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WARNING NOTICE: To include but not limited to Conspiracy to Defraud with Fraudulently Operating XCP Bank without a license and using The State of SCNRFP Seal without authorization to promote his fraud and did generate fraudulent documents and materials. Is not licensed, is not a citizen or dual citizen, is not incorporated, holds no posit
WARNING NOTICE: To include but not limited to Conspiracy to Defraud with Fraudulently Operating XCP Bank without a license and using The State of SCNRFP Seal without authorization to promote his fraud and did generate fraudulent documents and materials. Is not licensed, is not a citizen or dual citizen, is not incorporated, holds no position, no appointment, is not authorized to represent the State of SCNRFP. They have been found to be operating in several other countries from their operations in Dubai, UK, Australia, U.S., Central and South America, Europe, and in concert with others having their operation in other countries globally, as well. However, their main Administration Office is where the Bad Actor Mark Harris resides and is the hub of his fraud and a number of illegal activities with this criminal enterprise XCP is XIRIK Commercial and Private Bank, Administrative Office: GT Building, Al Garhoud Airport Road, Dubai, UAE. They are using a number of bank accounts to carry out their scheme, it has been reported that they are attempting to use hacked funds. XCP is in concert with WEIT Bank Kevin Williams. WEIT is not a licensed bank and has no other affiliation with the government of the State of SCNRFP.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 09 DEC 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 08 April 2023 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Major General Smedley Butler "War is a Racket"
General Smedley Butler - War is a Racket - Forgotten History
War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 short book by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor ...
War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 short book by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. Based on his career military experience, Butler discusses how business interests commercially benefit from warfare. He had been appointed commanding officer of the Gendarmerie during the 1915–1934 United States occupation of Haiti.
After Butler retired from the US Marine Corps in October 1931, he made a nationwide tour in the early 1930s giving his speech "War Is a Racket". The speech was so well received that he wrote a longer version as a short book published in 1935. His work was condensed in Reader's Digest as a book supplement, which helped popularize his message. In an introduction to the Reader's Digest version, Lowell Thomas praised Butler's "moral as well as physical courage".[2] Thomas had written Smedley Butler's oral autobiography.
According to the HathiTrust online library, the book published in 1935 is in the public domain. A scanned copy of the original 1935 printing is available for download, in part or in whole, on the HathiTrust website, along with a detailed description of the copyrights.[3]
In War Is a Racket, Butler points to a variety of examples, mostly from World War I, where industrialists, whose operations were subsidized by public funding, were able to generate substantial profits, making money from mass human suffering.
The work is divided into five chapters:
War is a racket
Who makes the profits?
Who pays the bills?
How to smash this racket!
To hell with war!
It contains this summary:
War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
Butler confesses that during his decades of service in the United States Marine Corps:
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
In the booklet's penultimate chapter, Butler recommended three steps to disrupt the war racket:
Making war unprofitable. Butler suggests that the means for war should be "conscripted" before those who would fight the war:
It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital and industry and labour before the nation's manhood can be conscripted. […] Let the officers and the directors and the high-powered executives of our armament factories and our steel companies and our munitions makers and our ship-builders and our airplane builders and the manufacturers of all other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers and the speculators, be conscripted — to get $30 a month, the same wage as the lads in the trenches get.
Acts of war to be decided by those who fight it. He also suggests a limited referendum to determine if the war is to be fought. Eligible to vote would be those who risk death on the front lines.
Limitation of militaries to self-defense. For the United States, Butler recommends that the Navy be limited, by law, to operating within 200 miles of the coastline, and the Army restricted to the territorial limits of the country, ensuring that war, if fought, can never be one of aggression.
See also
Arms industry
Military–industrial complex
Perpetual war
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Major General Smedley Butler "War is a Racket" Book
America’s Most Decorated General
By Smedley D. Butler
Introduction By Adam Parfrey
Feral House
Originally printed in 1935, War Is a Racket is General Smedley Butler’s frank speech describing his role as a soldier as nothing more than serving as a puppet for big-business interests. In addition to photos from the notorious 1932 anti-war book The Horror of It by Frederick A. Barber, this book includes two never-before-published anti-interventionist essays by General Butler. The introduction discusses why General Butler went against the corporate war machine and how he exposed a fascist coup d’etat plot against President Franklin Roosevelt. Widely appreciated and referenced by left- and right-wingers alike, this is an extraordinary argument against war – more relevant now than ever.
“More timely than ever.”
— Ed Rampell, LA Alternative Press
“Butler is scathing in his description of how the U.S. government wasted the lives of those soldiers who died but also of those who survived… A stunning condemnation of U.S. militarism and it ends with a demand that rings true down to today – ‘To hell with war.’”
— Ashley Smith, Socialist Worker
“America had seen its own attempt at a Fascist coup. Why, then, is this incident in U.S. history not better known? Why don’t children learn in school about the plot to seize the United States government?… The time has obviously come for Smedley Butler to have his moment in the sun. Butler’s attack on the military-industrial complex does more than expose war for the racket it is: It also gives the antiwar movement unmatched credibility.”
— Ken Mondschein, corporatemofo.com
“There is little likelihood one will encounter a putdown and discounting of armed service, while questioning the reason for it, by a top experienced commander, anywhere within a light year of Marine General Smedley D. Butler’s WAR IS A RACKET. And there is utterly nothing comparable to the grim anthology of photographs devoted to the unspeakable hideousness of the bloody gore of modern – since Napoleonic times – warfare, THE HORROR OF IT. The American public recoiled from these two works when they were published, in close sequence, two generations ago… We can hope that this dual masterpiece at hand, in quite a different context, does a better job of reducing the level of ignorance.”
— James J. Martin
7 x 10 | 120 Pages | Illustrated | ISBN: 0922915865
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940), nicknamed the "Maverick Marine",[1] was a senior United States Marine Corps officer who fought in the Philippine–American War, the Boxer Rebellion, the Mexican Revolution and World War I. During his 34-year career as a Marine, he participated in military actions in the Philippines, China, Central America, the Caribbean during the Banana Wars, and France in World War I. Butler was, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history. By the end of his career, Butler had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to receive the Medal of Honor twice, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal (along with Wendell Neville and David Porter) and the Medal of Honor, and the only Marine to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.
In 1933, he became involved in a controversy known as the Business Plot, when he told a congressional committee that a group of wealthy industrialists were planning a military coup to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt, with Butler selected to lead a march of veterans to become dictator, similar to fascist regimes at that time. The individuals involved all denied the existence of a plot, and the media ridiculed the allegations, but a final report by a special House of Representatives Committee confirmed some of Butler's testimony.
Butler later became an outspoken critic of American wars and their consequences. In 1935, Butler wrote a book titled War Is a Racket, where he describes and criticizes the workings of the United States in its foreign actions and wars, such as those in which he had been involved, including large American corporations and other imperialist motivations behind U.S. wars (thus predating US President Dwight Eisenhower's "military-industrial complex" speech by at least 25 years). After retiring from service, he became a popular advocate, speaking at meetings organized by veterans, pacifists, and church groups in the 1930s.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 10 April 2023 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: NATO VS BRICS
Talking Leaves Press Reported By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 12 November 2023 Report https://youtu.be/V3nVBTTTsCA
While NATO is a military alliance, BRICS is not. BRICS refers to emerging countries with rapidly growing economies. Therefore, NATO and BRICS are fundamentally different. However, recently, BRICS leaders have been holding summit meetings online. Because two of the member countries, China and Russia, are hostile to the United States, they are trying to strengthen cooperation among the BRICS countries.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 11 April 2023 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Industrial Complex
Awaiting Post
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 10 April 2023 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Industrial Complex
Truth Killers: The Corporate Media and the Military-Industrial Complex
The Politico-Media Complex Is More Dangerous Than The Military-Industrial Complex
Poverty industrial complex
We’ve Been Played By The Political Industrial Complex
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 April 2023 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: GA. Guidestones - Stonehenge
Nobody Knows How to Interpret This Doomsday Stonehenge in Georgia. We know where they are and what they say, but everything else is all hotly debated
Contributor Rose Eveleth
Smithsonian Magazine
In Elbert County, Georgia there’s a set of stones called the Georgia Guidestones. They were put there in 1979, with a set of ten guidelines, in eight modern languages and four dead ones, carved onto the slabs. But that’s pretty much all anybody can agree on about them, as Jill Neimark writes this week at Discover Magazine. How to interpret the guidelines, who put the stone there, and what people should do about them are all hotly debated.
On the stones are ten instructions:
Brad Meltzer's Decoded: Georgia Stonehenge Has Apocalyptic Powers (S1, E10) | Full Episode | History
The Georgia Guidestones was a granite monument that stood in Elbert County, Georgia, United States, from 1980 to 2022. It was 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall and made from six granite slabs weighing a total of 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg). The structure was sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge". The monument's creators believed that there was going to be an upcoming social, nuclear, or economic calamity and they wanted the monument to serve as a guide for humanity in the world which would exist after it. Controversial from its time of construction, it ultimately became the subject of conspiracy theories which alleged that it was connected to Satanism.
Inscriptions as laid out on the Guidestones
A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles was engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages were English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian. The languages were chosen because they represented most of humanity, except for Hebrew, which was chosen because of its connections to Judaism and Christianity. According to the monument's sponsors, the inscriptions are meant to guide humanity to conserve nature after a nuclear war, which the creators thought was an imminent threat. The inscriptions dealt with four main themes: "governance and the establishment of a world government, population and reproduction control, the environment and humankind's relationship to nature, and spirituality."
The inscription read:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
Explanatory tablet
An explanatory tablet was set alongside the stones
A few feet to the west of the monument, an additional granite ledger had been set level with the ground. This tablet identified the structure and the languages used on it and listed various facts about the size, weight, and astronomical features of the stones, the date it was installed, and the sponsors of the project. It referred to a time capsule buried under the tablet, but blank spaces on the stone intended for filling in the dates on which the capsule was buried and was to be opened had not been inscribed, so it was uncertain if the time capsule was ever actually put in place. During the removal of the monument in July 2022, county officials dug six feet down underneath this tablet to check for a time capsule, but found nothing.
The text of the explanatory tablet was somewhat inconsistent with respect to punctuation and misspelled the word "pseudonym". The original spelling, punctuation, and line breaks in the text have been preserved in the transcription (letter case is not). At the top center of the tablet was written:
The Georgia Guidestones
Center cluster erected March 22, 1980
Immediately below this was the outline of a square, inside which was written:
Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason
Around the edges of the square were written translations to four ancient languages, one per edge. Starting from the top and proceeding clockwise, they were: Babylonian (in cuneiform script), Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Ancient Egyptian (in hieroglyphs).
The guidestones' "Astronomic features"
Undated instructions for the site's time capsule
On the left side of the tablet was a column of text (metric conversion added):
Astronomic features
1. Channel through stone
indicates celestial pole
2. Horizontal slot indicates
annual travel of sun
3. Sunbeam through capstone
marks noontime throughout
the year
Author: R.C. Christian
(a pseudonyn) [sic]
Sponsors: A small group
of Americans who seek
the Age of Reason
Time Capsule
Placed six feet [1.83 m] below this spot
To be opened on
The words appeared as shown under the time capsule heading; no dates were engraved.
Physical data
On the right side of the tablet was a column of text (metric conversions added):
Physical Data
1. OVERALL HEIGHT – 19 FEET 3 INCHES [5.87 m].
2. TOTAL WEIGHT – 237,746 POUNDS [107,840 kg].
AN AVERAGE OF 42,437 POUNDS [19,249 kg].
INCHES [4.98 m] HIGH, WEIGHS 20,957
POUNDS [9,506 kg].
5. CAPSTONE IS 9-FEET, 8-INCHES [2.95 m]
LONG, 6-FEET, 6-INCHES [1.98 m] WIDE;
24,832 POUNDS [11,264 kg].
4 INCHES [2.24 m] LONG 2-FEET [0.61 m] WIDE.
POUNDS [2,211 kg].
2½ INCHES [1.28 m] LONG, 2-FEET, 2-INCHES [0.66 m]
WIDE, 1-FOOT, 7-INCHES [0.48 m] THICK.
WEIGHT 2,707 POUNDS [1,228 kg].
8. 951 CUBIC FEET [26.9 m³] GRANITE.
Guidestone languages
Below the two columns of text were written the caption "GUIDESTONE LANGUAGES", with a diagram of the granite slab layout beneath it. The names of eight modern languages were inscribed along the long edges of the projecting rectangles, one per edge. Starting from due north and moving clockwise around so that the upper edge of the northeast rectangle was listed first, they were English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. At the bottom center of the tablet was the text:
Additional information available at Elberton Granite Museum & Exhibit
College Avenue
Elberton, Georgia
Astronomical features
The four outer stones were oriented to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle. The center column featured a hole drilled at an angle from one side to the other, through which the North Star could be seen. The same pillar had a slot carved through it which was aligned with the Sun's solstices and equinoxes. A 7⁄8-in (22 mm) aperture in the capstone allowed a ray of sun to pass through at noon each day, shining a beam on the center stone indicating the day of the year. University of Georgia Astronomer Loris Magnani referred to these features as "mediocre at best" and sees them as "an abacus compared to Stonehenge’s computer".
When commissioning the guidestones, Christian described them as a guide for future generations to manage limited resources, potentially in the face of nuclear war. Yoko Ono said the inscribed messages were "a stirring call to rational thinking".
However, the guidestones' inscriptions have also been accused of promoting eugenics and genocide.
Conspiracy theories
The guidestones became a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists. Wired stated that unspecified opponents have labeled them the "Ten Commandments of the Antichrist". Some conservative Christians have called the monument Satanic.
Right-wing activist Mark Dice demanded that the guidestones should "be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble should be used for a construction project", claiming that the guidestones are of "a deep Satanic origin", and that R. C. Christian belongs to "a Luciferian secret society" related to the New World Order. At the unveiling of the monument, a local minister proclaimed that he believed that the monument was "for sun worshipers, for cult worship and for devil worship".
Conspiracy theorist Jay Weidner has said that the pseudonym of the man who commissioned the stones – "R. C. Christian" – resembles Rose Cross Christian, or Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of the Rosicrucian Order. Others who agree with Weidner point to the Rosicrucian’s first manifesto written in 1614, which states “The word R.C. should be their seal, mark and character”. They also see similarities between the writing on the capstone, and the title of (Rosicrucian) Thomas Paine’s “The Age of Reason”.
See also
Stonehenge replicas and derivatives
America's Stonehenge
Tablets of Stone
Footage of the bombing of the Georgia Guidestones monument (July 6, 2022).
On July 6, 2022, an explosive device was detonated at the site, destroying the Swahili/Hindi language slab and causing significant damage to the capstone. Nearby residents reportedly heard and felt explosions at around 4:00 a.m. CCTV footage recorded a vehicle leaving the scene and police investigated the incident. The remaining stones were dismantled by authorities for safety reasons later in the day with a backhoe, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). The Elberton Star reported that digging showed no evidence that there was ever a time capsule located beneath the Georgia Guidestones.
The Elbert County Sheriff's Office investigated the bombing, with assistance from the GBI. On the evening of the bombing, the GBI released a video showing both the explosion, and a vehicle of interest leaving the scene shortly before. No motive has been publicly shared, and no suspects publicly identified. On July 14, 2022, and again on July 25, 2022, the GBI gave an update, with no significant progress on the case being made since the bombing. The guidestones were maintained by the county, and as such, were considered a public building, thus their destruction would carry a minimum sentence of 20 years in prison.
In late July 2022, Elberton Mayor Daniel Graves said the town planned to rebuild the monument exactly as it was, adding "We're just getting geared up and excited about rebuilding them. It's going to happen. It may take us six months to a year to do it, but we are going to do it." On August 8, 2022, the Elberton city council voted to begin legal proceedings to return the five acres of land the monument had been built on to its previous owner, a local farm. The city council announced that the remains of the monument, which had been moved to a third-party location for safety reasons, would be given to the Elberton Granite Association. Both the Elberton Granite Association and the Elberton city council expressed doubt that the guidestones would be rebuilt, but expressed hope that one day it could happen.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 April 2023 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Kindred Spirit
THE YEAR 1847 WAS AN extremely difficult one for the Irish people. Known as “Black 47,” this was the worst year of the famine in Ireland, where close to one million people were starving to death. Humanitarian aid came from around the world, but the unexpected generosity of the Choctaw Nation stands out, and began a bond between the two people that continues to this day.
The Choctaw Native Americans raised $170 of their own money—equivalent to thousands of dollars today— in aid to supply food for the starving Irish. This exemplifies the incredible generosity of the Choctaw people, because just 16 years before, they were forced by U.S. President Andrew Jackson to leave their ancestral lands and march 500 miles on the “Trail of Tears,” in terrible winter conditions. Many did not survive.
Today, the Irish people are still grateful for the generosity of the Choctaw people. A monument stands in Midleton’s Bailick Park as a tribute to the tribe’s charity during the Great Famine. Named “Kindred Spirits,” the magnificent memorial features nine giant stainless steel feathers, shaped into an empty bowl.
The creator, artist Alex Pentak, explained, “I wanted to show the courage, fragility and humanity that they displayed in my work.”
Beyond the monument, there are many other examples of the continued link between the Irish and Choctaw people. In 1990, several Choctaw leaders took part in the first annual Famine walk at Doolough in County Mayo; two years later, Irish commemoration leaders walked the 500 mile length of the Trail of Tears. A former Irish president is now an honorary Choctaw Chief. Most importantly, both Choctaw and Irish people now work together to provide assistance for people suffering from famine worldwide.
Kindred Spirits is a large stainless steel outdoor sculpture in Bailick Park in Midleton, County Cork, Ireland.
Kindred Spirits commemorates the 1847 donation by the Native American Choctaw People to Irish famine relief during the Great Hunger, despite the Choctaw themselves living in hardship and poverty and having recently endured the Trail of Tears. While records of the exact amount of the donation vary, the figure usually given is US$170 (about $4,900 in 2021 inflation-adjusted dollars, though some methods indicate it could have been as high as $20,000 in 2015 dollars).[note 1] In the U.S. coinage of the time, U.S.$170 meant 8.22 troy ounces of physical gold, or about US$14,000 in 2020 prices.[citation needed]
The sculpture consists of nine 20-foot (6.1 m) stainless steel eagle feathers arranged in a circle, no two feathers being identical, forming a bowl shape to represent a gift of a bowl of food. It was created by Alex Pentek at the Sculpture Factory in Cork, Ireland, with assistance from students of the Crawford College of Art and Design, and installed in Bailick Park in 2015. The memorial was commissioned by Midleton Town Council and was officially unveiled and dedicated in June 2017 by Chief Gary Batton, Chief of the Choctaw Nation, Assistant Chief Jack Austin Jr., and Councillor Seamus McGrath, County Mayor of Cork, accompanied by a 20-strong delegation from the Choctaw Nation.
This is why your DNA may show incorrect https://youtu.be/aGQbBnC1Rvc
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 22 April 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Officeshore Services Under International Diplomacy Agreements within our Sovereign Jurisdictions Foreign Territories, and Foreign Diplomatic Offices. See Attachments to follow:
See Attachments to follow:
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 07 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Nomad Capitalist.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 07 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Banks to Seize Your Money and Limit How Much You Can SAVE! This is John Williams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxxnsk2X32Y
Talking Leaves Press
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 30 March 2022Interview with the State of SCNRFPStory Line: State of SCNRFP New and Renewal Notification 2022:
State of SCNRFP New and Renewal Notification 2022 V2 (pdf)
DownloadTalking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: So Much For UN Peace Loving States Requirement
About UN Membership How does a country become a Member of the United Nations? Membership in the Organization, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, “is open to all peace-loving States that accept the obligations contained in the United Nations Charter and, in the judgment of the Organization, are able to carry out these obligations”. States are admitted to membership in the United Nations by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
Would you be willing to fight for your country? - Gallup survey
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: How does a new State or Government obtain recognition by the United Nations?
The recognition of a new State or Government is an act that only other States and Governments may grant or withhold. It generally implies readiness to assume diplomatic relations.
The United Nations is neither a State nor a Government, and therefore does not possess any authority to recognize either a State or a Government. As an organization of independent States, it may admit a new State to its membership or accept the credentials of the representatives of a new Government.
The procedure is briefly as follows: The State submits an application to the Secretary-General and a letter formally stating that it accepts the obligations under the Charter. The Security Council considers the application. Any recommendation for admission must receive the affirmative votes of 9 of the 15 members of the Council, provided that none of its five permanent members — China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America — have voted against the application. If the Council recommends admission, the recommendation is presented to the General Assembly for consideration. A two-thirds majority vote is necessary in the Assembly for admission of a new State. Membership becomes effective the date the resolution for admission is adopted. At each session, the General Assembly considers the credentials of all representatives of Member States participating in that session. During such consideration, which routinely takes place first in the nine-member Credentials Committee but can also arise at other times, the issue can be raised whether a particular representative has been accredited by the Government actually in power. This issue is ultimately decided by a majority vote in the Assembly. It should be noted that the normal change of Governments, as through a democratic election, does not raise any issues concerning the credentials of the representative of the State concerned.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 08 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: "Col. Richard Black: U.S. Leading World to Nuclear War" See Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcp0TYx_eUI&authuser=0
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 08 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Russian President Putin Statement on Ukraine See Video link: https://www.c-span.org/video/?518097-2/russian-president-putin-recognizes-independence-donetsk-luhansk-ukraines-donbas-region
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Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: American Imperialism - Iran, Vietnam, Chile: Stephen Kinzer on Overthrow Part 2
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Scahill on the Russia-Ukraine War, the Media, Propaganda, and Accountability
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Vladimir Pozner: How the United States Created Vladimir Putin
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Will negotiations stop Russia from invading Ukraine?
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Why The United States Isn't A True Democracy
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 124May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: What is a True Democracy? And why do we not practice it?
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: American Imperialism: Crash Course US History #28
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: 10 World Leaders Assassinated By The US Government
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Noam Chomsky: US is world's biggest terrorist
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Noam Chomsky: Noam Chomsky: The USA is a mafia | with Fatima Bhutto
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 14 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Contending with the American Empire
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Colonel Douglas Macgregor DEBUNKS Ukraine
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: ‘Ukrainians Can’t Assert Victory When Battle Still Underway in Kyiv’, Says GD Bakshi on Day 5 of War
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: 'West Is Prolonging Ukraine's Agony', says Maj Gen GD Bakshi On Deteriorating Situation In Ukraine
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Ukraine-Russia War: Maj Gen GD Bakshi Decodes Entire Conflict Via Map As Crisis In Kyiv Deepens
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Sen. Cruz: Biden believes Russia will win
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: The Changing World Order Has Just Begun | How To Prepare
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: The Next Global Superpowers Are Racing For Future World Domination
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Russian-led CSTO alliance meets in Moscow | DW News
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Top 15 Countries By GDP (1600-2019)
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Top 15 Countries By GDP (1600-2019)
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Top 20 Country GDP (PPP) History & Projection (1800-2040)
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: World Leaders Consider Boycotting Summit Of The Americas
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Bitcoin news :El Salvador's president instructs 'boomer' US senators
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Bitcoin news :El Salvador leader tells ‘boomer’ US senators to stand down over bitcoin adoption
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Bitcoin news :Gravitas: G20 meeting: Western countries to stage walkouts
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Pakistan declines invitation to Summit for Democracy by US | China, Russia not invited to summit
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Caribbean Community countries reject exclusion at the Americas summit
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: You Won't Believe what Antony Blinken said about China.
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Why the Solomon Islands Chose China (You Won't Believe What Australia Did)
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: The president of Guatemala ordered Usaid to leave the country
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 19 May 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: "We need a new world order"
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Pres. Nicolas Maduro regrets that the U.S. Empire wants to divide the region
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Kim Iversen: China, Russia Declare A NEW WORLD ORDER In Released Joint Statement
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Historian Alfred McCoy Predicts the U.S. Empire is Collapsing as China’s Power Grows
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Are we seeing a new world order?
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: He's EXPOSING the truth in Ukraine, and they don't like it | Redacted Conversation w Larry Johnson
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Here's Who REALLY Won the War in Afghanistan
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: It's ALL starting to fall apart in Ukraine, and they can't stop it | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: END OF THE ROAD: How Money Became Worthless | FULL DOCUMENTARY | Financial Systems, Govt Control
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Confronting An Economic Hitman on Our Death Economy | John Perkins Ep. 416
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: The Real Reason America is Scared of China Global Expansion
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Gravitas Live with Palki Sharma: Taiwan braces for Chinese invasion | After Ukraine, is Taiwan next?
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Joe Biden Tries To Dictate Terms To India Amid Russia-Ukraine War | The Debate With Arnab Goswami
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Eminent American Economist Jeffrey Sachs Exposes The Truth About How The West Is Keeping Africa Poor
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Here’s What Happens If China Invades Taiwan
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Why Asia Pacific Chose China (You Won't Believe What America Did)
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Can the Chinese Yuan Replace the US Dollar?
Talking Leaves Press Interview By: E-lu-we-l Hna-dv-ga O-s-dv 05 June 2022 Interview with the State of SCNRFP Story Line: Oh great, we're gonna starve.
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