Talking Leaves Press is incorporated within the State of SCNRFP for the purpose of reporting culture, traditions, newsworthy stories, events, discoveries, technologies, interviews and otherwise related.
Story behind Talking Leaves: When is an alphabet not an alphabet? When it is the syllabary of the Cherokee language. A Cherokee named Sequoyah invented it in 1821. He had seen non-Native soldiers reading from what he called “talking leaves”—words on paper—and was determined to find a way for the Cherokee to do the same.
Sequoyah (ca. 1776 – ca. 1843) was used to making tools for his work as both a blacksmith and a silversmith. Creating “talking leaves,” however, was quite another matter.
But he listened—hard—to his language, and found that it lent itself not to letters of an alphabet, but to syllables: one symbol for each of 85 syllables.
Initial skepticism among the Cherokees quickly turned to acceptance and rapid adoption of their new written language. By 1828, the Cherokees were publishing a newspaper in their language. It was the first Native American newspaper in the United States.
The Cherokees were also far outpacing the European settlers in literacy rates.
Sequoyah is the only known person to single-handedly create a system of writing. He died during a journey to Mexico. The details of his death are few, but he lives on in every syllable of Cherokee writing put to paper or pixel.
Perhaps most fitting for a man intrigued by “talking leaves,” and who would make a towering contribution to the preservation of Cherokee culture, the mighty and magnificent sequoia trees in the American West are named in his honor and now Talking Leaves Press.
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Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: Our Way Of Life
Los Gentes en (or in) Dios , meaning “the people in God.”
We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness"
“The Pale One”, or “Keeper of the Mysteries” was a great teacher whose name is spoken only in ceremonies. When the people had forgotten their original instructions, neglected their spiritual duties, and become warlike, the Pale One came to rekindle the sacred wisdom fire. His body emitted great light, he appeared in many places at once and he spoke the languages of all creatures. The Teachings of the Pale One flourished throughout the Americas:
What walks, swims, flies, or creeps is in relationship; the mountains, streams, and valleys and all things are related to your thought and action.
What occurs around you and within you reflects your own mind and shows you the dream you are weaving.
Three principles of awakened mind guide enlightened action: will to see the Mystery as it is; intention to manifest one’s purpose for the benefit of all; courage to do what must be done.
Generosity of heart and action brings peace and abundance for all in the circle.
Respect for elders, clan, land, and nation inspires acts in harmony with the sacred law, good caretaking of the gifts received.
Action to benefit the land and the people unto seven generations shapes the consciousness of the Planetary Caretaker, dreaming those yet unborn, ever mindful of life’s unfolding.
To be in good relation, transforming patterns of separation, pacifying conflicting emotions, is to experience the wisdom within, still lake of Mystery.
Arising from these teachings are the precepts in the Code of Right Relationship:
As our Ancestors before us reached for the heavens, we shall stand and feel the power and receive the purified blessings and the directing of bad and danger away from us.
1. Open your heart, soul, and mind to the Great Creator and Great Spirit and remain close to the Great Creator and Great Spirit in giving first constant love and thanks to the Great Creator and Great Spirit for each day, and follow the rhythms of nature, rise and retire with the Sun for every day is sacred
2. All life is sacred, honor, treat, and show total respect for all the Relations (Creation) with love
3. Care and Treat the Earth our Mother and all that dwell thereon with respect
4. Receive from the earth what is needed and nothing more
5. Do what needs to be done for the good of all, and work together for the benefit of all in a good way
6. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
7. Do what you know to be right and look after the well-being of mind, and body, and with dedicated spiritual respect and devotion
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good and be truthful and honest at all times, speak the truth and only the good in others
9. Seek real happiness everyday not just as a destination, with enjoying life’s journey, but leave no tracks
10. Take full responsibility for your actions….
True love and respect will accomplish all
State of SCNRFP, International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State, a Theocracy Government located within the State of SCNRFP Recognized Sovereign Jurisdictions and Sovereign Boundaries, Global Foreign Diplomatic Offices and Foreign Territories Under International Diplomacy Agreements, International Accords, and Foreign Capital. The State of SCNRFP is "The State of Peace" and as a Neutral Peaceful State We Have Global Partners, However, We Are and Remain a Non Aligned State. We Follow the "White Path of Righteousness" Our DNA is of Sky and Earth. We are the State of SCNRFP, We Are Tsigamogi, Chickamauga (Chicomogie), and Lower Cherokee, and with having citizens and dual citizens globally. We are not what is considered a westerner that is rather associated with Americans of the United Colonies. They changed their name and adopted their name as the United States by the Second Continental Congress on September 9, 1776. We have chosen to remain a sovereign independent of the "United Colonies", however, we were recognized via treaties and otherwise by these colonial empires that came to Turtle Island. Today we still choose to remain a sovereign independent and not become part of any of their branches and agencies so as to not become a domestic dependent. The State of SCNRFP has a separation of powers between The State of SCNRFP (Country) and SCNRFP tribal nation. The State of SCNRFP conducts all of the State Affairs offshore within the foreign jurisdictions, ETMOs and Foreign Territories under International Diplomacy Agreements between the Hosting Countries and Governments, and The State of SCNRFP. While the SCNRFP tribal government conducts tribal affairs only from Turtle Island. The separation of powers and the existence of more than one capital is not uncommon, in fact there is a long presence as such with several countries globally who have done the same for generations.
Therefore, after being recognized as an international independent sovereign neutral nation and state (country) the State of SCNRFP enacted a separation of powers. All State affairs of the State of SCNRFP are conducted within the Foreign Jurisdictions , to include the Foreign Diplomatic Offices and Foreign Territories under International Diplomacy Agreements between the two countries and governments, while all tribal affairs of SCNRFP tribal government are conducted under tribal affairs within it's treaty boundaries located in Turtle Island, so as to have no conflict of government missions and purpose, and said rights of the government to perform their respective duties. The separation of powers was chosen on the bases of State and Tribal recognitions, while keeping the integrity of both the recognized State and the tribal nation. Therefore, both have a respective capital whereby the State capital is responsible for the State Affairs and the tribe is responsible for the tribal affairs, with both having a leader of government, thus a State leader (Chief Prime Minister) and a tribal leader (Traditional Tribal Chief), however, both the State government and the tribal government are conducted under the leadership and authority of the Theocracy government as a whole.
We are a Theocracy Government, in all we do is in following the Prophecies and Visions. LOS GENTES EN (OR IN) DIOS , MEANING “THE PEOPLE IN GOD.”
As a Neutral Peaceful State We Have Global Partners, However, We Are and Remains a Neutral Peaceful Non Aligned State.
Peace and Unity with All is Freedom, However, Freedom comes with Responsibility.
Historically, the collapse of tribes into one another with the population collapse of the Contact Holocaust leaving a cultural shatter zone, and the subsequent agglomeration of peoples. We are descendants from those who remained and returned to the promise homeland. This cause and effect of imposed contact holocaust, subsequent agglomeration along with evolution still continues today whereby we have banned together in keeping our way of life.
Today, we are the descendants of what remained by all means possible, and those that made their way back to the promise homeland, and still exist today. We continue to follow the traditional ways provided by the Creator and under the Theocracy Government of the Ancient Axe of Authority as our government continues.
Contextualizing Original Wisdom for Troubled Times
Quote: “This is the hardest time to live, but it is also the greatest honor to be alive now, and to be allowed to see this time. There is no other time like now. We should be thankful, for creation did not make weak spirits to live during this time. The old ones say ‘this is the time when the strongest spirits will live through and those who are empty shells, those who have lost the connection will not survive.’ We have become masters of survival - we will survive - it is our prophecy to do so.” — Tiokasin Ghosthorse Akantu Institute
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
20 November 2021
Unfortunately, border disputes are a common source of political instability and military conflict around the globe, both in the present day and throughout history.
While some boundary disputes happen due to survival, and other related reasons, of course, however most are due to greed, imperialism, and narcissism. As we have learned is the case historically with the case between the Cherokee and a Georgia, a U.S. domestic state. They historically came after the gold, land, and other precious resources, and today also water and timber and otherwise. They continue genocide to include economic genocide today. We understand they have sued the adjoining states in the attempt to move boundary lines and take water rights and other unlawful actions, with some cases over 20 years. We understand they attacked SCNRFP with economic genocide ignoring treaties and established laws, whereby the SCNRFP government issued a cease and desist of which they ignored as well. It appears Georgia, a U.S. domestic state has a long history of many other wrongful actions against the tribes and peoples.
The domestic state of Georgia violated International Law, The Reserve Rights Doctrine, violated The Non-Intercourse Act, violated U.S. Treaties, violated their own U.S. Constitution Article VI "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding", and otherwise.
This is not the first time historically the domestic state of Georgia has attempted such wrongfully actions, but have for numbers of times have ignored the law, to include an illegal hanging after kidnapping one of our Chiefs out of our jurisdiction and carrying him back to their jurisdiction. The U.S. government intervened but they ignored the U.S. government and hung him anyway.
In another case to be heard in the U.S. Supreme Court was not heard at the time on the merits due to the fact our people were not citizens of the U.S. and at the time no international court existed.
This was followed by another case that was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, thus Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515. In September 1831, Samuel A. Worcester and others, all non-Native Americans, were indicted in the supreme court for the county of Gwinnett in the state of Georgia for "residing within the limits of the Cherokee nation without a license" and "without having taken the oath to support and defend the constitution and laws of the state of Georgia." They were indicted under an 1830 act of the Georgia legislature entitled "an act to prevent the exercise of assumed and arbitrary power by all persons, under pretext of authority from the Cherokee Indians." Among other things, Worcester argued that the state could not maintain the prosecution because the statute violated the Constitution, treaties between the United States and the Cherokee nation, and an act of Congress entitled "an act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes." Worcester was convicted and sentenced to "hard labor in the penitentiary for four years." The U.S. Supreme Court received the case on a writ of error.
Georgia does not have the authority to regulate the intercourse between citizens of its state and members of the Cherokee Nation.
Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515, was a landmark case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional. In an opinion delivered by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, the Court held that the Georgia act, under which Worcester was prosecuted, violated the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States. Noting that the "treaties and laws of the United States contemplate the Indian territory as completely separated from that of the states; and provide that all intercourse with them shall be carried on exclusively by the government of the union," Chief Justice Marshall argued, "The Cherokee nation, then, is a distinct community occupying its own territory in which the laws of Georgia can have no force. The whole intercourse between the United States and this nation, is, by our constitution and laws, vested in the government of the United States." The Georgia act thus interfered with the federal government's authority and was unconstitutional. Justice Henry Baldwin dissented for procedural reasons and on the merits. Thus, the Cherokee Treaty boundary land is a Separate and Sovereign Jurisdiction.
The State of SCNRFP is not within the jurisdiction of the domestic state of Georgia and does not recognize the domestic state of Georgia.
We understand Georgia, a U.S. domestic state case against the State of SCNRFP has ended, in simple their Chief Justice and their Assistant Attorney General of the domestic state of Georgia did signed to agree to resolve and in doing so signed a document under also the State of SCNRFP Laws and UCC to maintain all rights and VC vi coactus. Whereby a motion has been signed that end the most recent case, and signed motion did not impede or diminish any rights and all rights of the State of SCNRFP was acknowledged and reserved.
We are glad to learn that the other tribal boundaries SCNRFP has in other parts of America does not have this same problem with any other domestic state government.
The State of SCNRFP foreign territories, diplomacy agreements, diplomatic offices, and other international agreements with countries globally has never had any of concerns or issues with any other government, rather has a great relationship as a neutral country globally.
It is Important to point out the Separation of Powers between the tribal government and the central government of the International Independent State of SCNRFP. First the tribal government is within the Treaty Boundaries, and only handles internal tribal affairs. Whereby, the central government of the State of SCNRFP does not operate within America, and operates only within the established Foreign Jurisdictions under proper executed diplomacy agreements with the foreign countries and the State of SCNRFP. Both the tribal government and the central government of the State of SCNRFP are both under the authority of the Theocracy Government of the Ancient Order of the Priesthood.
The State of SCNRFP and Its Citizens Observes Our Government's Separation of Governmental Powers, Designated Capitals, and Functions of both the Central Government and the Tribal Government: to include but not limited to the Defined Boundaries, Foreign and Domestic Jurisdictions, Diplomatic Offices, Extraterritorial Trade Mission Offices (ETMO), International Foreign Territories, under International Diplomacy Agreements and Treaties with the Foreign Hosting Countries and Governments. These Sovereign Jurisdictions respect International Law and are under the Laws and Rights of The State of SCNRFP Central Government and Tribal SCNRFP Government, and both being a Separation of Governmental Powers, with both being under the Ruling Power of The Supreme Authority of The Theocracy Government who is Divinely Guided by The Sovereign Authority of The Great Spirit Creator.
The tribal nation remains within the original defined boundaries while State of SCNRFP is a recognized country by a number of member states of the United Nations. The tribal nation SCNRFP only conducts Internal Tribal Affairs and has tribal members and adoptions as was traditional, while the recognized country handles all State and International Affairs only, thus the central government conducts state affairs and foreign affairs and has added an additional citizenship as with all other countries with the ability to have dual citizenship and citizens born within our country. The State of SCNRFP operates from within their international foreign jurisdictions under diplomacy agreements, and does not operate within the boundaries of America, while the Tribal Nation conducts Internal Tribal Affairs only from within the 1785 boundaries, but does No Commerce in America, rather cultural and traditional activities, and social and humanitarian activities only. Tribal members continue to live throughout the 1785 boundaries and elsewhere, and remain lineage or adopted by a clan family, while the State of SCNRFP has citizens and dual citizens just like any other recognized country. The Tribal Nation has an office within the 1785 Boundaries today where the Principal Chief office resides today known as Tanasi, while The State of SCNRFP has offices within the International Foreign jurisdictions under diplomacy agreements as many are listed on the Recognition Page on this government website, where the Prime Minister office resides today, and The State of SCNRFP holds no diplomatic office and conducts No Commerce from within America. Some members of the SCNRFP living in the treaty boundaries are descendants of Trail of Tears survivors, some of whom made it to Oklahoma and then walked back home. Others are descended from Cherokee who managed to keep land they owned and did not march West. Under the 1819 treaty some Cherokee had taken land and were allowed to remain. Others hid in the mountains and refused to be relocated.
See Attachments to follow:
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
20 November 2021
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: Final, Stipulation and Consent Order So Ordered :
In the Superior Court of Banks County Georgia Civil Action No. 19CV169, March 11th 2021, Final, Stipulation and Consent Order So Ordered March 11th 2021, Order Signed by Chief Judge Joseph H. Booth, reviewed and agreed to by Assistant Attorney General of the State of Georgia, and reviewed and submitted by Attorney Dale Perry, thus the signing of the Order is subject to State of SCNRFP AAAP -1 Laws and UCC 1-308 as written by the signer (U-Gv-Wi-Yu-Hi) Gees-Due OO-Neh-Gah Usti. Thus, dismissing the 2017 case and doing so with recognizing the State of SCNRFP Laws AAAP-1 and UCC 1-308 signed under UCC 1-308 and AAAP-1. Therefore, not impeding nor diminishing the State of SCNRFP, maintaining our reserved treaty rights, sovereign boundaries, and otherwise under the State of SCNRFP AAAP-1 laws and acts, to include but not limited to uncodified and codified, natural law, first law, inherent law, customary law, hereditary law, international law, treaty law, codes, oral and written, statute, practice, culture, traditions, laws of the land, legal decisions, and our Way of Life. The State of SCNRFP is a International Independent Recognized Sovereign Neutral Nation and State (Country), a Theocracy Government.
As it appeared: As approved by, Tsigamogi, Chickamauga, Lower Cherokee, Fire Priest, the Ancient Order of the Priesthood, the Theocracy government under the AOP under the Ancient Axe of Authority and is allowed the same Walter Pressley (U-Gv-Wi-Yu-Hi) Gees-Due OO-Neh-Gah Usti State of SCNRFP AAAP-1, UCC 1-308 does hereby signs in accordance to the said approvals. (side note) Approval Date 6 Feb 2021
In signing said order the domestic state of Georgia hereby legally acknowledged:
The document signed reserving All Laws of the State of SCNRFP under AAAP-1
The document signed under their Law of UCC 1-308 to maintain all rights and VC distress. Acknowledging our sovereignty, boundaries, reserved rights doctrine, non intercourse act, and otherwise listed under AAAP-1 Laws of the State of SCNRFP.
The domestic state of Georgia violated International Law, The Reserve Rights Doctrine, violated The Non-Intercourse Act, violated U.S. Treaties, violated their own U.S. Constitution Article VI "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding", and otherwise.
This is not the first time historically the domestic state of Georgia has attempted such wrongfully actions, but have for numbers of times have ignored the law, to include an illegal hanging after kidnapping one of our Chiefs out of our jurisdiction and carrying him back to their jurisdiction. The U.S. government intervened but they ignored the U.S. government and hung him anyway.
In another case to be heard in the U.S. Supreme Court was not heard at the time on the merits due to the fact our people were not citizens of the U.S. and at the time no international court existed.
This was followed by another case that was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, thus Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515. In September 1831, Samuel A. Worcester and others, all non-Native Americans, were indicted in the supreme court for the county of Gwinnett in the state of Georgia for "residing within the limits of the Cherokee nation without a license" and "without having taken the oath to support and defend the constitution and laws of the state of Georgia." They were indicted under an 1830 act of the Georgia legislature entitled "an act to prevent the exercise of assumed and arbitrary power by all persons, under pretext of authority from the Cherokee Indians." Among other things, Worcester argued that the state could not maintain the prosecution because the statute violated the Constitution, treaties between the United States and the Cherokee nation, and an act of Congress entitled "an act to regulate trade and intercourse with the Indian tribes." Worcester was convicted and sentenced to "hard labor in the penitentiary for four years." The U.S. Supreme Court received the case on a writ of error.
Georgia does not have the authority to regulate the intercourse between citizens of its state and members of the Cherokee Nation.
Worcester v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515, was a landmark case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional. In an opinion delivered by U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall, the Court held that the Georgia act, under which Worcester was prosecuted, violated the Constitution, treaties, and laws of the United States. Noting that the "treaties and laws of the United States contemplate the Indian territory as completely separated from that of the states; and provide that all intercourse with them shall be carried on exclusively by the government of the union," Chief Justice Marshall argued, "The Cherokee nation, then, is a distinct community occupying its own territory in which the laws of Georgia can have no force. The whole intercourse between the United States and this nation, is, by our constitution and laws, vested in the government of the United States." The Georgia act thus interfered with the federal government's authority and was unconstitutional. Justice Henry Baldwin dissented for procedural reasons and on the merits. Thus, the Cherokee Treaty boundary land is a Separate and Sovereign Jurisdiction.
The State of SCNRFP is not within the jurisdiction of the domestic state of Georgia and does not recognize the domestic state of Georgia.
We understand Georgia, a U.S. domestic state case against the State of SCNRFP has ended, in simple their Chief Justice and their Assistant Attorney General of the domestic state of Georgia did signed to agree to resolve and in doing so signed a document under also the State of SCNRFP Laws and UCC to maintain all rights and VC vi coactus. Whereby a motion has been signed that end the most recent case, and signed motion did not impede or diminish any rights and all rights of the State of SCNRFP was acknowledged and reserved.
We are glad to learn that the other tribal boundaries SCNRFP has in other parts of America does not have this same problem with any other domestic state government.
The State of SCNRFP foreign territories, diplomacy agreements, diplomatic offices, and other international agreements with countries globally has never had any of concerns or issues with any other government, rather has a great relationship as a neutral country globally.
It is Important to point out the Separation of Powers between the tribal government and the central government of the International Independent State of SCNRFP. First the tribal government is within the Treaty Boundaries, and only handles internal tribal affairs. Whereby, the central government of the State of SCNRFP does not operate within America, and operates only within the established Foreign Jurisdictions under proper executed diplomacy agreements with the foreign countries and the State of SCNRFP. Both the tribal government and the central government of the State of SCNRFP are both under the authority of the Theocracy Government of the Ancient Axe of Authority.
The State of SCNRFP and Its Citizens Observes Our Government's Separation of Governmental Powers, Designated Capitals, and Functions of both the Central Government and the Tribal Government: to include but not limited to the Defined Boundaries, Foreign and Domestic Jurisdictions, Diplomatic Offices, Extraterritorial Trade Mission Offices (ETMO), International Foreign Territories, under International Diplomacy Agreements and Treaties with the Foreign Hosting Countries and Governments. These Sovereign Jurisdictions respect International Law and are under the Laws and Rights of The State of SCNRFP Central Government and Tribal SCNRFP Government, and both being a Separation of Governmental Powers, with both being under the Ruling Power of The Supreme Authority of The Theocracy Government who is Divinely Guided by The Sovereign Authority of The Great Spirit Creator.
The tribal nation remains within the original defined boundaries while State of SCNRFP is a recognized country by a number of member states of the United Nations. The tribal nation SCNRFP only conducts Internal Tribal Affairs and has tribal members and adoptions as was traditional, while the recognized country handles all State and International Affairs only, thus the central government conducts state affairs and foreign affairs and has added an additional citizenship as with all other countries with the ability to have dual citizenship and citizens born within our country. The State of SCNRFP operates from within their international foreign jurisdictions under diplomacy agreements, and does not operate within the boundaries of America, while the Tribal Nation conducts Internal Tribal Affairs only from within the 1785 boundaries, but does No Commerce in America, rather cultural and traditional activities, and social and humanitarian activities only. Tribal members continue to live throughout the 1785 boundaries and elsewhere, and remain lineage or adopted by a clan family, while the State of SCNRFP has citizens and dual citizens just like any other recognized country. The Tribal Nation has an office within the 1785 Boundaries today where the Principal Chief office resides today known as Tanasi, while The State of SCNRFP has offices within the International Foreign jurisdictions under diplomacy agreements as many are listed on the Recognition Page on this government website, where the Prime Minister office resides today, and The State of SCNRFP holds no diplomatic office and conducts No Commerce from within America. Some members of the SCNRFP tribe living in the treaty boundaries are descendants of Trail of Tears survivors, some of whom made it to Oklahoma and then walked back home. Others are descended from Cherokee who managed to keep land they owned and did not march West. Under the 1819 treaty some Cherokee had taken land and were allowed to remain. Others hid in the mountains and refused to be relocated.
See Attachments to follow:
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 24 March 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Tribe wins court battle over disputed land:
US Federal District Court Affirms 1796 Treaty Boundary
St. Regis Mohawk Tribe(WWNY) By 7 News Staff Published: Mar. 15, 2022 at 6:02 AM EDT AKWESASNE (WWNY) - A federal court has ruled in favor of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe in a decades-long land dispute. It stems from what’s known as the 1796 Treaty and the federal Non-Intercourse Act. Tribe leaders released a statement Monday saying the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York ruled that a state purchase of reservation land in the 1800s was illegal. Based on the 1796 Treaty, a square mile of land in Massena as well as several other areas are part of tribal lands. Tribal Chief Beverly Cook said “We should all be proud of the perseverance that our recent and ancient ancestors displayed, who stood fast in their determination to protect our lands.” We’ll have more on this development later this week.
U.S. District Court Affirms 1796 Treaty Boundary Mar 14, 2022 AKWESASNE TERRITORY – The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is pleased to report that the decades-long dispute over the reservation boundary has been decided upon by the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York. In a summary judgment ruling issued by U.S. District Judge Lawrence Kahn on Enniskó:wa/March 14, 2022, the court ruled that New York State’s purchase of reservation lands in the 1800s violated the federal Non-Intercourse Act. “To say that we are pleased is an understatement,” shared Tribal Chief Beverly Cook. Chief Cook added, “We should all be proud of the perseverance that our recent and ancient ancestors displayed, who stood fast in their determination to protect our lands. We stand in the footprints of our parents and grandparents who fought relentlessly to reclaim our land that was illegally taken. The process will continue to require patience and critical thinking, as we seek to unwind the many complexities of a final remedy and settlement of our land claim.” Beginning in 1790 and concluding in 1834, the U.S. Government adopted six federal statutes to regulate commerce with Indian Nations and to clearly establish the rules for the purchase of tribal property. The Court has found the State did not follow those rules. Known as the Non-Intercourse Act, the federal law specified that only legislation ratified by the U.S. Congress could transfer title to a purchaser. In 1824 and 1825; New York State attempted to purchase approximately 2,000 acres of reservation land from the Tribe; without the presence of a federal commissioner or any subsequently ratified federal act. These lands comprised the “Hogansburg Triangle” and is situated at the center of the reservation explicitly reserved for the use of tribal members in a 1796 Treaty, which was ratified by the U.S. Congress on May 31, 1796. The U.S. District Court’s ruling affirmed the Tribe’s historic and ongoing claim to ownership of these reserved lands. Tribal Chief Michael Conners shared, “Today is a tremendous win for Akwesasne and was decades in the making. It is a positive step forward, with many steps still to be figured out. It could not have happened without the leadership of our past Council members who, along with recent and current Councils, have always kept an eye on our children and our grandchildren still to come.” In addition to the ruling on the merits, the court also dismissed the State and County counterclaims that the Tribe’s reservation was disestablished or diminished by later treaties. The impact is that the 1796 Treaty boundaries remain in place and encompass, not only the Triangle; but the Massena Mile Square, the Fort Covington Mile Square and adjacent town, and the Grasse River meadows areas, all set aside in the Treaty. In responding to U.S. District Court ruling, Tribal Chief Ron Lafrance shared, “I have always maintained that the State violated the Non-Intercourse Act by not having any of these purchases approved by Congress. During Land Claims negotiations, I always asked if the State sought federal approval on any purchases made by NYS on Mohawk lands? I also commented that only an Act of Congress could disestablish or diminish the boundary of a reservation. Today, we succeeded in proving we were right all along.” Not included in the March 14th court ruling was a remedy to rectify and correct the illegal taking of reservation lands by New York State. Given the predominant presence of tribal members involving the Hogansburg Triangle, in prior litigation Judge Kahn found that the legal principle of laches did not apply, which could potentially clear the way for the Tribe to regain title. For the remaining areas reserved in the 1796 Treaty not currently under tribal title, the Tribe’s lawyers are still assessing the impact of the U.S. District Court’s ruling. COURT RULING: U.S. District Court for Northern District of New York - March 14, 2022
Talking Leaves Press Reports
Storyline: Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address Greetings to the Natural World
Reported By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
See the Following Attachment:
Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address Greetings to the Natural World
01_02_Thanksgiving_Address (pdf)
DownloadTalking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: Vaccine Exemptions by the State of SCNRFP:
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
24 November 2020
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Gift of Masks Humanitarian Mission:
We were Honored by the visit of our Brothers Dr. Sueling Wang 28th President of the WTCC and Dr. Rick Yi Chairman and CEO of STS Corporation and STSC visited the State of SCNRFP with the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce Gift of Masks Humanitarian Mission Taiwan Can Help Health for All Today.
The State of SCNRFP well received thousands of needed masks today for the member citizens of the nation, we are so Grateful and Thankful for this well received Blessing via the TCCNA Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of North America. These masks will be put to good use in assisting to maintain good health and for preserving lives during this global virus pandemic. The WTCC/TCCNA are showing their humanity to the world from the proud independent country of Taiwan Officially The Republic of China (ROC). Again, we are so thankful for this blessing of Gift of Masks Mission and of Our Relationship Together.
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: Attakullakulla’s Ghost
Original Release: Posted by Attakullakulla's Ghost at 9:21 PM No Comments: Email This Blog This! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest
Monday, March 7, 2016
We Are Tsigamogi
We Are Tsigamogi
We have been immortalized by the muse of history. But what tongue can speak or pen indict a tribute to the documented truth of our origins and still struggling existence?
Hostile history or erroneous lore is neither refreshing nor enriching to our youth. The true retrospective view of events must be fully exposed and related so history will not be swayed by fraud or documental genocide.
It is imperative to understand that the Chickamauguan history has been purged or rewritten to devalue our identity as a separate People.
Can one band of People secede from a Nation? For a nation to suppress such an act provides for its own destruction. The use of force against that band is a declaration of war. To attack that band is a dissolution of all previous internal compacts by which it might be bound. When a nation’s abuse of power towards its People is explicitly understood, then the band regains their sovereignty and are no longer under the jurisdiction of that nation. Understand, there is no constitutional law prohibiting secession from an abusive nation, the abusive nation has no right to prevent it, and it certainly has no right to make aggressive action toward or against the seceding band. The nation that uses genocide, for their own benefit, perverts its power for sectional advantage and demands a monopoly of that nation’s race and rights and must be called to answer for their wrongs. The band of separatists must demand this in the name of protection of title to their own identity.
The separation of the Chickamauguan People from the Cherokee is documented by the US War Department records, September 13, 1792 (John Sevier to Gov. William Blount – notification of divide in Cherokee Nation five Lower Towns declare war), November 6, 1792 (President George Washington’s Fourth Annual Message to Congress identifying Chickamauguans), and November 26, 1792 (Henry Knox to William Blount and the conflict with Chickamauguans) to name a few.
The Papers of Andrew Jackson, 1770-1803, recognize the Chickamauguan capital at Running Water, TN. Again he responds in agreement with the division on January 9, 1809.(The Writings of Thomas Jefferson XVI,455-58) The Treaty of 1785 was signed by Chickamauguan Chiefs. The history of our existence is well documented. The Cherokee Nation’s history claims our Chiefs and is changing history in doing so.
My name is Attakullakulla I was born Nippissing from Canada, as documented through the Champlain Society of Canada indicates. My mother, Noinne Ollie, was born Natchez. My grandfather Amatoya Moytoy is also not Cherokee. His father is Thomas Passmere Carpenter, an Englishman from Jamestown, VA and his mother is Chalakatha Shawano Pride, Powhatan. My son Dragging Canoe is not Cherokee. These facts are documented in the Virginia Archives.
Why the change of identity? Why did Oconastota banish myself and family in the wilderness and why did Oconastota give TN Militia the Cherokee National Archives? Why did John Ross take those archives to Washington, DC during the Civil War? Why did John Ross choose to not send requested aid to Chief Bowls in Texas in 1839? Why did John Ross collect the national records from the Old Settlers (Chickamauguans) in 1840? Will the curious research the answers or go to the ones perpetuating the corruption of history? All these questions come to one conclusion – to eradicate the Chickamauguan history.
Erroneous lore of Sequoyah’s syllabary being created in the 1820’s leads our youth to false beliefs. The Spanish Treaty and American treaties were signed in syllabary decades before the 1820’s.The systematic destruction of a substantial part of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group used with the intention of destroying the entire identity is a crime of genocide, whether committed during war or peace. Is the expulsion from a country, especially the country of one’s origin or long time residence, a crime? Cherokee National Law 139-141, passed October 31, 1829, lays out provisions relating to citizens removing to Arkansas (enrolled emigrants shall be treated as non citizens and enrolled emigrants are intruders).
These non-citizens are identified by the Indian Affairs Department, December 31, 1820, by Thomas L. McKenney to Governor Pope (one thousand, thirty Chickamauguans are at Dardanelle Rock, Arkansas). These are People were banished to destroy their identity. The Chickamauguan People had their own government as documented by the Arkansas Preservation Program. In 1838, John Ross outlawed their government and two years later, authorized Alexander Foreman to collect all public papers and records of the Chickamauguan People to be delivered to the Cherokee National Council/John Ross. This is an act that eradicated the actions of the 1809 Willstown Compact. The act of doing something with an intent to give some advantage, inconsistent with official duty and the rights of others, the use of office to procure some benefit, either personally or for someone else, is contrary to the rights of others.
The denial of the Chickamauguan People corrupts history and violates the fiduciary duty of treaties giving peace to all the Cherokee and receive them into favor and protection of the United States, as stated in the November 28, 1785 Treaty, [ Art.7 Stat 18].
The accredited representative of a trust relationship has been abandoned, swayed by documented fraud of history and the acceptance of genocide. Are laws, treaties and history set in stone or are they for sale to the highest bidder? These inherent rights are retained are for our future generations. These rights are not corporate logos worn by representatives in our state or federal capital. The actual documented history, stated by the People, is for the People. The People cannot dictate the moral conscious of a representative, but the People can remind them of a fiduciary responsibility and expose an incompetence of their knowledge of the US Constitution and law which they are obligated by their oath to enforce, law that binds the judicial system. Who represents the Chickamauguan People? We do! The People who have been exiled, massacred, denied, betrayed and estranged from our rights and identity – a muse of history. Any rebuttal to these facts is a continued and purposefully contrived act of genocide.
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Originally Released: Attakullakulla's Ghost Posted by Attakullakulla's Ghost at 10:07 AM
The Ghost
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Attakullakulla’s Ghost 2
Attakullakulla has had enough. The rights of the children of Cherokee men and white women are equal to the children of Cherokee women and white men – being equal to all the immunities and privileges enjoyed by the citizen descending from the Cherokee race. Bloodyfellow has had enough. We have no inclination to leave the country of my birth. Even should the habits and customs of the Indians give place to the habits and customs of the whites or even should they, themselves become white by intermarriage, not a drop of Indian blood would be lost. It would spread more widely, not lost. The Chickamauguans have had enough. Our history has been purged or rewritten to devalue our identity. US War Department Records, Sept. 13, 1792, John Sevier to Gov. William Blount notification -Divide in Cherokee Nation, Five Lower Towns declare war. George Washington’s Fourth Annual Message to Congress, Nov. 6, 1792 – Chickamaugans inhabiting five lower towns. Oconostota wanted the destruction of the Chickamaugan people. Nancy Ward informed the militia where the Chickamauguan towns were to their demise. Old Tassel wanted to destroy the Chickamauguans. George Rodger Clark attacked Chickamauguan villages in Indiana. There is documentation of Chickamauguans at Dardenall Rock, Arkansas. The Chickamauga's are documented in Texas. From our separation in 1776 by Dragging Canoe to President Theodore Roosevelt in 11906 recognizing us shows our recognition. Enough said.The Treaty of 1785, November 28, 1785, [Art.3]: The said Indian s for themselves and their respective tribes and towns do acknowledge all the Cherokee to be under the protection of the United States of America and no other sovereign whosoever. In 1999, the US Supreme Court ruled “We interpret Indian treaties to give effect to the terms as the Indians themselves would understand them interpreting them liberally in favor of the Indians.”Where is that protection in the Treaty of 1785 acknowledging all the Cherokee? The ‘all the Cherokee’ have had enough. It is not appropriate to terminate the citizenship right unless a crime is committed. The Chickamauguans have not been terminated by any sitting US President or Congress. Enough said. I define recognition bestowed in 1785 “tribes and towns of all the Cherokee” as understood in [Art. 3] with the Supreme Court ruling of 1999. We have our federal recognition.
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
02 August 2020
Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: The State of SCNRFP Reported on their Global Humanitarian Efforts:
We are not charging for the license that we will issue to your government to obtain the right to assign this to a manufacturer within your country to produce the whole (all nature) medicine, to sell to other countries and their citizens. Logistics globally has worsened due to the pandemic thus a good reason to provide a license to other countries to produce domestically, regionally, and otherwise so as not to have to combat bad logistics due to the pandemic, provide domestic jobs, assist the domestic economy, and to receive the whole (all-natural) medicine to protect and save lives.
Therefore, we are offering this license to the formula and rights to provide it to your people and around the world, thus you can produce the whole medicine to a manufacturer in your country and in other countries, you can sell the whole medicine to your people, or give the whole medicine to your people, you can sell the whole medicine to other countries and peoples or give the whole medicine to other countries and their peoples it is solely up to you with this license. We are requesting nothing in return for ourselves for the license agreement clearly states that the royalties for our government are zero, therefore, there is no need for negotiation between our two governments as it relates to royalty percentages because we are providing for free of charge and expecting no returns, thus providing as a one hundred percent humanitarian to your government. If your government desires to appoint individuals or companies to carry this out that is also your choice.
Our other offerings to your nation are funding. Whereby we offer funding that has to be paid back, funding that does not have to be paid back, funding from trading, ongoing investments, valuable technologies, and otherwise. This is made available via the 8a and 8b documents the emissary should have provided you zero risk funding and investments.
Prayers and Blessings and Protection to you and your family, your nation, your leaders, and your people.
In a Good Way
Wado, Chief Usti
Prime Minister
State of SCNRFP
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
29 July 2020
Sources have revealed that the All Natural Ingredients used in this whole medicine are approved as being safe and is being used in countries globally for generations in one form or another, in fact, most if not all these ingredients are currently available in stores and vendors in countries around the world. It was further stated that it is the combination of the current formula and the measurements and delivery of each that is making the difference in the current use to assist in preventing and to assist in restoring health from the virus. It was stated that it is the list of ingredients have been approved by the State of SCNRFP, you will find that the GRAS Status FDA also has their list of approved ingredients, as do other governments globally. You will find these ingredients being imported and exported by countries globally, but in this case, again it is the combination of the current formula and the measurements and delivery of each that is making the wellness difference.
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Sat, 14 March 2020, 08:54 pm est
Interview with State of SCNRFP
Story Line: VirusMedic Kit Points
VirusMedic Kit
“Super Immunity System”
• Immunity Kit as support in prevention and in support for the wellness for illness and good health to include but not limited to viruses, such as coronavirus. Aim is to help those stay healthy, help those to improve their health, and even save lives.
• Coronavirus/CONVID-19 can be Life Threatening. “Right to Try” laws globally allows the patient/doctor to try unproven potentially lifesaving therapies for threats to life when no other treatment has been proven or is available.
• With resistance as a main goal, VirusMedic Kit “Super Immunity System” is a first responder for preparation, prevention, and support of one’s resistance and preservation of health.
• Every Prepper should have one of these first responder VirusMedic Immune Kits in their bugout packs and should already be using a all-natural VirusMedic Immune Kit.
• When one is left with susceptibility one has to choose to be left with nothing and wait in hopes of something to come or excercise your right to protect yourself against this enemy that is attacking you and the world, my choice of weapon to defend is the all-natural ViursMedic Immune Support.
• An active/effective immune system is one of the best defenses, especially with the immune boosting effect of a specific vaccine, which may or may not be available and may or may not be proven.
• Using over 30 ingredients "Generally Recognized As Safe" (GRAS US FDA designation), exempted from Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) food additive tolerance requirements (some with more than 2000 in vitro and in vivo analytical, animal, and human clinical tests/studies), VirusMedic Kit enhances the immune system to provide strong first aid defense. Approved by the State of SCNRFP government.
• The natural and non-toxic ingredients have been used to treat cancer, asthma, chronic infections, diabetes, heart disease, “stress” and appears to have strongly shown to effectively neutralize the effect of genetic viral mutation.
• VirusMedic Kit may be safely self-administered topically, orally, and by suppository, and patients younger than 3 and older than 65 have used VirusMedic safely. Being able to self-administer in the safety of your own home keeps one out of harms way of becoming infected by entering possible infected or large gatherings who are not all practicing social distancing.
• The vision of these traditional medicines, methods, and wisdom have been developed specifically for the boosting of the immunity system to fight viruses such as the Coronavirus crisis.
• People of the Heart, a not-for-profit, through voluntary donations and purchase of VirusMedic Kit “Super Immunity System” helps support the global mission to One World and One Health for All, thus we are all in this together, thereby your purchase helps the one who cannot afford the whole medicine to be able to obtain it free of charge, thus your purchase is a donation.
Consult with your doctor. No claims, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made by both our companies as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products.
Furthermore, our company accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products.
Pregnant and Nursing Women are not recommended to take this, however in a life or death situation this should be lesser dangerous than that of many other methods that a woman could do, however you should first consult with your doctor and or pharmacy.
First check with your doctor and or pharmacy if you are currently on any other prescribed medications.
If you are currently taking medication to reduce your immune system due to any health reasons that you first check with your doctor and or pharmacy. Pregnant and nursing women are not recommended to use this treatment.
"This press release from Talking Leaves Press is not providing medical advice. This press release is not a substitute for your professional’s medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911."
Talking Leaves Press As Reported By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s
Sunday 10 May 2020
010:48 am est
Interview of sources with the State of SCNRFP
Story Line: The State of SCNRFP Global Humanitarian Mission, "Together for Humanity"
Talking Leaves Press was pleased to interview sources with the State of SCNRFP. The State of SCNRFP is known traditionally as Tsigamogi, Chickamauga Cherokee (Chicomogie), and Lower Cherokee, A Theocracy Government Under the Ancient Order of the Priesthood, thus The Southern Cherokee Nation and The Red Fire People and became internationally recognized as also The State of SCNRFP.
In a recent interview with sources with the State of SCNRFP about their global humanitarian mission with regards to good health. We have learned that the State of SCNRFP commissioned their Minister of Health to engineer a whole medicine for viruses such as the Coronavirus by the name of "VirusMedic".
Whole medical systems involve complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved independently from or parallel to allopathic (conventional) medicine. Many are traditional systems of medicine that are practiced by individual cultures throughout the world.
We have learned that the State of SCNRFP has made this whole medicine available to the world via licensing agreements with creditable and responsible global organizations, governments, and public-private partnerships with the ability to sub-license. We have learned that the most recent license has gone to The International Human Rights Commission, Geneva Switzerland (African Region Headquarters
(OHCHR Africa Region), a United Nations Organization.
The State of SCNRFP reported this to be a gift of the Creator, The State of SCNRFP is “Gifting” VirusMedic for the World and is providing these licenses available free of charge, thus not requiring any License Agreement term payment for VirusMedic by the licensee but rather providing it to the world for zero profits (0) to be paid to The State of SCNRFP. Therefore, there are no license agreement fees and percentages to be paid to The State of SCNRFP is “Zero” (0) for the VirusMedic whole medicine immune booster.
Creditable and responsible manufactures globally are being otbained by the licensee to manufacture and distribute VirusMedic to the world. The State of SCNRFP reported that due to the current crisis it is important to have a number of manufactures globally due to the crisis causing logistical problems, and to provide as many countries some economic development, jobs, and to assist with their economy and wellness.
Sources in the Ministry of Health of the State of SCNRFP reported to focused on providing a immune treatment since it appears to be the first responder to providing a prevention and wellness ablities is a healthy and strong immune system. Further, it has been highly publicized and undisputed by many experts globally to be so important not only in everday health, but rather very important to those with pre-existing conditions and those with weak or have not maintained a good immune systems in everyday life. Many articles by the medical community, governments, health professionals, and well-know experts have agreed that the immune system is vital.
Sources say that VirusMedic have been approved by the State of SCNRFP government. VirsuMedic is a whole medicine using traditional herbs engineered into a nutraceutical with ingredients recognized by GRAS status, thus "GRAS" is an acronym for the phrase Generally Recognized As Safe. Under sections 201(s) and 409 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act), any substance that is intentionally added to food is a food additive, that is subject to premarket review and approval by FDA, unless the substance is generally recognized, among qualified experts, as having been adequately shown to be safe under the conditions of its intended use, or unless the use of the substance is otherwise excepted from the definition of a food additive.
Sources says VirusMedic ingredients were selected from hundreds of well-known herbal ingredients known for boosting and supporting the immune system as well as supporting healthy responses for other pre-existing medical conditions that cause additional risk of contracting the coronavirus. That the VirusMedic is to support the prevention and support restoring health from the coronavirus, and other known uses of these whole medicine ingredients. The ingredients have numbers of pre-existing tests and studies globally by experts, universities, governments and otherwise related. Even though VirusMedic is an all-natural whole medicine treatment with many ingredients used globally for generation it has also been used under what is referred to as the right to try.
It has been reported that this internationally recognized state has sent out a number of these immune kits known to boost the immune system across the world to well-know locations in countries globally, such as Spain, South Korea, USA, Ivory Coast, Philippeans, Italy, Mexico, Caribbean, Pakistan, Indonesia, India, Turkey, Albania, Ghana, among others with a number of good results being documented. It has been reported to have gone to an organization of the United Nation (UN), location of the Red Cross, U.S. Veteran Adimistration workers, political leaders, hospitals and mature centers workers and patients, and individuals in known hot spots across the U.S. and globally free of charge under the State of SCNRFP Humanitarian Mission.
Sources say the ministry prepared a series of immune kits in the attempt to stay ahead of the changing mutations that the coronavirus has continued to produce, and even a immune support to vaccines as they are deveoped and approved.
We look forward to hearing more about this immune whole medicine and will keep you up-to-date with the lastest news as it comes available. Be Smart, Stay Safe for yourself and others.
It has been reported that Pregnant and Nursing Women are not recommended to take this, however in a life or death situation this should be lesser dangerous than that of many other methods that a woman could do, however you should first consult with your doctor and or pharmacy.
It has been reported that you first check with your doctor and or pharmacy if you are currently on any other prescribed medications.
It has been reported that if you are currently taking medication to reduce your immune system due to any health reasons that you first check with your doctor and or pharmacy.
Consult with your doctor. No claims, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made by both our companies as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products.
Furthermore, our company accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products.
Pregnant and Nursing Women are not recommended to take this, however in a life or death situation this should be lesser dangerous than that of many other methods that a woman could do, however you should first consult with your doctor and or pharmacy.
First check with your doctor and or pharmacy if you are currently on any other prescribed medications.
If you are currently taking medication to reduce your immune system due to any health reasons that you first check with your doctor and or pharmacy. Pregnant and nursing women are not recommended to use this treatment.
"This press release from Talking Leaves Press is not providing medical advice. This press release is not a substitute for your professional’s medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911."
Talking Leaves Press
Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv
Sat, 14 March 2020, 08:54 pm est
Interview: Sources
Story Line: Speaking on VirusMedic
Under the direction of the State of SCNRFP the ministry was asked to provide a remedy for both attempting prevention and something to restore health to those infected with COVID-19 global pandemic, and something that will continue to increase the defense on several levels so as to support overall heath against this virus by providing several defenses and increasing the immune system, thus a super immunity support system booster. In times like these it is important to know that we have a responsibility to defend our lives and that of others in the best ways we can with what is proven to be safely available and most suitable for the medical crisis.
In keeping with the traditions of our ancestors we here at the State of SCNRFP are responding to the imminent threat to the health and well-being by the use of whole medicine, methods, and wisdom that our Creator has bestowed upon us, to engineer specific remedies for the specific circumstances and crisis that we are facing today, which have been reported to be effective by global experts, universities, medical centers, tests and studies.
By using known traditional medicine the Minister is said to have presented a viral first aid that can be used for the purpose of a super enhancement of our immune systems in the attempt to prevent infection by having strong defenses. Created to be a responder for preparation and prevention to aid in supporting health and preservation for the strength of the immune system and defending our immune system matters greatly as reported by experts.
It was reported that the ingredients used have been used in the treatment of chronic illnesses such as Cancer, Asthma, Chronic infections, Diabetes, Heart disease, Stress, Mature and Younger. The ingredients are non-toxic and generally recognized as safe for human consumption by the younger and the mature, thus addressing the main concerns of those individuals who are at higher risk, however most any existing ailment can decrease the immune system whereby putting many others at risk but there is hope now available whereby no one should be denied this immune support.
It was noted that Stress has been shown to adversely cause negative effects on your health and in many cases is the cause of other illnesses by lowering your immune system the very thing you want to avoid. To compound matters this virus has been determined life-threatening and many have lost their lives already whereby stress abounds. Health workers have a tremendous level of stress who would also be recommended to use an immune system support such as VirusMedic to help remain strong in service. This virus is extremely adding to the Stress, thus additionally reducing the immune system whereby ingredients found in VirusMedic can bring about measures in correcting this immune deficiency.
I have battled SARS, MERS, Avian flu, West Nile virus and many others from a clinical standpoint and I am going to report here some of my experiences. I hope that by sharing this with you, it will give you hope in the fact that there is something that can be done about this terrible pandemic that we are facing.
When SARS appeared in the USA back in 2004-5, my primary approach was the use of Acupuncture with microcurrent along with various Botanicals, Proteolytic plant enzymes and medicinal mushrooms among other whole medicines with my patients and none where lost.
Later when MERS arrived and I had patients with severe cough, bronchitis, fever and fatigue I used Medical Mushrooms, Fulvic acids, and Stabilized Molecular Oxygen among other whole medicines. The Stabilized Molecular Oxygen was administered both via Nebulization and intravenous, the results were amazing.
One of my mentors, Former State of SCNRFP Minister of Health Dr. Ben Johnson, used this formula with all of his cancer patients and was extremely pleased with the great improvements that his patients encountered with this whole medicine.
The State of SCNRFP response to COVID-19, we have modified and enhanced the botanical medicines that have helped so many cancer patients with raising their defenses against cancer to be directed toward viral immunity-boosting so as to enhance their immune response to viral infection.
In this whole medicine he has included Curcumin from Turmeric root, Gingerol from Ginger root, Chaga mushroom extract, Reishi Mushroom extract, Cordyceps Mushroom extract, Stabilized Molecular Oxygen, Fulvic and Humic acids, Fullerene Carbon Complexes Gynostemma pentaphyllum, 500ppm Nanoparticle silver solution, my Stabilized Molecular Oxygen for nebulization, and a series of antiviral botanical medicated suppositories as well as many other very powerful ingredients in the attempt to provide the best support in building the immune system against COVID-19.
This virus has been reported to mutate faster and in my opinion the attempts to create a vaccine or any other such synthetic remedies may prove not to work on a number of mutations or at least still require an all-natural support system that is compatible in protecting, defending, and for the recovery, a natural remedy has already been reported globally to show good results while it may still be 12 to 18 months before seeing any synthetic vaccine.
Therefore we must endeavor to enhance the immune function to its utmost power, while at the same time enable the immune system to neutralize and detoxify this biotoxin at the same time and I have 25 years of experience doing just that.
Due to this virus mutating so fast and in order to stay ahead of the mutation we have designed a method whereby there will be an A, B, C, and D VirusMedic available, thus as another mutation occurs we are able to attempt to provide another line of defense ahead of the crisis of one becoming infected or again infected. Some of the ingredients in the “VirusMedic” have more than 2000 published vitro, vivo, analytical, animal, and human clinical tests and studies.
This VirusMedic Immune Kit may be Safely Self-Administered as this is not an injectable rather it can be used oral and as a topical that absorbs directly into the bloodstream within seconds with little to no evaporation loss for the purpose of a defense and benefit, and a suppository to complete the VirusMedic Immune Kit for the purpose of a defense and benefit.
This method of remedy is so very important so as not to create a gathering with numbers of people but rather social distancing so that it does not put those at risk by gathering in large groupings and in the midst of those that are already infected at a location known for existing health concerns, thus eliminating the strong possibility of being in the midst whereby there are those already infected who can infect others, thus you can stay in the safety of your home and receive a this immune remedy delivered directly to your home, and to greatly assist also those that are already homebound. For those desiring assistance in self-administering we have also created a Skype and WhatsApp account Call-In whereby you can speak with a health professional to assist you and providing you with the confidence and comfort to safely administer.
Regardless of what vaccines that may come afterward, nothing appears to be a better result than being sure that your immune system is the strongest it can be at all times as being one of the best defense supporting good health and restoring health and preventing illnesses.
I suggest to consult with your doctor. No claims, representations or warranties, whether express or implied, are made by both our companies as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products.
I furthermore suggest, our company accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of our companies' products.
I suggest pregnant and Nursing Women are not recommended to take this, however in a life or death situation this should be lesser dangerous than that of many other methods that a woman could do, however you should first consult with your doctor and or pharmacy.
I suggest to first check with your doctor and or pharmacy if you are currently on any other prescribed medications.
I suggest that if you are currently taking medication to reduce your immune system due to any health reasons that you first check with your doctor and or pharmacy. Pregnant and nursing women are not recommended to use this treatment.
I should inform you that in most Countries Worldwide have a “Right to Try” law that allows the patient and also allows the doctor to proceed in the saving a life when there is the threat of loss of life and there is nothing else.
People of the Hear, a non-profit has become a licensee to offer the VirusMedic Immune Kits. Any purchase through any of the licensees helps not only yourself but others who may not be able to afford their immune kit and supports many other needs globally through our non-profit missions to those in need.
In all we do here, we do so by visions, prophecies, and wisdom provided by the Creator. Our culture and theocracy have provided thousands of years in the practice of good medicine.
The Ministry of Health desires each of you to have wellness and protection, and to do everything possible to raise your defenses.
Below are just a few of the tests and studies available:!divAbstract
Coronavirus Infections-More Than Just the Common Cold. Jama. 2020.
2. Gong SR, Bao LL. The battle against SARS and MERS coronaviruses: Reservoirs and Animal Models. Animal models and experimental medicine. 2018;1(2):125-33.
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5. Hutchison LWaC. 80% of population could become infected by coronavirus: BBC News; 2020 [Available from:
6. Higgins-Dunn BLJaN. WHO says coronavirus death rate is 3.4% globally, higher than previously thought: CNBC News; 2020 [Available from:
7. Leung H. A 36-Year-Old Man Is the Youngest Fatality of the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak So Far. Time. 2020.
8. Pandemic risk: how large are the expected losses? [press release]. Geneva Switzerland2020.
9. WHO. Pandemic influenza: an evolving challenge [Internet]. 2018 [updated 2018 May 22. Available from:
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13. Xu R-H, He J-F, Evans MR, Peng G-W, Field HE, Yu D-W, et al. Epidemiologic clues to SARS origin in China. Emerging infectious diseases. 2004;10(6):1030-7.
14. Bhatia PK, Sethi P, Gupta N, Biyani G. Middle East respiratory syndrome: A new global threat. Indian journal of anaesthesia. 2016;60(2):85-8.
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18. Marc Rondy EK, Hanne-Dorthe Emborg, Alin Gherasim, Richard Pebody, Ramona Trebbien, Francisco Pozo et al. Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness: combined results from five European studies. Eurosurveillance. 2018 Mar 01;Volume 23(9).
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22. Demicheli V, Jefferson T, Ferroni E, Rivetti A, Di Pietrantonj C. Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;2:CD001269.
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