), 21 U.S. 543, 5 L. Ed. 681, 1823 .S. 8 Wheat. 543, 25 USC Sec 1721 et seq., 450 U.S.544 (1981), 528 F.2d 370 (1st Cir. 1975), Non-Intercourse Act, Reserved Rights Doctrine, Act of 1993, 252 U.S. 416 (1920), Pub. L. No. 103-141, 107 Stat. 1488 42 U.S. Code § 2000bb, RLUIPA Pub.L. 106–274, codified as 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc et seq., (Pub.L. 87–195, 75 Stat. 424-2, enacted September 4, 1961, 22 U.S.C. § 2151 et seq.), 22 U.S.C. 2301 et seq., (Pub.L. 83–280, August 15, 1953, codified as 18 U.S.C. § 1162, 28 U.S.C. § 1360, & 25 U.S.C. §§ 1321–1326), (RNS) 22 U.S. Code Chapter 73, Act of 1998 (Public Law 105–292, as amended by Public Law 106–55, Public Law 106–113, Public Law 107–228, Public Law 108–332, & Public Law 108–458), RFRA Act of 1993, Pub. L. No. 103-141, 107 Stat. 1488, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb through 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb-4, White Agreement, Geneva Convention, Geneva (Section 49), (VCLT, Art. 22(3), Articles 46–53), United Nations, UN DRIP, ICJ, Aboriginal Title, Vienna Convention, Hague Convention, (International, VCLT, Customary, Inherent, Natural, Hereditary, First, Statute, Cultural, Traditional, Religious, Human Rights, Religious Freedom, Devine Laws), Acts of U.S. Congress, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Bill of Rights, U.S. Articles of Confederation, SCNRFP Court & Laws, Ancient Axe of Authority, , 42 US Code, U.N. Charter, U.N. Charter XVI Article 102, UDHR 1948 U.N. GA Resolution 217, U.N. 217 A (III) A/RES/3/2017 A, U.N. IBHR OHCHR, U.N. ICESCR, U.N. UDSR, U.N. ICCPR, Courts of Justice Globally, Constitutive Theory, Declarative Theory of Statehood, Separate Nation, Self-Determination, Montevideo Convention, Protecting the Civil Rights of American Indians & Alaska Natives, AIRFA The Act (42 USC 1996) Public Law No. 95-341, 92 Stat. 469, Hatch Act of 1939 & otherwise, ICRA 1968, 1785, 198 U.S. 371 (1905), 391 U.S. 404 (1968), 315 U.S. 681 (62 S.Ct. 862, 86 L.Ed. 1115), 384 F. Supp. 312; 1974 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12291, Winters v. U.S., to include Treaty of 1730 England, Treaty of Pensacola 1784 Spain, Treaty of Hopewell U.S.A., Jay Treaty 1794, U.S. Code: Title 25 – Indians, 25 U.S. Code Chapter 32., U.S. HCA, et seq. otherwise, Only As It May Apply & Acceptable to The State of SCNRFP
"Such treaties may be alright for men who are too old to hunt or fight. As for me, I have my young warriors about me. We will hold our land." - Chief Dragging Canoe, Chickamauga Tsalagi (Cherokee) 1775
In 1775, Dragging Canoe made an impassioned speech to rally his people. He said:
Whole Indian Nations have melted away like snowballs in the sun before the white man's advance. They leave scarcely a name of our people except those wrongly recorded by their destroyers. Where are the Delewares? They have been reduced to a mere shadow of their former greatness. We had hoped that the white men would not be willing to travel beyond the mountains. Now that hope is gone. They have passed the mountains and have settled upon Tsalagi (Cherokee) land. They wish to have that usurpation sanctioned by treaty. When that is gained, the same encroaching spirit will lead them upon other land of the Tsalagi (Cherokees). New cessions will be asked. Finally, the whole country, which the Tsalagi (Cherokees) and their fathers have so long occupied, will be demanded, and the remnant of the Ani Yvwiya, The Real People, once so great and formidable, will be compelled to seek refuge in some distant wilderness. There they will be permitted to stay only a short while, until they again behold the advancing banners of the same greedy host. Not being able to point out any further retreat for the miserable Tsalagi (Cherokees), the extinction of the whole race will be proclaimed. Should we not therefore run all risks, and incur all consequences, rather than to submit to further loss of our country? Such treaties may be alright for men who are too old to hunt or fight. As for me, I have my young warriors about me. We will hold our land. A-WANINSKI, I have spoken."
Dragging Canoe's speech had such a strong influence on the chiefs that they closed the Treaty Council without more talk. Yet, the white men prepared another huge feast with rum and were able to persuade the Cherokee Chiefs to sit in another Treaty Council for further discussion of land sale. The land being sought was the primary hunting lands of the Cherokee.
1777 DRAGGING CANOE Breaks from the CHEROKEES Again in 1777, the older chiefs ceded more land as peace overtures. Thoroughly disgusted, Dragging Canoe and his followers strongly opposed the Indian land sales. Meanwhile his followers grew in numbers and bitterly attempted to resist the continuous influx of colonial settlements all along the new “Tennessee” frontiers. Dragging Canoe refused to be a part to any more treaties and land cessions. He would fight for his people’s birthright and heritage. There would be no more new settlers encroaching on Indian lands! His father, Attakullakulla, and the older chiefs, Oconostota, Willanaugh, and Onistositah did not understand that the white man would never stop until they had taken all the Indian hunting grounds, killed the buffalo and wild game that belonged to all the Indians, destroyed the forest lands, and tamed the wild rivers. The old chiefs were set in their ways of trust, but they had not right to sell the Indian Lands without the say of “all their people.”
Attakullakulla (Cherokee, Ata-gul' kalu; often called Little Carpenter by the English) (c. 1708–1777) was an influential Cherokee leader and the tribe's First Beloved Man, serving from 1761 to around 1775.
Attakullakulla ("Little Carpenter"), who was born to the Nipissing. He and his mother were captured when he was an infant, and they were adopted into the Cherokee tribe and assimilated. His mother was Nionne Ollie ("Tamed Doe"), born to the Natchez and adopted as a captive by Oconostota's household.
His son was Dragging Canoe, a leader of the Chickamauga Cherokee. Attakullakulla was a man of remarkably small stature, he was noted for his maturity, wisdom, and graciousness.
Attakullakulla knew some English but was not fluent. However, he was considered the most gifted Cherokee orator from the 1760s to 1770s. He first shows up on historic records in 1730 Emissary Attakullakulla is when he accompanied Alexander Cummings, a British treaty commissioner, and six other Cherokee Delegation to England, where he signed one of the first Cherokee treaties with Great Britain and made a Regent.
By the early 1750s, Attakullakulla, renowned for his oratorical skills, had been appointed a principal speaker for the Cherokee Nation. In the 1750–1760s Attakullakulla dominated Cherokee diplomacy. Although he usually favored the British, he was a consummate diplomat, always hoping for a peaceful resolution to problems but looking for the best interests of the Cherokees.
The Popol Vuh is a priceless document in many ways. The Quiché Maya—a thriving culture located in north-central Guatemala—consider the Popol Vuh to be a holy book, a sort of Maya bible,9171,136151,00.html
Chasing History: Native America's Lost Tomb - Spiro Mounds ...
The people now known as Phoenicians, similar to the neighboring Israelites, Moabites and Edomites, were a Canaanite people. Canaanites are a group of ancient Semitic-speaking peoples that emerged in the Levant in at least the third millennium BC.
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Ca
The people now known as Phoenicians, similar to the neighboring Israelites, Moabites and Edomites, were a Canaanite people. Canaanites are a group of ancient Semitic-speaking peoples that emerged in the Levant in at least the third millennium BC.
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times.
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times.
Greek - Jewish Period Leading to
Axes Mundi: Ritual Complexes in Mesoamerica and the Book
Egypt and Phoenicia in the Persian Period: Partners in Trade and Rebellion
The Phoenicians and The Mayans, A shared culture
The Phoenicians and The Hebrew
Mayans Descended From Olmec
The Popol Vuh is a priceless document in many ways. The Quiché Maya—a thriving culture located in north-central Guatemala—consider the Popol Vuh to be a holy book, a sort of Maya bible,9171,136151,00.html
Proper academic studies have shown that the mounds were built by Native American cultures over a period that spanned from around 3500 BC to the 16th century AD, that includes part of the Archaic Period (8000 to 1000 BC), Woodland Period (1000 BC to AD 1000) and the Mississippian Period (800 AD to 1600 AD).
Proper academic studies have shown that the mounds were built by Native American cultures over a period that spanned from around 3500 BC to the 16th century AD, that includes part of the Archaic Period (8000 to 1000 BC), Woodland Period (1000 BC to AD 1000) and the Mississippian Period (800 AD to 1600 AD).
Chasing History: Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Mega Structure of Poverty Point
Mounds Again Being Built a 1000 Years Later
Kituwah Mound
Nacoochee Mound
Nikwasi Mound
Cowee Mound
Native American Petroglyph Sites North Georgia
Near Sautee Nacoochee And Other Sites GA
Kolomoki Mounds
Mound Builders North America
Pinson Mounds
The people now known as Phoenicians, similar to the neighboring Israelites, Moabites and Edomites, were a Canaanite people. Canaanites are a group of ancient Semitic-speaking peoples that emerged in the Levant in at least the third millennium BC.
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Ca
The people now known as Phoenicians, similar to the neighboring Israelites, Moabites and Edomites, were a Canaanite people. Canaanites are a group of ancient Semitic-speaking peoples that emerged in the Levant in at least the third millennium BC.
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times.
The Etowah Mounds on Sacred Spaces
Kituwah Mound
He wrote: “ The Auh, ne, coo, tauh, nies (Ani-kutawni), or Proud,— professed themselves, as is stated by traditioners, to be teachers of Heavenly Knowledge from the Creation; and the manner of their introduction to the assembled people is represented to have been usually at night times and when he approached near them, the lights of thei
He wrote: “ The Auh, ne, coo, tauh, nies (Ani-kutawni), or Proud,— professed themselves, as is stated by traditioners, to be teachers of Heavenly Knowledge from the Creation; and the manner of their introduction to the assembled people is represented to have been usually at night times and when he approached near them, the lights of their fires were extinguished, as it was well known to them when he came near, by frequently repeating the words Caul, lungh, luy, tee Tauk, che, lo, eh, (I am from above).” Hicks was not sure exactly how the Ani-Kitani were removed from Cherokee Society. Some elders said they were banished. Others said that they were all killed. Hicks suspected that at least some of these priests survived and became a separate tribe.
The people now known as Phoenicians, similar to the neighboring Israelites, Moabites and Edomites, were a Canaanite people. Canaanites are a group of ancient Semitic-speaking peoples th
The people now known as Phoenicians, similar to the neighboring Israelites, Moabites and Edomites, were a Canaanite people. Canaanites are a group of ancient Semitic-speaking peoples that emerged in the Levant in at least the third millennium BC.
Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times.
Ancient Hebrew artifacts found in America proving the Israelites
Native people descendants of Abraham
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The Tribe of Manasseh
Native American ambassadors to Israel
Big Chief Rabbi: Why Cherokees could be Jewish
"The First Man Was Red" Cherokee Responses to the - jstor › stable by WG McLoughlin · 1989 · Cited by 30 — not only claimed that the Cherokees were included in the biblical prophecies ... that native Americans were the descendants of Shem and the Jewish tribes....
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PDF listed on our government recognition page of this website
Keetoowah Society
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Who were the Adena Mound Builders of North America?
Great Spirit Creator's Law
Clingmans Dome
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